Why You Must Drink Water Stored In Clay Pot?

simran suri 

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Drinking water stored in clay pots has been a practice in many cultures for centuries, and there are several reasons why it's considered beneficial:

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Natural Cooling

Clay pots have natural porosity, allowing water to evaporate through the walls. This process cools the water inside the pot, making it refreshing especially in hot climates.

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Alkaline pH

Clay is alkaline in nature, and when water is stored in clay pots, it tends to absorb some of the minerals from the clay, leading to a slight increase in the pH level of the water.

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Photo Credit: Shuttersock 

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Natural Filtration

Clay pots can act as a natural filtration system. The porous nature of the clay allows water to pass through while trapping impurities and sediment, resulting in cleaner and fresher-tasting water.

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Photo Credit: Shuttersock 

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No Chemical Leaching

Unlike plastic containers, clay pots do not leach harmful chemicals into the water. This is particularly important for long-term storage, as plastic containers may release toxins over time. 

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Photo Credit: Shuttersock 

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Enhanced Taste

Many people find that water stored in clay pots has a more pleasant taste compared to water stored in other materials. The natural properties of clay can impart a subtle earthy flavor to the water. 

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Photo Credit: Freepik