Arjunarishta, also known as Parthadyarista, is an Ayurvedic formulation used for cardiovascular disorders. It strengthens the heart muscle and promotes the functioning of cardiac muscles by regulating blood pressure (BP) and cholesterol[1].
Arjuna, the chief ingredient of Arjunarishta, in Ayurveda is used for alleviating angina (a type of heart-related chest pain) and other cardiovascular conditions [2]. According to Ayurveda, Arjunarishta has Hridya (cardiac tonic) property which helps improve heart function properly. It also helps to control high cholesterol levels due to its Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) properties. These properties help remove accumulated bad cholesterol and maintain normal blood cholesterol levels. In addition to that, Arjunarishta helps to balance Kapha and remove excess mucus from the lungs, providing relief from the symptoms of asthma.
Arjunarishta comes in a liquid/syrup form. You can take 15-20ml Arjunarishta or as directed by the physician to get relief from heart problems. Mix it with equal amounts of lukewarm water to dilute its taste a little. Take it once or twice a day, preferably after meals.
Arjunarishta is generally well tolerated and does not have any side effects when taken in the recommended dose. However, it is advisable to consult the doctor before using Arjunarishta.
Arjuna, the chief ingredient of Arjunarishta, in Ayurveda is used for alleviating angina (a type of heart-related chest pain) and other cardiovascular conditions [2]. According to Ayurveda, Arjunarishta has Hridya (cardiac tonic) property which helps improve heart function properly. It also helps to control high cholesterol levels due to its Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) properties. These properties help remove accumulated bad cholesterol and maintain normal blood cholesterol levels. In addition to that, Arjunarishta helps to balance Kapha and remove excess mucus from the lungs, providing relief from the symptoms of asthma.
Arjunarishta comes in a liquid/syrup form. You can take 15-20ml Arjunarishta or as directed by the physician to get relief from heart problems. Mix it with equal amounts of lukewarm water to dilute its taste a little. Take it once or twice a day, preferably after meals.
Arjunarishta is generally well tolerated and does not have any side effects when taken in the recommended dose. However, it is advisable to consult the doctor before using Arjunarishta.
What are the synonyms of Arjunarishta?
Arjunarishta Syrup
What is the source of Arjunarishta?
Plant Based
Benefits of Arjunarishta
1. Heart disease
Heart diseases or cardiovascular diseases are often caused by the buildup of plaque, a waxy substance, inside the lining of arteries. Arjunarista helps to control the symptoms of heart disease and improve heart function properly. It also helps maintain normal blood pressure and heart rate. Regular use of Arjunarishta improves the strength of cardiac muscles that helps to keep healthy heart function. This is due to its Hridya (cardiac tonic) property.
- Take 3-4 teaspoon Arjunarishta
- Mix it with equal amounts of lukewarm water
- Have it once or twice a day, preferably after meals
#To get relief from heart problems.
2. High cholesterol
High cholesterol in our body is considered as a risk factor for various health-related problems. Increased levels of cholesterol can develop fatty deposits in the blood vessels and can lead to heart problems. According to Ayurveda, high cholesterol is caused due to an imbalance of Pachak Agni (digestive fire). Impaired digestion at the tissue level produces excess waste products or Ama (toxic remains in the body due to improper digestion). This causes the accumulation of bad cholesterol and blockage in the blood vessels. Arjunarista helps to improve Agni (digestive fire) and reduce Ama. This is due to its Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) properties which remove accumulated bad cholesterol and maintain normal blood cholesterol levels.
3. Asthma
Asthma is an inflammatory condition in which the airways to the lungs narrow and swell. It can make breathing difficult and trigger coughing. Arjunarishta helps to control the symptoms of asthma and gives relief in case of breathlessness. According to Ayurveda, the main doshas involved in asthma are Vata and Kapha. The vitiated ‘Vata’ combines with deranged ‘Kapha dosha’ in the lungs, causing obstruction in the respiratory passage. This results in difficulty in breathing known as Swas Roga (asthma) in Ayurveda. Taking Arjunarishta helps to balance Kapha and remove excess mucus from the lungs, providing relief from the symptoms of asthma.
Heart diseases or cardiovascular diseases are often caused by the buildup of plaque, a waxy substance, inside the lining of arteries. Arjunarista helps to control the symptoms of heart disease and improve heart function properly. It also helps maintain normal blood pressure and heart rate. Regular use of Arjunarishta improves the strength of cardiac muscles that helps to keep healthy heart function. This is due to its Hridya (cardiac tonic) property.
- Take 3-4 teaspoon Arjunarishta
- Mix it with equal amounts of lukewarm water
- Have it once or twice a day, preferably after meals
#To get relief from heart problems.
2. High cholesterol
High cholesterol in our body is considered as a risk factor for various health-related problems. Increased levels of cholesterol can develop fatty deposits in the blood vessels and can lead to heart problems. According to Ayurveda, high cholesterol is caused due to an imbalance of Pachak Agni (digestive fire). Impaired digestion at the tissue level produces excess waste products or Ama (toxic remains in the body due to improper digestion). This causes the accumulation of bad cholesterol and blockage in the blood vessels. Arjunarista helps to improve Agni (digestive fire) and reduce Ama. This is due to its Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) properties which remove accumulated bad cholesterol and maintain normal blood cholesterol levels.
3. Asthma
Asthma is an inflammatory condition in which the airways to the lungs narrow and swell. It can make breathing difficult and trigger coughing. Arjunarishta helps to control the symptoms of asthma and gives relief in case of breathlessness. According to Ayurveda, the main doshas involved in asthma are Vata and Kapha. The vitiated ‘Vata’ combines with deranged ‘Kapha dosha’ in the lungs, causing obstruction in the respiratory passage. This results in difficulty in breathing known as Swas Roga (asthma) in Ayurveda. Taking Arjunarishta helps to balance Kapha and remove excess mucus from the lungs, providing relief from the symptoms of asthma.
Precautions when using Arjunarishta
Advice from Experts

Ayurvedic View
Arjunarishta contains Jaggery as an ingredient which may affect blood sugar levels. Diabetic patients should consult the doctor before taking Arjunarishta.
Arjunarishta contains Jaggery as an ingredient which may affect blood sugar levels. Diabetic patients should consult the doctor before taking Arjunarishta.
Arjunarishta contains Jaggery as an ingredient which may affect blood sugar levels. Diabetic patients should consult the doctor before taking Arjunarishta.

Modern Science View
Enough evidence is not available to suggest its use while breastfeeding. Kindly consult your doctor before using it.
Patients with diabetes

Modern Science View
Diabetes patients should consult a doctor before taking Arjunarishta.
Recommended Dosage of Arjunarishta
- Arjunarishta Syrup - 15-20ml twice a day or as directed by the physician
How to use Arjunarishta
- Take 3-4 teaspoon Arjunarishta
- Mix it with equal amounts of lukewarm water
- Have it once or twice a day, preferably after meals
#To get relief from heart problems.
- Mix it with equal amounts of lukewarm water
- Have it once or twice a day, preferably after meals
#To get relief from heart problems.
Frequently asked questions

Modern Science View
Arjunarishta provides strength to the heart muscle and promotes cardiac functioning by regulating blood pressure and cholesterol[1].

Ayurvedic View
Arjunarishta is an effective ayurvedic medicine that helps to improve heart function because of its Hridya (cardiac tonic) property which gives the strength of myocardial muscles. It also reduces the symptoms of asthma due to its Vata-Kapha balancing property.

Modern Science View
There are no special instructions to be followed while taking Arjunarishta unless advised by the doctor. Generally, with ayurvedic medicines, it is advised to reduce the intake of spicy food, junk food, and aerated drinks.

Modern Science View
Yes, Arjunarishta may help reduce cholesterol levels in the body. It shows anti-hyperlipidemic (cholesterol controlling) action which may help in regulating cholesterol levels[1].

Ayurvedic View
Arjunarishta is a cardiac tonic which may help prevent heart disease. It should be used strictly as advised by the doctor. However, avoid self-medication with Arjunarishta is not advised.

Modern Science View
Arjunarishta, due to its heart-benefiting ingredients, is known for its use in managing heart-related issues like high blood pressure[1].

Modern Science View
Arjunarishta is a herbal concoction traditionally used to provide aid in managing better heart health[1]. However, self-medication with Arjunarishta for heart problems should be avoided.

Ayurvedic View
Yes, Arjunarishta is good for the heart. Regular use of Arjunarishta helps to improve heart function and gives the strength of heart muscles because of its Hridya (cardiac tonic) property.

Ayurvedic View
Arjunarishta is self-generated alcohol-based polyherbal ayurvedic medicine. This self-generated alcohol can sometimes aggravate the Pitta dosha and cause acidity. You can take Arjunarishta with water to minimize the chances of acidity.

Ayurvedic View
Arjunarishta is a polyherbal ayurvedic medicine which helps to promote healthy heart function. Regular use of Arjunarishta reduces the chances of increasing cholesterol levels of blood which is known as the prime cause of blood vessels blockage. This is due to its Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) properties

Modern Science View
Arjunarishta is considered safe when taken in the prescribed dose and duration. Do not self-medicate [3].

Modern Science View
Arjunarishta should be taken for the duration prescribed by the doctor only. If you wish to use it for a longer duration, consult the doctor.

Modern Science View
Arjunarishta contains arjuna as a chief ingredient, which is considered to have beneficial properties helpful in managing diabetes[4]. However, it would be advisable to consult a doctor before taking it for diabetes.
The content is purely informative and educational in nature and should not be construed as medical advice. Please use the content only in consultation with an appropriate certified medical or healthcare professional.