/How To Stay Healthy This Winter Naturally
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How To Stay Healthy This Winter Naturally

How To Stay Healthy This Winter Naturally

A mixture of things makes it difficult to stay fit in the winters like the cold weather, too limited sunshine and bothersome flu viruses. Besides, the overcast conditions and lack of Sun can make you feel lethargic and snatch your zeal to do your regular day to day activities. With the dip in temperature, you may feel like slipping into that warm blanket than trying to stay active. So, we strongly feel the frosty weather is not the moment to let down your guard or to regress to odd dining habits or to have a limited physical workout. One should be active throughout the winter season and relish each cold day.

The only way you can get through this is to increase your resistance. As the temperature drops down, your body will be a gateway for the harmful flu viruses which can make you stay away from your professional and personal life.

Here are the energizing ways to stay healthy and happy in this winter. Follow our bits of advice, and I am sure you will be thankful to us to have great fun this season. Do you want to bet? Here you go!

Health and Wellness tips for winter:

1) Sanitize your hands for God sake:

Stay Healthy This Winter Naturally, winter health tips

  • What if I say a good sanitizer can kill enough germs than was hing your hands with soap and water? Believe it or not but it is true, and we strongly suggest you start using a sanitizer.
  • Wash your hands after you go to the bathroom before you eat, and anytime you get back from going somewhere public.
  • According to a study conducted, the families who carried sanitizer along with them and used accordingly had 59% fewer stomach bugs to that of nonusers. You know what to do now!
  • If you are not in access to the sanitizers, then make sure you are washing your hands for 20 seconds, using a mild hand wash or hand soap. Don’t waste too much water! Wash your hands on thin flow.

2) Vitamin D supplements:

Stay Healthy This Winter Naturally, winter health tips

  • Have you ever thought there is a connection between the Sun and your immunity? But there is indeed a connection, due to less sun exposure the Vitamin-D levels in your body will diminish, which will chuck immunity. Mind-blowing fact!
  • When your skin is exposed to sunlight, it produces a vitamin precursor which is then converted to Vit-D by liver and kidneys. This whole process needs enough Sunlight, and unfortunately, during winters we must manage Vit-D by supplementing.
  • Apart from supplements, you can also find Vit-D in milk, milk products yogurt etc. Fatty Fish can also help you in finding the vitamin-D. But unfortunately, only your physician can assist you in estimating the amount by performing a simple blood test. He is the only one who can suggest you the proper supplements which are suitable for your body needs.
  • Apart from Vit-D, you will also have to manage to take the other vitamin supplements.

3) Learn to stay Cosy:

Stay Healthy This Winter Naturally, winter health tips

  • Kids and elderly should be more careful in winters because, they are more prone to the illness, pertinently respiratory issues. As they are more prone to the health problems, they should stay as warm as possible during this season.
  • You should cover your head when you go outside, try not to avoid wearing hand gloves, scarf and cozy coat. You look cool though.
  • According to our climatic conditions, it is suitable for germs to cling to the apparels we wear. So, we must be cautious in the usage of winter wear by washing them on a regular basis and don’t share. Sharing is caring but not for the winter wear.
  • Keep your house as warm as possible, check with your service provider for heaters and other equipment. We must be ready from all directions to stay warm and cozy.

4) Eat wholesome and nutritious food:

Stay Healthy This Winter Naturally

  • You must be able to calculate the portions of your meal because a healthy piece of fruit and vegetables, protein can aid in cellular repair which is damaged due to winter chills.
  • You must be having a query in you on what to eat? All we can suggest you is to have a good which can supplement the adequate amount of healthy fats and oils such as fish, nuts, and avocados.
  • Quercetin is very good on boosting the immunity. So, try to have quercetin-rich foods like berries, grapes, broccoli, and tea to boost your immunity.
  • Vitamin C will also help you in boosting your immunity and having fruits, and vegetables which are rich in Vitamin-C will be helpful.

Stay in touch with your dietician, and he can help you a lot in choosing the diet plan based on your nutritional requirement. Eat-healthy, Stay-healthy!

5) Workout Strong:

Stay Healthy This Winter Naturally

  • Clinomania (excessive desire to stay in bed), is what you feel during winters. How to overcome this? The workout is the only option and if you do regular exercises try and plan something new every day. This change in plans might help you in boosting endorphins (mood enhancing hormone) and assist you in coming out of winter blues.
  • You should plan every day wisely and workout accordingly. There should be no excuse when you are training at home, and you should feel glad.
  • Excessive training can alter your immune system so plan your rest days as well (at least one day per week). Plan your week and do moderate workout sessions by not stressing your body too much. That’s it you are halfway down to win winter games.

6) Go for some Massage:

Stay Healthy This Winter Naturally

  • Massage therapy has significant effects on immune system, and they have shown their positive results in cancer patients as well. Now you might be thinking off to rub-down your body, right?
  • Somewhere a study was conducted on over five hundred people, upon rubbing down their body, the cortisol levels (stress-inducing hormone) eventually decreased by 53%. This shows that massage can reduce the pressure and studies suggest that a stress-free life will increase the immunity. That makes sense!
  • You can always go for the options, choose your partner or reach for professional assistance no matter what you will have your serotonin and dopamine levels will hit the deck to elevate your mood and in return assist you in increasing the immunity.

7) Natural Sugar, Refined sweetener or No sugar? Choose carefully:

Stay Healthy This Winter Naturally

  • It looks intake of less or no sugar will increase the immunity significantly. Planning your diet with fewer sugars or carbohydrates can help you stay fit and be ready for winter challenge.
  • Low Sugar diet can make you stay away from flu and cold, which is a fundamental thing anyone will expect during winters. Strive for concise sugars to have a sweet life.
  • Have a control over the sugar infused carbonated water and fruit drinks. It is better to replace your fun drinks with iced tea or freshly seasoned fruit’s juice without adding sugar, of course!
  • You might doubt us, that we are forcing you to have no sweets? But don’t worry, there is always an alternative in this universe. Replace them with natural sweeteners like honey, sugar cane juice or have fruit pieces. That is where you can have a sweet winter.

8) Sleep well to spend your next day well:

Stay Healthy This Winter Naturally

  • It is vital to have a full-eyed sleep every day, and when it comes to winter, it is mandatory.
  • The balance of the immune system is extremely important and less sleeping hours can put you at the doors of illness. A minimum of 8 hours you should hibernate yourself. By this, you will avoid physical activity and eventually, you can activate your inner-self.
  • Moreover, your food choices will be altered when you are deprived of sleep, can lead to other complications which are not at all good for you in winter.
  • Sleep well, avoid undesired food choices and stay away from being obese. Because in winters you will be at high-risk to gain weight. Eat-Sleep-workout-repeat.

9) Herbs you want to try this Winter:

Stay Healthy This Winter Naturally

  • Pungent herbs are the best in winters to protect you from running nose, and the herbs which are best in the market are rosemary, shallots, garlic, onions, cinnamon cloves, black pepper, ginger, fennel, anise, dill, and horseradish.
  • First, when you feel that you are about to hit with common cold, have an Indian soup in which ginger is boiled along with white ends of spring onions. Ahh! I know, even I can feel the taste of this recipe.
  • To have a better understanding of this soup! Boil ginger and onions for about ten minutes and have it a couple of times in a day. It gives you instant energy and dispels the common cold and wind. It is one of the best ways to keep yourself healthy.

10) Alcohol and Liqueur for winter chills:

Stay Healthy This Winter Naturally

  • You might be getting me wrong on encouraging alcohol, but know the line and not abusing alcohol can give you many benefits in winter.
  • Moderate consumption of alcohol can enliven the spleen, warm the gastrointestinal tract to expel cold & wind. Adding a glass of wine to your diet can help you in waring up your stomach which improves appetite and metabolism.
  • Alcohol will also improve blood circulation and keeps your body warm in winter and dispels fatigue and it is the best time to experience alcohol in moderation. It will reach almost every part of the body from head to toe.
  • Alcohol will not only add a good time with friends and family but also helps you in boosting your pleasure centric portions of the brain to make you feel happy. So, we must know our comfort zones with alcohol and should learn to have moderate amounts. If we start abusing, it will impair all our senses and leads to alterations. We don’t want that, right?

11) Do yoga and follow Ayurveda:

Stay Healthy in Winter Naturally

  • Yoga is being followed actively across the globe, and it has many added benefits physically and psychologically.
  • If you are not willing to have heavy training sessions, then yoga is for you. Try it, and you will surprise yourself in this season. You can thank us later.
  • What is the sister science of yoga? Yes, you guessed it right, it is Ayurveda. It highlights the positive lifestyle and customised behavioral patterns to emphasize health. You can find all the answers pertinent to your health in Ayurveda. Pursue Ayurvedic health tips for good health in the winter season, and you will notice a drastic change in your life.

12) The flu shot will be the best preventive step this season:

Stay Healthy in Winter Naturally

  • We all have learned about vaccination and getting a flu shot will have the same effect on the common cold. Yes, it is scary for some to pierce the needle and infuse the medication but think of the after effects or benefits.
  • I would say getting a flu shot is a social service. You might be wondering how? But indeed, it is, as we all know common cold is contagious and every day we physically get in touch with many people out of which, mostly we connect to our beloved ones. So, think of the people around you and bear the pain for few seconds and stay fit in this winter and let others live healthily.

Hope our compilation of winter health tips may keep you away from winter blues, but if you still face problems, kindly do not hesitate to reach out to the doctor for immediate assistance and get yourself treated accordingly. Because, you just cannot neglect your health, especially in this season. Doing the things as suggested should help you to keep your immune system secure and can assist you to avoid the winter doldrums.

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Prudhvi Raj is currently working as an International Business Manager, and a blog content writer with three International Publications on his name. He is a fitness enthusiast, movie freak and a music lover.