Why Is Taking a Flu Vaccine Every Year Important?

             Written by: Dr. Nitika Makhija

Flu is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses. Symptoms include fever, cough, and body aches.

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The flu virus changes frequently, which means last year’s vaccine won’t necessarily protect you from this year’s strains.

Here’s why it’s important to get vaccinated each year:

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The flu virus evolves constantly, and each year’s vaccine is formulated to target the most common strains expected during the flu season.

Updated Protection

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The vaccine can significantly reduce the severity of symptoms, making your illness milder and recovery faster.

Reduced Severity

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By getting vaccinated, you help protect those more vulnerable to severe flu complications, such as the elderly, young children, pregnant women.

Protection For Vulnerable Groups

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Annual flu vaccination helps prevent the spread of the flu within your community, reducing the overall number of infections and hospitalizations.

Preventing Spread

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