World Animal Day: 6 Simple Tips To Care For Your Pets

             Written by: Deepa Sarkar

World Animal Day is celebrated on October 4th to raise awareness for animal welfare and show appreciation for the love and joy pets bring into our lives.

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Let's explore simple tips that will help you to keep them healthy & happy while strengthening your bond with them.

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Feeding your pets human food can lead to digestive issues. Avoid foods like raisins, chocolate, & avocados, which can be harmful to their health.

Avoid Giving Human Food

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Consult your vet for a deworming schedule. Parasites like roundworms can affect both your pets & your family, so regular treatment is crucial.

Regular Deworming

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Regularly inspect your pet for ticks, especially after outdoor walks. Tick bites can cause serious illnesses like Lyme disease. Take preventive measures recommended by your vet.

Check For Ticks

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Regular grooming helps prevent health issues like nail diseases & fur matting. Brush their teeth & fur, & trim their nails for overall well-being.

Grooming Is Essential

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Like humans, pets need regular exercise to stay healthy. Give them at least 30 minutes of playtime daily to prevent obesity and other health issues.

Ensure Daily Exercise

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Spending quality time with your pets prevents behavioral issues caused by separation anxiety. If you’re away, consider pet daycare or a pet sitter.

Avoid Separation Anxiety

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