Do you pop a painkiller as and when your back starts aching? If yes, then its time to sit up and take a notice.
Back pain is a common problem but out of all the types of back pains, lower backache is a common complaint in India. A surprising fact is that 9 in 10 patients do not know the exact cause behind it and wait to see a doctor until it becomes chronic.
Another fact here is that lower back pain is more common in females than in men. Yes, you heard it right. It is more common in women in the age of 35 and above.
So all the fairer sex out there, know the reason behind your back pain because you are the pillar of your family and backache will not only affect you but also your family.
In this article, we have divided the reasons behind lower back ache into 3 broader categories. They are:
A) Gynecological reasons
B) Structural reasons
C) Internal problems
D) Others
A) Gynecological reasons
1. Pregnancy
This is a big one and all you soon to be mums must be already facing it. Lower back pain can occur not only during pregnancy but also after that. The reasons behind it are:
i) As the weight increases during pregnancy, a pressure is put on the back muscles which causes strain. This leads to lower back pain.
ii) Change in posture as your bump grows is also another reason for your low back pain during this period.
“According to Dr. Aditi Kalra, Physiotherapist and Antenatal Instructor formerly at Apollo Cradle, adopting a wrong posture and gait during pregnancy is the most common cause of a low backache in women.”
iii) The sudden hormonal rush in your body during this time can make the ligaments in the pelvic area to soften, as a result of which the joints become looser leading to low back pain.
iv) Post-partum depression and increase in workload soon after pregnancy be at home or at the office is also another reason for the pain to occur.
2. Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Menstruation
Each month your body builds up endometrium which is a thick uterine lining to prepare for a fertilized egg. But if you do not conceive, the level of estrogen and progesterone declines. This sends a message to your body to break down and detach the thick lining from your uterus by contraction. As the uterus contracts, it puts pressure on the nearby blood vessels and cuts off blood and oxygen supply to the surrounding muscles. As a result of which you might face the irritating low back pain.
Although, lower back pain caused by contraction of the uterus isn’t dangerous as it’s a normal process that occurs in your body every month. But if you experience severe pain that affects your body functioning, it is better to see your gynecologist.
3. Endometriosis
Endometriosis is a condition in which the lining of the uterus extends outside the uterus and attaches to the ovaries, fallopian tubes, as well as the pelvic area. With change in hormones during the menstrual cycle, this extended lining breaks down and can cause pain in the lower back.
4. Ovarian cyst
Ovarian cysts are sacs filled with fluid and that develops in the ovaries. One of the most prominent symptoms of ovarian cyst is a dull ache in the lower pelvic area. This pain can transmit to the back area and can interfere with daily functioning.
5. Uterine fibroids
Uterine fibroids are hard tumors which are composed of fibrous tissue and smooth muscle. It can cause back pain as well as pelvic pain radiating to the lower back, hip, thighs, and buttocks by pressing upon spinal nerves that exit the spine in the lower back.
6. Hydrosalpinx
This is a condition in which the fallopian tubes become blocked with fluid inside and takes the shape of a sausage. This is a condition which threatens pregnancy in women. As a result of this certain patients might suffer from extreme pain in the pelvic area.
7. Ovarian cancer
Ovarian cancer is one of the fatal gynecological cancers because it remains silent for a long time. Ovarian cancer accounts for about 4% percent of all the cancers in women. And it is one of the most serious conditions which is associated with low back pain.
8. Uterine prolapse
This is a condition in which the muscles supporting the uterus becomes too weak and starts to prolapse. This may lead to back pain in some women.
9. Late pregnancy
With changing time, more and more women are now career-oriented and thus plans to conceive late. This might also be one of the causes of lower backaches.
Learn easy home remedies for back pain
B) Structural Reasons
1. Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD) or Herniated discs
DDD is not really a disease but a change that occur in your spinal discs. Spinal discs act as a cushion to your vertebrae that make up your spine and in case of DDD the discs either lose cushioning or slip through a crack of the spine which is known as Herniated discs. This can be really painful. This is a common cause of low back pain in women.
2. Sciatica
Due to a herniated disk pressing on the nerve, you might experience a sharp and a shooting pain that radiates through the lower back down the back of your leg. This condition is known as Sciatica. Do not delay and consult your doctor if you continue to feel this excruciating pain.
3. Osteoporosis
You won’t know if you are a victim of osteoporosis but one major symptom which can tell you that you are is- Severe back pain. This is because osteoporosis weakens the vertebrae and can give rise to troublesome pain in your lower back. So if you suffer from continuous low back pain, its time to see the doctor.
4. Spinal osteoarthritis
If you experience pain after exercising or doing any kind of physical work then wake up before it is too late as you might be the target of spinal osteoarthritis. In this condition, you will feel a kind of stiffness in your back and neck. This is because this form of osteoarthritis causes variations in your spine by putting pressure on the nerves. As a result of which you might feel a pricking pain in your buttocks, lower back or at the back of your thighs.
5. Spinal stenosis
Spinal stenosis is a condition in which the spinal canal holding the spinal nerves and spinal cord narrows. This narrowing puts tremendous pressure on the spinal cord and nerves, triggering pain which leads to pain in the back and legs especially in normal walking.
6. Spondylolisthesis
This is a condition in which one of the bones in your spine slips out of the place and moves forward over the bone below it. This may occur anywhere along the spine but is more common in the lower spine. In some people, spondylolisthesis causes no symptoms at all but for some, it might show symptoms of severe back pain.
7. Osteomyelitis
Osteomyelitis refers to an infection of the vertebral bones in the spine. The infection may be because of bacteria or fungal organisms, viruses, or can occur after a spinal procedure or surgery. In this condition, one may develop severe back pain with limited movements which hampers daily body functioning.
C) Internal Problems
1. Appendicitis
Appendicitis is a condition in which the appendix becomes inflamed which leads to pain in the lower right abdomen which radiates to the lower back area on the right side.
2. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
PID is an infection of the female reproductive organs (the fallopian tubes, uterus, ovaries, vagina, and cervix) and is usually caused by a STI. This is one of the main reason behind lower back pain in women.
3. Pancreatitis
Pancreatitis is another condition that causes lower back pain in women. This condition is associated with inflammation of the pancreas which is responsible for producing enzymes that are necessary for digesting food and hormones to regulate blood sugar. Lower back pain in women with pancreatitis typically worsens after consuming food.
4. Kidney disease
An infection in the kidneys can cause a lot of pain in the lower back, abdomen and groin. If these symptoms are accompanied by fever, frequent urination, or a burning sensation while urination, see a doctor urgently.
D) Others
1. Obesity
With a sedentary lifestyle, high-calorie diet, lack of exercise, hormonal imbalance or genetic factors, obesity is on the rise. And if you are an obese, extra stress is put on muscles and the discs in the backbone which leads to pain in the lower back.
2. Improper lifting of weights
Injuries to the muscles, tendons and ligaments in your low back area are common when there are sudden movements, poor posture, a sports injury or when heavy objects are lifted with an improper technique. The pain can be very severe.
3. Improper posture
Your lower back pain can also be the result of some everyday activity or poor posture. Some of the examples of improper posture can be:
- Sitting in a hunched position in office chairs in front of computers for a long time
- Bending awkwardly or Bending down for long periods
- Standing for long periods
- Pushing, pulling, lifting or carrying something heavy
- Over-stretching or twisting in gym
- Improper weight lifting
- Coughing or sneezing suddenly with a jerk
- Long driving every day
4. Kids
Surprised?? Yes, your cute little munchkins can also be the reason behind your low back pain. All you moms, how many times have you bent down to pick your kid and lift with your back? When you make only your lower back muscles work it can definitely cause some injury and pain.
5. Mommy duties
This is never ending! Being a mommy takes a heavy toll on your complete health like bending now and then and picking up stuff is one constant element. Whether you are bending to pick your kids toys, bending over dirty dishes to get them clean or running from one room to another in order to feed your child, all can strain the lower back.
6. Bad mattress
If you are getting eight hours of sleep a night as most doctors recommend, you will spend a third of your life sleeping. So is it not worth taking some time to think about what you’re sleeping on??
Yes, it is equally important to choose the right mattress as a bad mattress can cause and worsen existing back pain. But it takes a great deal in choosing the right mattress and most importantly replacing your mattress as and when needed. Your mattress should neither be too firm nor too soft. This is because if your mattress is soft and sinks it won’t keep your spine straight, leading to a greater risk of developing lower back pain. And if your mattress is too firm, it won’t give the lower back support when you’re lying on your back causing backache.
7. Stress
Stress is today’s main culprit behind all kinds of health problems. If you are continuously under stress it will affect your sleep, diet and lifestyle. Stress can make you inflexible by putting a strain on your body muscles making it tight. This can result in all sorts of body pain, especially low back pain.
8. Sleep disorder
Any kind of pain can lead to a sleepless night. But researchers have found that individuals with sleep disorders are more likely to experience low back pain. So try to have a good night sleep or consult your doctor to overcome sleep disorders and eventually back pain.
9. Lack of vitamin D in the diet
Recent studies indicate the importance of Vitamin D in keeping the bones healthy. But the diet followed by Indian women are generally low in vitamin D causing weaker bones and lower back aches. Also, today’s women tend to spend half of their time working indoors be at the office or at home, depleting them from vitamin D received naturally from the sun.
10. Smoking
Do you know that smokers are almost three times more likely to develop low back pain than nonsmokers? Yes, it’s true. Studies have said that the nicotine in cigarette smoke thickens the walls of the blood vessels. This restricts the flow of blood through the blood vessels of the lower back and increases the time to recover from an existing back pain.
So now when you know the reasons behind your lower back pain, do not neglect and consult a doctor if you are suffering from a long time or if it is severe.
Find out the precise reason for your lower back pain. Get started with the required treatment without delay. Take care!
Read more on home remedies for back pain.
So what is the reason behind your low backache? Leave your comments below.
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