Access to quality cancer care does not occur by chance
Tata 1mg is here to support you and provide access to quality cancer care.
Major Types of Cancer








What Causes Cancer
Cancer comprises a complex group of diseases with many possible causes. While genetics play a major role in cancer, other causes of cancer can differ between children and adults.

A mutation or cell change that just happened by chance is a common cause for cancer in children.

In addition to mutations, lifestyle factors like smoking, tobacco, an unhealthy diet, lack of physical activity, working with toxic chemicals, or exposure to certain viruses may put adults at risk for cancers.
Only one out of four patients who have been prescribed cancer medicines actually starts the treatment.

Out-of-pocket expenditure for cancer is one of the highest for any ailment. With Tata 1mg, you can reduce this expense by getting up to 20% OFF on your medicines.

Why choose Tata 1mg?
Quality care at reduced cost
We help reduce medicine, diagnostic, and consultation expenses through inexhaustible discounts and coupon codes. You can save up to 20% on medicines. Get access to exclusive membership of pharma-run campaigns.
Doorstep Services
Supporting caregivers through doorstep delivery of medicines, collection of test samples, online reports, online consultations and more.
Expert-vetted, evidence-driven information
Our team consists of medical experts, qualified doctors, pharmacists, and editors who have extensive experience and expertise in scientific research and medical writing. The medicine and health content that we publish is curated through a well-structured editorial and review process which includes an in-depth review by our Clinical Specialist Review Board.
In-app pill reminder
Given how crucial on-time medicine administration is, Tata 1mg pill reminder keeps track of when and what medicines need to be taken, so you never miss a dose.
Health Records
This in-app feature helps everyone — cancer patients as well as their caregivers — keep a log of their liver and kidney health, sugar levels, BP, and other parameters.