Bhumi Amla
Bhumi Amla
Bhumi Amla (Phyllanthus niruri) is also known as ‘Dukong anak’ and as ‘Bhumi Amalaki’ in sanskrit. The whole plant possesses various medicinal properties.
Bhumi Amla helps in managing liver disorders and reverses any damage caused to the liver due to its hepatoprotective, antioxidant and antiviral activities. It also helps to prevent ulcers by reducing gastric acid production as well as protecting the stomach lining against damage caused by excessive gastric acid. Bhumi Amla might also reduce the risk of kidney stone formation due to its diuretic property. It does so by promoting the removal of salts (mainly oxalate crystals) that are responsible for the formation of kidney stones.
According to Ayurveda, Bhumi Amla is considered good for indigestion and acidity due to its pitta balancing property. It might also be beneficial for diabetics as it helps manage blood sugar levels due to its tikta (bitter) property.
Taking 1-2 tablets or capsules of Bhumi Amla twice a day helps to get rid of skin disorders due to its blood purifying property. Taking Bhumi Amla powder along with water might also help prevent hair fall as well as promote hair regrowth[1-8].
Bhumi Amla helps in managing liver disorders and reverses any damage caused to the liver due to its hepatoprotective, antioxidant and antiviral activities. It also helps to prevent ulcers by reducing gastric acid production as well as protecting the stomach lining against damage caused by excessive gastric acid. Bhumi Amla might also reduce the risk of kidney stone formation due to its diuretic property. It does so by promoting the removal of salts (mainly oxalate crystals) that are responsible for the formation of kidney stones.
According to Ayurveda, Bhumi Amla is considered good for indigestion and acidity due to its pitta balancing property. It might also be beneficial for diabetics as it helps manage blood sugar levels due to its tikta (bitter) property.
Taking 1-2 tablets or capsules of Bhumi Amla twice a day helps to get rid of skin disorders due to its blood purifying property. Taking Bhumi Amla powder along with water might also help prevent hair fall as well as promote hair regrowth[1-8].
What are the synonyms of Bhumi Amla?
Phyllanthus niruri, Bhumyamalaki, Bhumi amala, Bhumi anla, Pumi amla
What is the source of Bhumi Amla?
Plant Based
Benefits of Bhumi Amla
FAQs about Bhumi Amla benefits
1. Liver disorder
Bhumi Amla is one the best herb for managing liver problems like swelling in the liver, jaundice and weak liver function Bhumi Amla not only helps in liver detoxification but also helps in nourishment due to its properties of Rasayana( rejuvinating ) and Pitta balancing
2. Indigestion and Acidity
It lowers indigestion and acidity due to its properties of Pitta balancing which helps to improve digestion and Sita (cold) potency which helps to reduce acidity.
3. High Sugar level
Bhumi Amla manages high sugar level due to its Tikta (bitter) and Kashaya (astringent) rasa properties which helps to improve metaboslim and control high sugar level in the blood.
4. Bleeding disorder
It is good to reduce bleeding in nasal bleeding, heavy bleeding in the menstrual period due to its Sita (cold ) potency and Kashaya (astringent) property which helps in balancing Pitta and control excessive blood flow.
5. Skin disease
It acts as a blood purifier and reduces skin disorders when taken internally due to Tikta(bitter) Rasa and Pitta balancing nature.
6. Cough and Cold
Bhumi Amla has the property of balancing Kapha as a result of which it reduces cough, asthma, breathlessness, and hiccup.
7. Fever
Bhumi Amla also reduces fever (associated with typhoid infection) due to its Tikta (bitter) and Pitta balancing properties which help to metabolism and remove the toxin from the body.
Bhumi Amla is one the best herb for managing liver problems like swelling in the liver, jaundice and weak liver function Bhumi Amla not only helps in liver detoxification but also helps in nourishment due to its properties of Rasayana( rejuvinating ) and Pitta balancing
2. Indigestion and Acidity
It lowers indigestion and acidity due to its properties of Pitta balancing which helps to improve digestion and Sita (cold) potency which helps to reduce acidity.
3. High Sugar level
Bhumi Amla manages high sugar level due to its Tikta (bitter) and Kashaya (astringent) rasa properties which helps to improve metaboslim and control high sugar level in the blood.
4. Bleeding disorder
It is good to reduce bleeding in nasal bleeding, heavy bleeding in the menstrual period due to its Sita (cold ) potency and Kashaya (astringent) property which helps in balancing Pitta and control excessive blood flow.
5. Skin disease
It acts as a blood purifier and reduces skin disorders when taken internally due to Tikta(bitter) Rasa and Pitta balancing nature.
6. Cough and Cold
Bhumi Amla has the property of balancing Kapha as a result of which it reduces cough, asthma, breathlessness, and hiccup.
7. Fever
Bhumi Amla also reduces fever (associated with typhoid infection) due to its Tikta (bitter) and Pitta balancing properties which help to metabolism and remove the toxin from the body.
Precautions when using Bhumi Amla
Advice from Experts

Ayurvedic View
Bhumi Amla should be taken in recommended dose and duration as high dose can cause diarrhea due to its laxative (improves bowel movement) property.

Ayurvedic View
Bhumi Amla should be taken for short duration if you have Vata related problems like arthritis. This is because Bhumi Amla has Sita property and can increase Vata in the body.

Ayurvedic View
Bhumi amla has blood sugar lowering property, so monitor your blood sugar level while using Bhumi Amla if you are already taking antidiabetic medicines.

Ayurvedic View
Use Bhumi Amla under medical supervision during Breastfeeding.

Ayurvedic View
It is advisable to avoid Bhumi Amla during pregnancy.
Recommended Dosage of Bhumi Amla
- Bhumi Amla Juice - 2-4 teaspoon once day.
- Bhumi Amla Churna - ¼-½ gm twice a day.
- Bhumi Amla Capsule - 1-2 capsules twice a day.
- Bhumi Amla Tablet - 1-2 tablet twice a day.
How to use Bhumi Amla
1. Bhumi Amla Juice
a. Take 2-4 teaspoon Bhumi Amla Juice
b. Mix with 1glass water.
c. Take it before breakfast once a day.
2. Bhumi Amla Churna
a. Take ¼-½ Bhumi Amla Churna.
b. Mix with honey or water.
c. Have it after lunch and dinner twice a day.
3. Bhumi Amla Capsule
Take 1-2 Bhumi Amla Capsule with water after lunch and dinner.
4. Bhumi Amla Tablet
Take 1-2 Bhumi Amla Tablet with water after lunch and dinner.
a. Take 2-4 teaspoon Bhumi Amla Juice
b. Mix with 1glass water.
c. Take it before breakfast once a day.
2. Bhumi Amla Churna
a. Take ¼-½ Bhumi Amla Churna.
b. Mix with honey or water.
c. Have it after lunch and dinner twice a day.
3. Bhumi Amla Capsule
Take 1-2 Bhumi Amla Capsule with water after lunch and dinner.
4. Bhumi Amla Tablet
Take 1-2 Bhumi Amla Tablet with water after lunch and dinner.
Frequently asked questions

Modern Science View
Bhumi amla or its products are easily available online or in any medical stores.

Modern Science View
Bhumi amla also known as stone breaker is good for reducing the risk of kidney stones. It increases urinary excretion of magnesium and potassium and reduces urinary oxalate in patients with hyperoxaluria. Consumption of Bhumi amla also helps in reducing urinary calculi[9].

Modern Science View
Yes, Bhumi amla juice is good for reducing the risk of urinary tract infections and burning sensation in urine due to its antibacterial activity[10].
Take 1 teaspoon of Bhumi amla juice with cumin seeds.
Take 1 teaspoon of Bhumi amla juice with cumin seeds.

Modern Science View
Yes, Bhumi amla is good for hepatitis B as it has liver protective and antiviral activities. Bhumi amla inhibits the virus responsible for causing hepatitis B and improves the symptoms of Hepatitis B[11][12].

Ayurvedic View
Hepatitis B is a liver disease that impairs the function of the liver. Bhumi amla helps to manage this condition and improve liver function due to its Pitta balancing nature. It helps to reduce the symptoms of Hepatitis B and maintains the overall health of a person.
1. Take ¼-½ teaspoon of Bhumi amla powder.
2. Mix with 1 cup lukewarm water.
3. Have it twice a day after taking light food.
1. Take ¼-½ teaspoon of Bhumi amla powder.
2. Mix with 1 cup lukewarm water.
3. Have it twice a day after taking light food.

Modern Science View
Yes, Bhumi amla helps prevent stomach ulcers by reducing gastric acid secretion. It also has antioxidant property and protects gastric cells from damage[13][14].

Ayurvedic View
Ulcers occur due to an imbalance of Pitta dosha which sometimes results in inflammation or a burning sensation. Bhumi amla helps reduce the risk of ulcers due to its Pitta balancing property. It also provides a cooling effect on the affected area due to its Sita (cold) property.
1. Take ¼-½ teaspoon of Bhumi amla powder.
2. Mix with 1 cup lukewarm water.
3. Have it twice a day after taking light food.
1. Take ¼-½ teaspoon of Bhumi amla powder.
2. Mix with 1 cup lukewarm water.
3. Have it twice a day after taking light food.

Modern Science View
Bhumi amla helps to regrow hair and control hair loss caused due to chemotherapy. Studies show that giving Bhumi amla orally prevents hair loss by preventing the damage to hair follicles or by inhibiting the effect of chemotherapy drugs on hair follicles. It is also helpful in male pattern baldness caused due to male hormone imbalance[15][16].

Ayurvedic View
Hair fall is a condition that generally occurs due to an imbalance of Pitta or due to poor digestion. Bhumi amla helps to manage this condition due to its Pitta balancing property. This helps to improve your digestion and provide all the required nutrition for healthy hair growth.
1. Take ¼-½ teaspoon of Bhumi amla powder.
2. Mix with 1 cup lukewarm water.
3. Have it twice a day after taking light food.
1. Take ¼-½ teaspoon of Bhumi amla powder.
2. Mix with 1 cup lukewarm water.
3. Have it twice a day after taking light food.

Modern Science View
Bhumi Amla juice is good for reducing Urinary infections due to its antibacterial and diuretic properties. This helps increase the production of urine and manages urinary disorders. Taking Bhumi Amla juice along with 1 glass of water before breakfast once a day prevents the growth of bacteria. Bhumi Amla juice also helps manage jaundice and liver swellings[10].

Ayurvedic View
Bhumi Amla juice is useful for managing urinary disorders such as burning sensation or frequent urination. This is due to its Mutral (diuretic) and Sita (cold) properties that help control the symptoms of urinary disorders by increasing urine flow. Consuming Bhumi Amla juice in the morning with water helps improve digestion and liver health.

Modern Science View
Bhumi Amla powder is good for the liver due to its liver protective and antiviral properties. It also helps to regrow hair by preventing the damage to hair follicles or inhibiting the effect of chemotherapy drugs on hair follicles. Taking Bhumi Amla powder along with 1 cup of lukewarm water twice a day after taking light food might control hair loss caused due to chemotherapy[15][16].

Ayurvedic View
Bhumi Amla powder is useful in controlling digestive problems such as acidity. This is due to its Sita (cold) nature that helps balance aggravated Pitta. It also improves liver functions and improves digestion. Thus it helps promote overall health.
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The content is purely informative and educational in nature and should not be construed as medical advice. Please use the content only in consultation with an appropriate certified medical or healthcare professional.