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About Tata 1mg
India’s leading digital consumer healthcare platform

Order medicines and health products online and get it delivered
at home from licensed pharmacies

Online Consultations
Consult qualified and registered doctors on chat for free

Labs Tests
Book lab tests online for hassle-free,
home sample collection service.
Get reports online.

Authentic Information
Read medicine and health content written by qualified doctors and health professionals
1mg.com brings to you an online platform, which can be accessed for all your health needs. We are trying to make healthcare a hassle-free experience for you. Get your allopathic, ayurvedic, homeopathic medicines, vitamins & nutrition supplements and other health-related products delivered at home. Lab tests? That too in the comfort of your home. Doctor consult? Yes, we got that covered too.

Prashant Tandon
CEO & Co-Founder

Gaurav Agarwal
CTO & Co-Founder

Tanmay Saksena
Our Story
The idea
In healthcare, the information around our medicines and lab tests is either unavailable or incomprehensible to us.
So we decided to create a platform that stood for transparent, authentic and accessible information for all.
This idea grew into a company and Tata 1mg was created in 2015.
What we offer
We provide accurate, authoritative & trustworthy information on medicines and help people use their medicines effectively and safely.We get medicines and other health products delivered at home in 1000+ cities across India from licensed and verified pharmacies.We also provide diagnostic services from certified labs and online doctor consults at any time, from anywhere.
The journey so far
We’ve made health care accessible to millions by giving them quality care at affordable prices.We continue to expand our rich and extensive medical content and are working hard to make this information available in multiple local languages.
LegitScript certified
LegitScript is a verification and monitoring service for online pharmacies and Tata 1mg is the first Indian healthcare website to earn LegitScript certification.
We are certified "ISO/IEC 27001:2022"
ISO/IEC 27001:2022 is a certification which lays out implementation and management guidelines to safeguard digital and paper information. This certification ensures that an organization has implemented the required steps to protect all sensitive information against unauthorized access. Tata 1mg has been accredited with this certification.How to buy medicines online
Get lab tests at home

Our work and culture
At Tata 1mg we strongly believe that a great culture is an important ingredient for a startup’s success. Our culture promotes radical candor, fast paced iterations, collaboration and a flat hierarchy. Listed below are our core values that enshrine our culture.
- Be your own CEOAt Tata 1mg, we believe that every individual has the power to drive impact and change. We encourage our team members to take ownership and accountability, without becoming trapped in hierarchies. As a result, individuals (and not just leaders) have the potential to drive a significant impact on our business and customers.
- Done is better than perfectWe are a highly experimental and data driven organization. As such, we believe in shipping soon and often. We believe that in the longer run, failing fast beats all else.
- Team before individualWe believe in the power of the team. For us, a superstar team is much more important than a superstar individual.
- Accountability with empathyWe believe that everyone can shine in an environment that’s right for them and we strive to help our team members discover that environment. Our communication philosophy is that of radical candor - Challenge Directly but Care Personally.
Awards and Recognition

One of the Best Made in India
- 2014.
Presence at Prominent Places