How It Works
Enter your name and contact details
Tata 1mg team calls to book the test
Tata 1mg technician will visit you for sample collection
Test report will be sent to you with compliance to travel guidelines
Enter your name and contact details
Tata 1mg team calls to book the test
Tata 1mg technician will visit you for sample collection
Test report will be sent to you with compliance to travel guidelines
COVID-19 RT-PCR home sample collection prices
Greater Noida
Navi Mumbai
New Delhi
COVID-19 RT-PCR test sample type & preparation
Sample Type
Nasal Swab
Throat Swab
Test Preparation
Govt ID card (Aadhar card preferred) is mandatory for sample collection
No special preparation required
Frequently Asked Questions
Covid-19 test is used to detect an active infection with the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), also known as COVID-19. It uses a technique known as real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). This test helps to detect the genetic material of the virus present in the sample (usually a throat or nasal swab). This is the most reliable and accurate test to diagnose COVID-19 infection.
If you have symptoms like cough, high fever, shortness of breath, respiratory and breathing difficulties, a history of international travel or contact with COVID-19 positive cases, book this test with prior consultation by a general physician. If tested positive, do not panic; self-isolate and get the right treatment.
If you have symptoms of COVID-19 such as sore throat, cough, fever, or other flu-like symptoms, take this test.
This test is also advisable if you have travelled to areas where COVID-19 prevalence is high or have been in contact with a COVID-positive person.
A positive test result means the presence of an active COVID-19 infection. Most people have a mild illness and can get better safely at home without the need of hospitalisation. Connect with your doctor if symptoms worsen or if you have questions or concerns.
A negative test result means the absence of an active infection at the time of sample collection. However, it doesn't mean you are safe for any length of time. You can get infected with COVID-19 and spread the virus to others any time after testing.
If you test positive, stay home, separate yourself from others and keep in touch with your doctor. If you test negative, continue to take measures to protect yourself and others from getting COVID-19.
Terms & Conditions:
- By submitting the form above and entering your phone number you agree and allow Tata 1mg Healthcare Solutions Private Limited and / or its health providers to (1) call you back inter alia for promotion purposes, offering discounts, other service delivery related issues and/or to assist you in fulfilling your diagnostic test requirement(s). You also agree and allow us to (2) send you (a) text notifications, (b) text marketing offers and (c) health checkup reminders
- Tata 1mg team will make a call to customers between 9 AM - 9PM, Monday to Sunday for booking the RT-PCR test.
- *The test will be conducted in Tata 1mg Labs/partner labs.
- The test report will be sent on a registered email id, provided by the customer at the time of the booking.
- Customers may write to Tata 1mg team at [email protected] for any service related query.
Note: The Covid-19 RT-PCR test will be conducted in Tata 1mg Labs / partner labs