Tata 1mg offers cutting-edge at-home testing that not only provides accurate and timely diagnosis but also ensures that each patient feels supported, informed, and cared for throughout their journey towards recovery.
Pre & Post chemo tests
Doctors advise taking certain lab tests before and during chemotherapy.
These help them decide how fit the body is for treatment and how well the treatment is working. In
general, a couple of tests including a complete blood count, to check kidney and liver functions,
and various tests to rule out specific infections need to be conducted.
To help you avoid the hustle of booking multiple tests and focus better on your treatment, Tata 1mg
has curated two exclusive test packages after detailed discussions with cancer experts.
Why choose Tata 1mg labs?

These tests are not intended to be and should not be considered as a replacement for any Standard of Care screening tests.
The response of every individual to a particular treatment (or medical needs) may differ. Keep calm and stick to your doctor’s advice at all times.