Eyes are often referred to as “mirrors of the soul”. Bright clear eyes are commonly considered as a reflection of good health. But watching television late at night, excessive use of electronic screens, spending too much time in the dark, consuming too much salt, allergies, hormonal imbalances like thyroid disorders and of course, lack of sleep can make your eyes puffy, swollen, gritty and dull.
Puffiness of eyes or swollen eyes commonly arises due to a collection of fluid or water in the loose fatty tissue under the eyes. Puffy eyes or bags under eyes lend a disturbing appearance to the face and are a cause of major concern especially from a cosmetic point of view for most people. Instead of rushing to your local doctor, here are some home remedies for eye swelling that will help you get rid of swollen eyes.
Stop wondering how to get rid of swollen eyes. Here are some quick home remedies for swollen eyes:
1. Don’t Trash Those Teabags
-Used tea bags are the number one fix for puffy eyes. Save your used tea bags and refrigerate them for 30 minutes. Place these chilled tea bags on closed eyelids, and leave them on for 10-15 minutes to reduce puffiness. It’s one of the best remedies to get rid of swollen eyes you will come across.
-Green tea bags are the best choice due to the anti-oxidants packed in green tea that help repair the skin. However, if you don’t have green tea, then regular tea bags will also do the trick.
-Stay away from the flavored variants as they may contain additives that may cause eye irritation.
2. Try Sliced Cucumbers
-Slices of cucumbers on the eyes are recommended as a staple treatment at beauty salons when asked how to reduce eye swelling. Cucumber helps to rehydrate the skin around the eye. Its astringent properties help to tighten the puffy skin around eyes and also helps to lighten any nasty dark circles.
-Simply cut a cucumber into a couple of thick slices and refrigerate them for 15 minutes. Place these chilled slices over closed eyelids for 10 minutes or until the cucumber slice is warm. You will realize that chilled cucumbers are one of the best home remedies for eye swelling.
3. Try Refreshing Rose Water
-Rose water is one of the most common ingredients in several beauty treatments since ages. It is one of the commonest home remedies for swollen eyes. It is enriched with several beneficial properties. Its cooling properties help to soothe irritated skin and eyes.
-Soak 2-3 cotton balls in rose water and place them on closed eyelids for 10-15 minutes. You will feel refreshed and swear by rose water as your go-to home remedies for swollen eyes.
4. Potato Eye Rest Pads
-Though this hack sounds surprising but owing to their anti-inflammatory properties, potatoes are a great answer when wondering how to reduce swollen eyes.
-Peel a potato, ensure you wash it thoroughly, and grate it. Tie this grated potato in a muslin cloth. Now, place this cloth on your eyelids for 10-15 mins for best results.
5. Try Chilled Inverted Spoons
-A cold spoon placed over the eye can work wonders in providing relief to tired eyes. Wash 2 spoons and place in the fridge for 30-40 minutes.
-Place the rounded part of the spoon over the eye, until the spoon is warm. Repeat this 3-4 times a day. You will thank us for suggesting such easy and effective home remedies for eye swelling.
6. Try Warm Salt Water
– Soak a cotton swab in warm water with salt and place it on the eyes for 10-15 minutes. This is the quickest possible home remedies for swollen eyes that you will ever see results with!
7. Try some Strawberry slices
– Strawberry slices too are effective home remedies for eye swelling because they are packed with anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory substances that reduce puffiness of tired eyes.
8. Get some Egg white
– Eggs are one miracle food that is helpful in just about every medical condition, including being home remedies for eye swelling. They can be placed on the puffy eyes for 15 minutes, twice a day to reduce grittiness and puffiness.
9. Go, Aloe
– Aloe Vera gel is rich in vitamin E and antioxidants. A generous application of the gel around the eyes improves blood circulation and reduces swelling around eyes. If you get an aloe vera plant at home, then you need not ever worry about how to reduce eye swelling!
If you are prone to puffy eyes, here are a few changes to make to your lifestyle to reduce the occurrence:
-Control your salt intake, excessive salt can lead to puffy eyes. Salt absorbs water, which is why it leads to facial and eye puffiness.
-Use a pillow that is higher than your current one as elevating the head can reduce puffiness and swelling.
-Do not rub your eyes vigorously as dirt from the fingers can irritate the eyes.
– Cut down on salt. Pickles and fried foods contain a substantial amount of salt. Packaged and preserved foods too are high in sodium and are best restricted to 1-2 times a week to avoid under eye puffiness. This will very likely end the constant question of how to get rid of swollen eyes.
– Sleeping on one side or on the abdomen leads to accumulation of fluid under eyes due to gravity. Hence, avoid sleeping sideways and on the abdomen. Try sleeping on the back as much as possible or shifting sides through the night.
– Splash cold water on face 2 to 3 times at regular intervals. This helps in decreasing the swelling around eyes. This is one of the easiest home remedies for eye swelling.
Home remedies usually help in reducing the puffiness of eyes in most cases. However, do not neglect when puffiness is accompanied by pain, eye discharge, disturbance of vision, persistent or worsening swelling. It may be an expression of an underlying serious disease condition that needs medical treatment. If they persist for longer than a week, ask your doctor how to get rid of swollen eyes.
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