Achyranthes aspera
Achyranthes aspera
Achyranthes aspera plant and seeds are rich in carbohydrates, proteins and certain constituents such as flavonoids, tannins, saponins that help maintain the overall health of an individual.
According to Ayurveda, taking Achyranthes aspera powder with honey helps improve digestion due to its Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) properties. Regular consumption of a handful of Achyranthes aspera seeds helps manage weight by reducing excess fat accumulation which results in reduction of body weight.
Directly applying the juice of Achyranthes aspera leaves at the affected area might help in wound healing due to its astringent and anti-inflammatory. It can also be used to provide relief from ulcers due to its anti-ulcer and gastroprotective activity.
It is advisable to use the leaves or root paste of Achyranthes aspera with water or milk while applying on the skin as it may lead to skin rashes and skin irritation due to its hot potency[1][2][6][7].
According to Ayurveda, taking Achyranthes aspera powder with honey helps improve digestion due to its Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) properties. Regular consumption of a handful of Achyranthes aspera seeds helps manage weight by reducing excess fat accumulation which results in reduction of body weight.
Directly applying the juice of Achyranthes aspera leaves at the affected area might help in wound healing due to its astringent and anti-inflammatory. It can also be used to provide relief from ulcers due to its anti-ulcer and gastroprotective activity.
It is advisable to use the leaves or root paste of Achyranthes aspera with water or milk while applying on the skin as it may lead to skin rashes and skin irritation due to its hot potency[1][2][6][7].
What are the synonyms of Achyranthes aspera?
Chirchira, Adhoghanta, Adhvashalya, Aghamargava, Apang, Safed aghedo, Anghadi, Andhedi, Agheda, Uttaranee, Kadaladi, Katalati
What is the source of Achyranthes aspera?
Plant Based
Benefits of Achyranthes aspera
1. Indigestion
Achyranthes aspera has excellent Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) properties because of which it helps improve digestive strength and reduce Ama in the body.
2. Cough and Cold
Apamarga Kshar (Apamarga ash) is an effective and strong medicine for expelling excessive Kapha in the body and to give relief from cough due to its property of Ushna virya (hot in potency).
3. Piles or Fistula
Achyranthes aspera also has Virechak (purgative ) quality which helps loosen stool along with increase the bowel movement and lowers the risk of piles or fistula in ano.
4. Worms
Achyranthes aspera also reduces the risk of worm infestation in the gut due to its Krimighna (anti worm) property.
5. Renal calculus
Achyranthes aspera has Tikshna (sharp) and Mutral (diuretic) properties because of which it helps to break down and eliminate renal calculus (kidney stone) when taken orally.
Achyranthes aspera has excellent Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) properties because of which it helps improve digestive strength and reduce Ama in the body.
2. Cough and Cold
Apamarga Kshar (Apamarga ash) is an effective and strong medicine for expelling excessive Kapha in the body and to give relief from cough due to its property of Ushna virya (hot in potency).
3. Piles or Fistula
Achyranthes aspera also has Virechak (purgative ) quality which helps loosen stool along with increase the bowel movement and lowers the risk of piles or fistula in ano.
4. Worms
Achyranthes aspera also reduces the risk of worm infestation in the gut due to its Krimighna (anti worm) property.
5. Renal calculus
Achyranthes aspera has Tikshna (sharp) and Mutral (diuretic) properties because of which it helps to break down and eliminate renal calculus (kidney stone) when taken orally.
Precautions when using Achyranthes aspera
Advice from Experts

Ayurvedic View
Achyranthes aspera should be taken in recommended dosage and duration as higher dose can cause vomiting and nausea.

Ayurvedic View
Achyranthes aspera should be avoided for long-term use in men undergoing infertility treatment.

Ayurvedic View
Achyranthes aspera should be avoided or taken under medical supervision during breastfeeding.

Ayurvedic View
Achyranthes aspera should be avoided or taken under medical supervision during pregnancy.

Ayurvedic View
Achyranthes aspera should be used in small quantity or under medical supervision if your child is below 12 years.
Recommended Dosage of Achyranthes aspera
- Achyranthes aspera Juice - 1-2 teaspoon juice diluted with water once a day.
- Achyranthes aspera Churna - ¼-½ teaspoon twice a day.
- Achyranthes aspera Capsule - 1-2 capsules twice a day.
How to use Achyranthes aspera
1. Apamarga Jucie with water
a. Take 1-2 teaspoon Apamarga Juice
b. Add same quantity of water
c. Take it before taking food once a day.
2. Apamarga Churna with Honey or water
a. Take ¼-½ teaspoon Apamarga Churna
b. Mix with honey or with water
c. Take it after lunch and dinner.
3. Apamarga or Apamarga kshara Capsule with water
a. Take 1-2 Apamarga or Apamarga kshara capsule
b. Take it with water after taking lunch and dinner.
4. Apamarga Kshar with Honey
Take 1- 2 pinch Apamarga Kshar with honey after taking lunch and dinner.
a. Take 1-2 teaspoon Apamarga Juice
b. Add same quantity of water
c. Take it before taking food once a day.
2. Apamarga Churna with Honey or water
a. Take ¼-½ teaspoon Apamarga Churna
b. Mix with honey or with water
c. Take it after lunch and dinner.
3. Apamarga or Apamarga kshara Capsule with water
a. Take 1-2 Apamarga or Apamarga kshara capsule
b. Take it with water after taking lunch and dinner.
4. Apamarga Kshar with Honey
Take 1- 2 pinch Apamarga Kshar with honey after taking lunch and dinner.
Benefits of Achyranthes aspera
FAQs about Achyranthes aspera benefits
1. Urticaria
According to Ayurveda, the root paste of Achyranthes aspera helps to reduce itching, skin rashes when applied externally due to its property of balancing Vata and Kapha.
2. Wound
The juice of Achyranthes asperaleaves help in healing of wound and ulcer due to its Ropan(healing) property when applied directly to them.
3. Insect bites
The paste or juice of Achyranthes aspera leaves help lower the pain in case of insect bite when applied externally due to its properties of Ropan (healing) and balancing Vata.
4. Earache
Apamarg kshar oil is used to reduce earache due to its property of balancing Vata.
5. Fistula in ano
In Ayurveda, a unique medicine called Apamarga Kshar (Apamarga ash) is used externally in surgical process of fistula.
According to Ayurveda, the root paste of Achyranthes aspera helps to reduce itching, skin rashes when applied externally due to its property of balancing Vata and Kapha.
2. Wound
The juice of Achyranthes asperaleaves help in healing of wound and ulcer due to its Ropan(healing) property when applied directly to them.
3. Insect bites
The paste or juice of Achyranthes aspera leaves help lower the pain in case of insect bite when applied externally due to its properties of Ropan (healing) and balancing Vata.
4. Earache
Apamarg kshar oil is used to reduce earache due to its property of balancing Vata.
5. Fistula in ano
In Ayurveda, a unique medicine called Apamarga Kshar (Apamarga ash) is used externally in surgical process of fistula.
Precautions when using Achyranthes aspera
Advice from Experts

Ayurvedic View
Apamarg Kshar should be used under medical supervision when applied on fistula externally.

Ayurvedic View
Apamarga Kshara oil should be used only under medical supervision for earache.

Ayurvedic View
The leaves or root paste of Achyranthes aspera should be used with water, milk or any cooling substance while applying on the skin due to its hot potency.
Recommended Dosage of Achyranthes aspera
- Achyranthes aspera Juice - 5-10ml or as per your requirement.
- Achyranthes aspera Oil - 2-5 drops or as per your requirement.
- Achyranthes aspera Paste - 2-4gm or as per your requirement.
- Achyranthes aspera Powder - 2-5gm or as per your requirement.
How to use Achyranthes aspera
1. Achyranthes aspera Leaves or Root with milk or rose water
a. TakeAchyranthes aspera leaves or its root paste
b. Mix with water or milk or any cooling substance
c. Apply on affecte area once a day or thrice a week.
2. Apamarga Kshar oil
Use Apamarga Kshar oil and Kshar as per your doctor's recommendation.
a. TakeAchyranthes aspera leaves or its root paste
b. Mix with water or milk or any cooling substance
c. Apply on affecte area once a day or thrice a week.
2. Apamarga Kshar oil
Use Apamarga Kshar oil and Kshar as per your doctor's recommendation.
Frequently asked questions

Modern Science View
Yes, Achyranthes aspera (Apamarg) can be used in ulcer treatment as it contains certain constituents which have anti-ulcer and gastroprotective activities. It lowers the volume of gastric juice as well as total acidity and increases the gastric pH. This helps in protecting the gastric cells from acid damage and thus prevents ulcer[4][5].

Ayurvedic View
Yes, Achyranthes aspera can be used in healing ulcers due to its Ropan (healing) property. It can be consumed in the following way:
a. Take 5-10 ml Achyranthes aspera juice.
b. Repeat till the symptoms are reduced.
a. Take 5-10 ml Achyranthes aspera juice.
b. Repeat till the symptoms are reduced.

Modern Science View
Yes, Achyranthes aspera seeds may help in weight loss by reducing the excess accumulation of body fat and changing the serum lipid profile levels[6][7].

Ayurvedic View
Weight gain is a condition which occurs due to the formation and accumulation of toxins in the form of excessive fat or Ama. Achyranthes aspera (Apamarg) helps to manage your weight due to its Deepan (appetizer), Pachan (digestion) and Rechana (laxative) properties. This helps to digest the food and enhance your bowel movements for a complete and clear motion to pass out these toxins from your body.
a. Take ¼-½ teaspoon Apamarga Churna.
b. Mix with honey or with water.
c. Take it after lunch and dinner.
a. Take ¼-½ teaspoon Apamarga Churna.
b. Mix with honey or with water.
c. Take it after lunch and dinner.

Modern Science View
Although enough scientific evidence is not available to support the role of Achyranthes aspera in menstrual disorders; traditionally it has been used in case of prolonged menstrual flow, dysmenorrhoea and abnormal menses[8].

Modern Science View
Yes, Achyranthes aspera helps in wound healing as it contains certain constituents (tannins) which have astringent and anti-inflammatory properties. It improves blood flow to the wound area and causes contraction of wound. This helps in promoting wound healing and reducing the swelling at the wound site[3].

Ayurvedic View
Yes, Achyranthes aspera is used as the faster healing of wounds due to its Ropan (healing) property. It can be applied in the following way:
a. Take Achyranthes aspera leaves or its root paste.
b. Mix with water or milk or any cooling substance.
c. Apply on the affected area once a day or thrice a week for quick wound healing.
a. Take Achyranthes aspera leaves or its root paste.
b. Mix with water or milk or any cooling substance.
c. Apply on the affected area once a day or thrice a week for quick wound healing.

Modern Science View
Yes, Achyranthes aspera can be used in itches as it contains certain chemical constituents (flavonoids) which have anti-inflammatory activity and might give relief from itches[9][10].

Ayurvedic View
Yes, Achyranthes aspera can be used to manage itches due to its Ropan (healing) property. Its oil can be used in the following way:
a. Use Apamarga Kshar oil on the affected area as per your doctor's recommendation.
a. Use Apamarga Kshar oil on the affected area as per your doctor's recommendation.
- Bakhru HK.Herbs That Heal Natural Remedies For Good Health.Orient Paperbacks.1990.
- Banerjee J, Dahal P.Phytochemical constituents and pharmacological uses of medicinal plant Achyranthes aspera.World J Pharm Pharm Sci.2014;4(1):1-21.
The content is purely informative and educational in nature and should not be construed as medical advice. Please use the content only in consultation with an appropriate certified medical or healthcare professional.