/Oil Clogs – Are Clogged Pores And Whiteheads Ruining your day?
Home remedies for whiteheads in hindi

Oil Clogs – Are Clogged Pores And Whiteheads Ruining your day?

Clogged pores are the root cause of whiteheads. Whiteheads, also called Milia, are formed when the pores in your face get clogged. Pollution, excessive sweating, oil secretions and dead skin cells all surround the pores and block the openings of the skin pores. The skin is unable to breathe due to these clogged pores or oil clogs.

What are Clogged pores/Whiteheads?

The trapped dust, debris and dead skin cells eventually get infected by the bacteria from the air that is around you or from the bacteria transferred to your face by touch, and start to decay, forming whiteheads. The clogged pores along with the infected debris get covered with a very fine layer of skin to form whiteheads. Whiteheads are not exposed to air and do not get oxidized, and do not turn into blackheads. Unlike blackheads, whiteheads are not painful and can be easily removed.

The key to getting rid of whiteheads is to keep facial pores clean and ensure there are no clogged pores. Wash your face at least twice a day to get rid of the dirt and grime that settles on your face. Be scrupulous about keeping your face clean and scrub once or twice a week to completely clean any clogged pores on your face. Here are some home remedies to keep the pesky whiteheads and oil clogs at bay.

1. Lemon juice

Oil Clogs - Are Clogged Pores And Whiteheads Ruining your day?

High in vitamin C, lemon juice is extremely beneficial for the skin. The vitamin C present in lemon juice is a powerful natural exfoliating agent that gently removes the outer layer of dead skin cells revealing fresh skin inside. Lemon juice has antibacterial properties that help get rid of the infection and the acidic content of the fruit helps to dry out the whiteheads and keeps them from spreading. The powerful antioxidant property of lemon juice helps to reduce blemishes, fade dark spots, and clean up the clogged pores making the skin clearer and more even-toned.

Cut a slice off a lemon and gently rub it on the area where there are visibly clogged pores or whiteheads, twice or thrice a week to get rid of oil clogs or clogged pores.

2. Oatmeal mask

Oil Clogs - Are Clogged Pores And Whiteheads Ruining your day?

Oatmeal is a natural exfoliating agent perfect for regular use on all kinds of skin types, especially oily skin. An oatmeal scrub made with yogurt gently sloughs off the top layer of the skin while removing clogged pores, whiteheads and nourishing the skin at the same time. Yogurt is very soothing for the skin and its combination with oatmeal serves as a great exfoliation agent for sensitive skin.

Make your own homemade exfoliant by mixing ground oatmeal and yogurt to form a smooth paste. Regular use of this paste helps to clean up the oil clogs, clogged pores and remove the whiteheads and bacteria from your skin.

3. Baking soda

Oil Clogs - Are Clogged Pores And Whiteheads Ruining your day?

If you have an oily face, oil clogs and clogged pores are inevitable. Typically during summer, when the skin sweats a lot, deposition of dirt and grime leads to an increase whiteheads in the oily zones of your face. Baking soda is highly effective in absorbing excess oil from your face.

Baking soda can sting a bit and the best way to use it is to use it in moderation. Initially, mix a bit of baking soda in a mild cleanser for face and use as you any other face wash. This helps the skin to adjust to the compound. Do not forget to moisturize your skin as baking soda can be quite drying. Use this not more than 2 times a week to get rid of all your clogged pores.

To use as a scrub, mix a bit of water and apply directly to the whitehead/clogged pore. Keep it on for a few minutes and rub very gently with fingertips. Rinse and moisturize well.

4. Tea tree oil

Oil Clogs - Are Clogged Pores And Whiteheads Ruining your day?

Tea tree oil is a well-known powerful natural astringent. Its anti-bacterial properties prevent the formation of infections that can happen when dirt and oil secretions linger on your face and enter the clogged pores to form whiteheads.

Dilute tea tree oil in a base oil, such as coconut or almond oil, and use it to cleanse your face. To clean your face with oil, take about a teaspoon of the mix on your palm and apply it on the face. Gently rub the oil in circular motions for a few minutes on the entire face. Rinse a clean towel in hot water, wring dry and wipe your face. Rinse the towel with hot water once again and gently wipe the face again to remove all traces of oil and dirt. Regular use of tea tree oil removes whiteheads and prevents the formation of new ones. Tea tree oil is an essential oil and care should be taken to use it only in diluted form, even when treating oil clogged pores.

5. Cornstarch and vinegar

Oil Clogs - Are Clogged Pores And Whiteheads Ruining your day?

Apple cider vinegar has a ph balance that is very close to the natural ph balance of our skin. This makes apple cider vinegar an ideal product for the very sensitive skin. A little apple cider vinegar mixed with cornstarch makes for an effective natural scrub for oily and sensitive skin. It gently cleans the clogged pores and leaves your skin smooth and soft. This paste is very mild and can be safely used by even those who have highly sensitive skin.

Oil Clogs - Are Clogged Pores And Whiteheads Ruining your day?

Cornstarch absorbs the oil while gently removing the dead skin cells from the face and vinegar naturally soothes and tones the skin and helps to get rid of the dirt and oil clogs. Diluted apple cider vinegar is used as a skin toner as it helps to close open skin’s clogged pores and soothes irritated skin.

6. Honey and sugar scrub

Oil Clogs - Are Clogged Pores And Whiteheads Ruining your day?

Scrubbing actively cleans the clogged pores of the skin and get rids of whiteheads. Honey is used to treat minor cuts and wounds, eczema, acne and is beneficial for a host of other skin issues. It is full of essential amino acids that work wonders for our skin. It is mild and rich at the same time. It has antiseptic, antibiotic and moisturizing properties that work like magic on the skin. Sugar is gentle on the skin and its granular texture makes it a perfect scrub.

To make a honey and sugar scrub to clean clogged pores, mix some honey and brown sugar in a jar and shake well. The sugar will not dissolve completely in the honey. Take this granular paste on your finger and gently scrub over the whiteheads. Massage for about two minutes and wash with cold water.

Use these excellent home remedies to achieve naturally glowing skin and say goodbye to oil clogs, clogged pores and whiteheads.

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