When Should Your Child Get the Flu Vaccine?


Let’s Begin
-Flu or influenza is a viral respiratory infection, which occurs globally and spreads from one person to another.
-In India, flu spreads throughout the year with peaks in the monsoon season and winter.
-Children less than 5 years of age, those with weak immune system and long-standing disorders of the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys and diabetes are the most affected.
-The most common symptoms are cough, cold, fever, chills, muscle pains, headaches and usually last for 5-7 days.
-Flu can result in complications such as pneumonia, bronchitis, sinus and ear infections.
-Getting the Flu vaccine is the most effective way for preventing infections and severe complications

A Closer Look: Flu Vaccines for Children
The flu vaccine is essential for protecting children from flu or influenza. Understanding the optimal time to receive the flu shot is critical to ensure they are protected throughout the flu season.

In India, the flu season varies across different regions due to the diverse climate conditions. However, the monsoon season, typically from June to September, often coincides with a peak in flu cases. Therefore, it is recommended that children aged 6 months and older receive their annual flu shot before the onset of the monsoon season.

Ideally, vaccination should be done by the end of May to provide adequate protection before the flu season begins. This timing helps ensure that children develop immunity before they are most likely to be exposed to the flu virus.

For children who require two doses of the flu vaccine, such as those receiving it for the first time, the vaccination process should start even earlier. The two doses are given at least four weeks apart, so beginning the process in April can ensure full protection by the start of the monsoon season.

Children with certain health conditions, such as asthma, diabetes, or weakened immune systems, are at higher risk of severe complications from the flu. These children should be prioritized for early vaccination to reduce their risk.

Parents should also be aware that it takes about two weeks after vaccination for the body to develop antibodies and provide protection against the flu. Therefore, vaccinating early, ideally by the end of May, allows sufficient time for the immune system to build up protection before the flu becomes prevalent.

Discover why annual flu vaccines are essential in this informative article.

Flu Burden & How the Vaccine Helps?
-School-going children suffer more from flu and seek more medical care for it compared to healthy adults.
-They also play a pivotal role in the transmission of the flu virus infection to household and other close contacts.
-Timely vaccination of children not only reduces disease burden among them, but also among household and community members of all ages.
-This further helps to preserve health care capacity, especially when other viruses are co-circulating.

Key Takeaways
In summary, the right time for children in India to take the flu vaccine is ideally by the end of May, before the monsoon season begins. Starting the vaccination process in April is beneficial for children needing two doses or those at higher risk of complications. Timely flu vaccination can significantly reduce the risk of influenza-related illnesses and complications in children in India.

Talk to your pediatrician today for personalized advice on the flu vaccine and your child’s health.

FAQs on the Flu Vaccine

Q. What is the schedule of the Flu vaccines?
-6 months to 8 years of age: 2 doses of 0.5 ml, at an interval of at least 4 weeks, when given for the first time and subsequently one dose annually.
->8 years of age: 1 dose by intramuscular injection, annually.

Q. What is the cost of the flu vaccine?
According to a renewed pediatrician in Bangalore, on an average a flu vaccine might cost between Rs 2000 to Rs 2500.

Q. Are there any side-effects of the flu vaccine?
Some of the most common side-effects are redness, soreness, and swelling at the site of the injection. This is generally normal and subsidies after some time. If it does not, inform your child’s pediatrician immediately.

(The article is written by Monalisa Deka, Senior Health Content Editor and reviewed by Dr. Rajeev Sharma, Vice President (Medical Affairs))

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American Academy of Pediatrics. Recommendations for Prevention and Control of Influenza in Children, 2023–2024. Pediatrics. 2023;152(4). Available online: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.cdc.gov/flu/pdf/professionals/antivirals/peds.2023-063772.pdf

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