Understanding Dacrocystography
What is Dacrocystography?
Dacrocystography (DCG) is a diagnostic test for imaging the lacrimal apparatus. DCG involves the radiographic visualization of the lacrimal sacs and associated structures after injection of a contrast medium. Contrast is injected to enhance the visualization of the lacrimal system, outlining the canaliculi and sac, and thereby identifying the site of obstruction. This investigation is done to check the patency of the nasolacrimal duct, which is a small tubular passage that drains the tears from the eyes into the nose.
DCGs can provide information to evaluate patients with maxillofacial trauma, functional epiphora, suspected lacrimal sac diverticula, partial nasolacrimal duct obstruction, and lacrimal drainage tumors.
DCG may be advised by the ophthalmologist. At this time one or more x-ray films of the eye are taken.