/Yoga For Sciatica : 15 Poses To Soothe Sciatica Nerve Pain

Yoga For Sciatica : 15 Poses To Soothe Sciatica Nerve Pain

Sciatica is a nerve pain caused by irritation of the Sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the human body, which starts at the spine base and runs right down through your back of thigh and calf muscles to your foot.  Pain can occur anywhere along the sciatic nerve route that is the lower back, buttock, back of the thigh, and/or calf or a radiating pain from back to the leg. It may also present with symptoms like fatigue, numbness, or loss of feeling in legs and/or feet.
Taking medications to treat your sciatica offers only short-term effects but it is always wise to invest in an easy and a long-term effective solution. Sciatica treatment at home is always what you should opt for, as sciatica pain may relapse back after full recovery. Knowing how to treat sciatica at home becomes must. Learning few simple yoga poses can help strengthen your back, improve your posture and prevent or eliminate sciatic pain.

Here are 15 most effective yoga poses for Sciatica that you can do anytime in order to get relief from the irritating radiating pain and is easy way of sciatica treatment at home.

1. Lotus Pose (Padmasana) –Yoga For Sciatica

∙•Sit straight and bend your right knee.
∙•Rest your right foot on the left thigh
∙•Make sure you place your heel on the hip bone
∙•Do the same with other foot with your back stretched
∙•Rest your wrists on your knees
∙•Exhale and inhale for 2 to 3 minutes in the same position.

Lotus pose is beneficial in stretching the ankles and knees along with providing relief the sciatic pain and menstrual cramps.

2. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)-

Yoga For Sciatica
∙•Lie down on your stomach.
∙•Place your palms on your shoulders.
∙•Inhale and lift your chest while pushing down with your palms.
∙•Your feet should remain in the position like their tops pressing the ground.
∙•Keep your gaze on your mat.

Cobra pose is beneficial in strengthening the spine, stretching the chest and abdomen. Strengthening of back helps soothe the irritated sciatic nerve.

3. Half Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana)-

Yoga For Sciatica
∙•Stand straight on your mat. Move your right foot backward so you are at a low lunge with your left leg.
∙•Bring right hand to your right hip and lift up your right foot.
∙•Straighten your right leg, balancing on the left leg with your left hand placed on the floor.
∙•Rotate your hip back and stack it on your left hip.
∙•Now extend your left hand towards the sky, stay in this position for 5 breaths.
∙•Repeat on the other side.

Along with treating sciatica, half moon pose is also beneficial in treating conditions like anxiety, indigestion, backache, osteoporosis and menstrual pain.

4. Bharadvaja’s Twist:

Yoga For Sciatica
∙•Sit on the mat with your legs bent at the knees, dropping them to your left
∙•Your right foot should place in position like top down, and within the arch of the right foot, place ankle of your left foot
∙•Rotate your torso 450 to your left
∙•Under your left knee, place your right hand by keeping your right arm straight.
∙•Release the legs after few moments and repeat the same with another side.

Bharadvaja’s asana is beneficial for spine and abdominal posture and is also treats the neck pain.

5. Bound Angle Pose (Baddha Konasana)- 

Yoga For Sciatica
∙•Sit on the mat with both your legs stretched forward.
∙•Bend your legs so that the soles of your feet meet.
∙•Grasp your legs at the ankles while making your knees touches the ground.
∙•Hold on to this position for few seconds.

This asana is effective in treating urinary disorders, sciatic pain and prevents a hernia. This asana is an effective remedy for people looking for sciatica treatment at home.

6. Dolphin Pose (Ardha Pincha Mayuasana)-

Yoga For Sciatica
∙•Stand straight on the mat and begin with getting down on your knees and hands
∙•Raise your spine and hips, making sure that your legs are straight
∙•Keep your shoulder over your elbows, and release your neck by moving shoulders away from your ears.
∙•Hold in the position for 4 to 6 breaths.

It improves blood circulation in the brain, which leads to the beneficial effect in the brain; along with strengthening your arms and legs it also reduces anxiety and depression.

7. Downward-Facing Dog
∙•Begin with getting down on your knees and hands.
∙•Lift your hips upwards and exhale while straightening your knees and elbows
∙•Press your head towards the ground while touching your ears with your inner arms
∙•Look towards your navel point and take deep breaths.
∙•Hold into this position for few moments.

It is beneficial in enhancing the blood circulation, reduces stress, and rejuvenates the body.

8. Eagle Pose (Garudasana):

Yoga For Sciatica
∙•Stand straight with your arm at your sides.
∙•Cross your left thigh over your right thigh while balancing on Sit your right food.
∙•Fix the top of your left foot behind your right calf.
∙•Now, bend your elbows, and wrap your hands and arms.
∙•Press your palms together (as much as you can).
∙•Lift your elbows upwards and raise your fingertips towards the ceiling.
∙•Look at the tips of your thumb and breathe evenly.
∙•Hold onto this position for one minute and repeat on another side.

Eagle pose is therapeutic pose for lower back pain and sciatic pain and helps give relief from your sciatic pain.

9. Easy Pose (Sukhasana)- 

Yoga For Sciatica
∙•Sit straight on a mat with your legs extended in front of your body.
∙•Fold your legs towards torso and place each foot under the opposite knee.
∙•Place your hands on your knees while facing your palms down.
∙•Balance your weight evenly on your pelvic bones while keeping your spine straight and gaze soft.
∙•Hold in this position for 1 minute and release.

This asana is beneficial in strengthening the back, stretching the knees and ankles.

10. Extended Side Angle Pose (Utthita Parsvakonasana):

Yoga For Sciatica
∙•Stand straight with your feet wide apart and turn towards left and extend your arms sideways, facing your palms down.
∙•Turn your left foot to your right and right foot outwards to 900.
∙•Bend your left knee over your left ankle so that your left shin is perpendicular to the floor.
∙•Extend your right arms towards the ceiling whereas making your left arm as pressing the floor.
∙•Now turn your head and gaze above the right arm which enhances your twist.
∙•Focus on your breath, and repeat the asana on another side.

This asana is beneficial in treating sciatica, constipation, low backache, osteoporosis, menstrual discomfort and infertility too.

11. The Knee raise (Uttanpadasana):

Yoga For Sciatica
∙•Lie on your back and breathe softly
∙•Move your hands on your side making your palms facing down
∙•Now breathe in and lift your legs upwards making an angle of 450-600 from the ground.
∙•Stay in the position for 15 to 20 seconds
∙•Relax and breathe out, and repeat it every day.

This asana is very effective in strengthening the back, thigh and hip muscles and in reducing weight.

12. Monkey Pose (Hanumanasana) 

Yoga For Sciatica
∙•Begin with kneeling down on the floor.
∙•Stretch out your right foot and raise the inner sole such that only your heel touches the floor
∙•Now, move your left knee backward until front of our foot touches the floor completely
∙•Make a split position by stretching your legs in opposite direction.
∙•Stay in this position for few moments.
∙•Lift your body upwards with the support of your arms and come back to initial position.

Hanumanasana effectively strengthens muscles in the thighs and groin region.

13. Bridge Pose (Setu bandhasana):

Yoga For Sciatica
This pose is mainly known to provide instant relief in the back pain.
∙•Lie on your back with your arms on your sides; Bend your knees as close to the hips
∙•Start lifting your hips upwards by pressing your arms and feet into the floor
∙•Move your chest bone towards your chin and keep your knees over your ankles
∙•Keep your hips relaxed and hold into this position for 5 to 10 breaths
∙•Exhale, roll down your spine and come out from the posture.

This asana reduces the anxiety, backache, anxiety and insomnia and also this posture is therapeutic for asthma, high blood pressure and conditions like sinusitis.

14. Pyramid Pose (Parsvottanasana): 

Yoga For Sciatica
∙•Stand by moving your leg forward while keeping both the legs straight.
∙•Bend forward and press your forehead towards knees while pressing the back of the knees towards back side.
∙•Hold both your elbows behind your back, or you can also place your hands on your hips (whichever comfortable).
∙•Hold onto this position for 3 to 8 breaths.
∙•Release and come back to the initial position.

This asana stretches the back of the legs and improves the balance and posture of the body.

15. The Child’s Pose (Balasana)-

Yoga For Sciatica
∙•Begin with sitting on the knees while touching your hips with your heels.
∙•Place your hands on your thighs.
∙•Stretch your arms forwards and bring your chest to your knees.
∙•Hold into this position for 2 to 3 minutes while breathing gently.
∙•Inhale and return to the normal position.

Balasana is effective in curing the sciatic pain, back pain, and strengthen the muscles of the hips, thighs, and legs.

These are some excellent yoga postures for soothing the sciatic pain; try them to get the maximum benefit. Practicing these yoga asanas regularly for sciatica treatment at home helps strengthen your back and helps eliminate and further prevent sciatic pain.
Break the chain and say no to sciatic pain!

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