Akarkara or Akallaka is a perennial herb that grows in the Himalayan region. The roots of this plant are slightly aromatic and have a pungent taste.
Akarkara is generally used to manage pain and inflammation related to arthritis due to its antioxidant property. It is also beneficial for indigestion as it stimulates the secretion of saliva as well as digestive enzymes needed for digestion. Akarkara improves sexual desire as well as sexual performance of men by maintaining the testosterone levels due to its aphrodisiac property. It might also be helpful in detoxification of the body as it increases urination due to its diuretic activity. It also helps improve brain function due to its memory-enhancing and antidepressant activity.
Akarkara is beneficial for skin problems and insect bites due to its antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. Applying a paste of Akarkara powder along with honey on the gums helps in relieving toothache due to its antioxidant and analgesic property[2].
Akarkara is generally used to manage pain and inflammation related to arthritis due to its antioxidant property. It is also beneficial for indigestion as it stimulates the secretion of saliva as well as digestive enzymes needed for digestion. Akarkara improves sexual desire as well as sexual performance of men by maintaining the testosterone levels due to its aphrodisiac property. It might also be helpful in detoxification of the body as it increases urination due to its diuretic activity. It also helps improve brain function due to its memory-enhancing and antidepressant activity.
Akarkara is beneficial for skin problems and insect bites due to its antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. Applying a paste of Akarkara powder along with honey on the gums helps in relieving toothache due to its antioxidant and analgesic property[2].
What are the synonyms of Akarkara?
Anacyclus pyrethrum, Kulekhara, Pellitory, Akkalkaro, Akkalgaro, Akalkara, Akkallakara, Akallakara, Akalakarabha, Akkallaka Hommugulu,, Akikaruka, Akravu, Akkalakara, Akkalakada, Akarakarabh, Akarakara Akkaraka, Akkarakaram, Akkalakarra, Aqaraqarh[1].
What is the source of Akarkara?
Plant Based
Benefits of Akarkara
Modern Science View
Akarkara may be useful in managing arthritis. Akarkara is rich in antioxidants and is useful in improving blood circulation. As a result of this, it helps manage pain and inflammation in arthritis[3-6].
Ayurvedic View
Akarkara is useful to manage pain in arthritis. According to Ayurveda, arthritis occurs due to an aggravation of Vata dosha. It causes pain, swelling and joint immobility. Akarkara has Vata balancing property and gives relief from the symptoms of arthritis-like pain and swelling in the joints.
a. Take 2-4 pinches of Akarkara powder.
b. Have with plain water or honey once or twice a day after meals.
c. Repeat this to manage the symptoms of arthritis.
a. Take 2-4 pinches of Akarkara powder.
b. Have with plain water or honey once or twice a day after meals.
c. Repeat this to manage the symptoms of arthritis.
Modern Science View
Akarkara stimulates the secretion of saliva and other digestive enzymes thereby aiding digestion[3][4].
Ayurvedic View
Akarkara helps manage indigestion. According to Ayurveda, indigestion means the state of an incomplete process of digestion. The main reason for indigestion is aggravated Kapha that causes Agnimandya (weak digestive fire). Akarkara helps improve Agni (digestive fire) which helps digests the food easily. This is because of its Ushna (hot) nature.
a. Take 2-4 pinches of Akarkara powder.
b. Have with plain water or honey once or twice a day after meals.
c. Repeat this to improve your digestion.
a. Take 2-4 pinches of Akarkara powder.
b. Have with plain water or honey once or twice a day after meals.
c. Repeat this to improve your digestion.
How effective is Akarkara?
Insufficient evidence
Arthritis, Indigestion
Precautions when using Akarkara
Modern Science View
People sensitive to chrysanthemums, marigolds, daisies and other members of the same family may be allergic to Akarkara. So it is advisable to consult your doctor before taking Akarkara if you are allergic to members of the Asteraceae or Compositae plant family[3].
Recommended Dosage of Akarkara
- Akarkara Capsule - 1-2 capsules once or twice a day.
- Akarkara Powder - 2-4 pinches once or twice a day.
How to use Akarkara
1. Akarkara Capsule
a. Take 1-2 capsules of Akarkara.
b. Have with plain water once or twice a day after taking food.
2. Akarkara Powder
a. Take 2-4 pinches of Akarkara powder.
b. Have with plain water or honey once or twice a day after meals.
a. Take 1-2 capsules of Akarkara.
b. Have with plain water once or twice a day after taking food.
2. Akarkara Powder
a. Take 2-4 pinches of Akarkara powder.
b. Have with plain water or honey once or twice a day after meals.
Benefits of Akarkara
Modern Science View
Akarkara has antioxidant and analgesic properties due to which it may be useful in managing toothache[3][7][8].
Ayurvedic View
Akarkara helps to reduce toothache when its powder form is rubbed on the gums and teeth. According to Ayurveda, the mouth acts as the seat of Kapha dosha and an imbalance in Kapha dosha might lead to several dental problems like toothache. Akarkara helps to manage toothache due to its Kapha balancing nature.
a. Take 2-4 pinches of Akarkara powder.
b. Mix with 1/2-1 teaspoon of honey and make a paste.
c. Rub on the teeth once or twice a day to manage toothache.
a. Take 2-4 pinches of Akarkara powder.
b. Mix with 1/2-1 teaspoon of honey and make a paste.
c. Rub on the teeth once or twice a day to manage toothache.
Modern Science View
Even though enough scientific evidence is not available, Akarkara might be useful in preventing the growth of microbes and protecting the skin from diseases due to its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties[9][10].
How effective is Akarkara?
Insufficient evidence
Insect bite, Toothache
Precautions when using Akarkara
Modern Science View
People sensitive to chrysanthemums, marigolds, daisies and other members of the same family may be allergic to Akarkara. So it is advised to consult your doctor before applying Akarkara if you are allergic to members of the Asteraceae/Compositae plant family[3].
Recommended Dosage of Akarkara
- Akarkara Powder - 2-4 pinches or as per your requirement.
How to use Akarkara
1. Akarkara Powder
a. Take 2-4 pinches of Akarkara powder.
b. Mix well with ½ -1 teaspoon of honey.
c. Apply on the gums and massage gently to get relief from toothache.
a. Take 2-4 pinches of Akarkara powder.
b. Mix well with ½ -1 teaspoon of honey.
c. Apply on the gums and massage gently to get relief from toothache.
Frequently asked questions
Modern Science View
Akarkara powder is easily available in the market under various brands. It can be bought either from online websites or any Ayurvedic medical store.
Modern Science View
Yes, Akarkara might be useful in male sexual problems. The extracts of Akarkara roots increase libido or sexual urges and delays ejaculation[4].
Ayurvedic View
Yes, Akarkara is useful for managing various male sexual problems like premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. It is one of the most useful herbs in case of male sexual problems because of its Vajikarana (aphrodisiac) property.
Modern Science View
Yes, Akarkara roots have diuretic properties that help increase the frequency and quantity of urination. This helps detoxify the body[4].
Ayurvedic View
Yes, a high dose of Akarkara can be harmful. It is advisable to consume Akarkara only in recommended dosage.
Modern Science View
Some of the important benefits of Akarkara root are:
1. It helps to expel mucus from the respiratory tract due to its expectorant property.
2. It aids in digestion by stimulating the secretion of saliva and other digestive juices needed for digestion.
3. It increases the frequency of urination due to its diuretic property.
4. It helps in destroying intestinal worms due to its anthelmintic property.
5. Lastly, it is used as a gargle to manage sore throats and toothache due to its sialagogue (enhancing saliva secretion) property[4][11].
1. It helps to expel mucus from the respiratory tract due to its expectorant property.
2. It aids in digestion by stimulating the secretion of saliva and other digestive juices needed for digestion.
3. It increases the frequency of urination due to its diuretic property.
4. It helps in destroying intestinal worms due to its anthelmintic property.
5. Lastly, it is used as a gargle to manage sore throats and toothache due to its sialagogue (enhancing saliva secretion) property[4][11].
Ayurvedic View
Akarkara root is used as an ingredient in many Ayurvedic oils. These oils are useful to manage the symptoms of disorders like sciatica because of its Nadibalya (nervine tonic) property. Akarkara root also helps to manage toothache and bad breath while gargled with its Kwatha (decoction).
Modern Science View
Yes, Akarkara helps in improving sexual performance in men. It stimulates the secretion of testosterone which improves blood flow to the male sex organ, helps to maintain erection and enhances sperm production. Thus increasing the sexual desire and overall sexual performance[12].
Ayurvedic View
Ayurvedic oils prepared with Akarkara improves sexual performance when used externally. On the other hand, Akarkara powder can be consumed because of its Vajikarna (aphrodisiac) property.
Modern Science View
Yes, Akarkara may help in memory enhancement as it inhibits the activity of the enzyme (cholinesterase) responsible for memory impairment, thus helping in the management of memory loss. Akarkara is also found to be beneficial in case of Alzheimer’s diseases[13].
Ayurvedic View
Akarkara might help improve brain function and enhance poor memory because of its Nadibalya (nervine tonic) property that helps in better functioning of the brain.
Ayurvedic View
Yes, Akarkara is useful to get relief from joint pain when used externally. In some Ayurvedic pain relieving oils, Akarkara is used as the main ingredient. The joints are considered a site of Vata in the body and pain in the joints is mainly due to Vata imbalance. Applying these oil on the joints help give relief from pain and inflammation.
- The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia Of India.Part 1 Volume 1.
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The content is purely informative and educational in nature and should not be construed as medical advice. Please use the content only in consultation with an appropriate certified medical or healthcare professional.