/7 Best Home Remedies For Minor Burns
Home remedies for burns

7 Best Home Remedies For Minor Burns

Burns is one of the most common household injuries. Be it a minor burn or a severe burn, it is indeed unpleasant and painful. The common occurrence of burn is while cooking, baking or ironing, the most essential and daily routine work. For any kind of mild burn, one must be prepared with easy to home remedies for burns. Before getting on to what to apply on burns, let us understand the types of burns.

Types of burns

Burns can be characterized on the basis of the severity. Any burn occurred due to contact with hot objects or fluids, steam or sun exposure causes mild burn known as the first-degree burn. In these type of burn, only the outer layer of skin is affected causing mild pain, redness and swelling. Second-Degree burns affect the deeper layers of the skin and cause blisters, the skin of the affected area becomes white, wet, and shiny. The Third-degree burns involve damage to all layers of the skin, while fourth-degree burns may involve the joints and bones. First and second-degree burns covering less than three inches diameter of skin can be managed at home with home remedies for burns, while for the third- and fourth-degree burns, the patient should be rushed to the hospital.

Burns can be very painful and may cause:

  • Redness or peeling skin
  • Blisters
  • Swelling
  • White or charred skin

Home remedies for burns

The foremost objective for home remedies is to stop the stinging after a burn, prevent the skin damage and heal the burn faster. Mother Nature has always been a guardian and has provided us with the antidote to every injury. Here are some natural remedies that will make you aware of what to apply on burns.

1. Cold water and cool compress

Home remedies for burns

The first basic thing one should do after a minor burn is to run the burnt area under cool water or keep the hand dipped in cold water. Make sure the water is not iced water or very cold water as it will restrict the blood supply. You may also use cool compress or wet cool towel over the affected area in an interval of 5 to 15 minutes, which will help relieve pain and swelling. This is the easiest home remedies for burns on hand as it can be easily and readily kept under water.

2. Aloe Vera

Home remedies for burns

The pulpy, green Aloe Vera is a much-loved ingredient in medication and cosmetics is also known as “ burn plant”. The pulp of this plant is enriched by astringent and anti-inflammatory properties that are known to heal tissues. Use Aloe Vera gel, which is taken out directly from the leaf of the plant on the affected area to ease the severity of the burn and gradually heal the injury. A great home remedy for burns.

3. Coconut Oil

Home remedies for burns

Coconut oil has been used in cooking, and cosmetic purposes and much more. Because of its mildness on the skin, it can effectively heal superficial burns. Coconut oil is rich in Vitamin E and fatty acids, which gives it healing properties. Coconut oil is applied after the stinging has settled and the burn has started healing. The antioxidant and antifungal properties of it help heal it faster and lighten the burn scars over a period of time. You may add lemon juice to coconut oil and apply this on burnt area for lightning the burn scar.

4. Honey

Home remedies for burns

The sweet sin honey has more to it than just arresting our taste buds. It is a powerful disinfectant that arrests the infection of wounds. Honey has antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties helping shield the wound from infection as it heals. This makes it as an excellent home remedy to treat superficial burns.

5. Raw Potatoes

Home remedies for burns

Raw potatoes have soothing and anti-irritating properties which help alleviate the sting of the burn and suppress the ugly water-filled blisters that follow the burns. Raw potatoes are extremely soothing on the skin and reduce the harshness of superficial burns. Potatoes are also blessed with anti-inflammatory properties which helps reduce the chance of blisters to a great extent. Grate raw potato or grind raw potato into a paste and apply on the affected area. After sometime wash it off with cool water. The released juice from potato will heal the severity of the burn. These things readily available in your kitchen act as perfect home remedies for burns at hand, as getting minor burns at hand is the common occurrence among ladies.

6. Onion

Home remedies for burns

Onion is the common household staple in our kitchens. So, next time you get your hands on that hot pan, just grab an onion, slice it and release the juices onto the burnt portion of your skin. Again a great home remedy for burns on hand. Onions are rich in sulfur compounds and quercetin that can help heal the superficial burns and lower the chances of occurrence of blisters.

7. Vinegar

Home remedies for burns

Vinegar has got astringent and antiseptic properties help relieve the pain, itching and the inflammation of the burn. Just soak a cotton swab in diluted vinegar and apply on the affected area. You may use white vinegar or apple cider vinegar. But make sure you have diluted vinegar with water before applying on to burn.

All these easy to do home remedies for burns can help you relieve the discomfort of a burn and hasten its healing process. Any mild burn typically takes around a week or two to completely heal and usually don’t cause scarring.

In this world, full of advisers, beware of the following things that should not be applied to burns.

Things not to use on burns:

1.Butter, Oil

2.Petroleum Jelly

3.Egg whites


Use of butter, petroleum jelly traps the heat of the burn making it more vulnerable to infections whereas egg whites being uncooked can be a host for bacterial infection. Applying ice on burns can lead to cold burn instead of healing.

We all know that there is no escaping the might of fire. From wildfires to minor superficial burns, fires have always been a boon and a bane that we can never do without them. Thankfully, nature has provided us with easy and handy remedies to take care of burns and now, you know what to apply on burns. Try these remedies for superficial burns, in case of severe burns, it is always recommended that you consult a doctor immediately for the best treatment.


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