Why Am I So Blue During The Monsoon Season?

             Written by: Mantasha

Feeling down or "blue" during the monsoon can be puzzling when the season is typically associated with rain and no outdoor activities. However, several factors can contribute to this mood shift:

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Reduced exposure to sunlight can lower serotonin levels, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate mood, leading to feelings of sadness.

Lack Of Sunlight

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Spending more time indoors due to rain can lead to feelings of isolation and cabin fever.

Increased Indoor Time

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The rainy season can disrupt daily routines and outdoor activities, leading to boredom and frustration.

Disrupted Routines

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High humidity and damp conditions can cause physical discomfort and exacerbate health issues, which can negatively impact mood.

Humidity & Health Issues

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Some people experience a reverse form of SAD, feeling depressed during rainy months instead of winter.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

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Understanding these factors can help you manage your mood during the monsoon season and take steps to stay positive and active.

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