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Brown rice

Brown Rice
Brown rice or “medical rice for health” is a variety of rice that has recently gained a lot of popularity. It is a whole grain rice with only the inedible outer cover removed and is considered as a nutritional powerhouse.
Brown rice has a beneficial role in weight loss due to the presence of dietary fiber. Fiber improves digestion and also keeps you feeling full over a long period of time that aids weight loss. Brown rice also helps control the blood sugar level due to its anti-diabetic activity by increasing the insulin secretion. It even helps to boost energy and keep the heart healthy.
According to Ayurveda, application of Brown rice water is beneficial for skin (face and neck) problems such as acne or pimples due to its Ropan (healing) property. Applying it on the skin also helps promote healing[2-6].

What are the synonyms of Brown rice?

Oryza sativa, Dhanya, Vrihi, Nivara, Chaval, Dhana, Cala, Chawl, Sali, Dhan, Rice, Paddy, Shalichokha, Bhata, Corava, Damgara, Coke, Chaval, Bhatto, Nellu, Bhatta, Akki, Ari , Tandulamul, Dhanarmul, Bhata Chamul, Jhona, Arishi, Nelver Dhanyamu, Odalu, Biyyamu, Biranj[1]

What is the source of Brown rice?

Plant Based

Benefits of Brown rice

What are the benefits of Brown rice for Diarrhea?

Ayurvedic View
Diarrhea is known as Atisar in Ayurveda. It is due to improper food, impure water, toxins, mental stress and Agnimandya (weak digestive fire). All these factors are responsible for aggravating Vata. This aggravated Vata brings fluid in the intestine from various tissues from the body and mixes with the stool. This leads to loose, watery motions or diarrhea. Eating Brown rice during diarrhea helps to improve digestive fire and calms aggravated Vata due to its Ushna (hot) nature. It retains the fluid in the intestine and controls loose motion or diarrhea.
1. Add 2-3 cups of water to a pot and bring it to a boil.
2.Once the water starts boiling, add ½-1 cup Brown rice, cover, and simmer.
3. Simmer for 45 minutes, without removing the lid of the pot.
4. After 45 minutes, turn off the heat and let it sit for another 15 minutes without removing the lid.
5. Take this hot boiled Brown rice once or twice a day to control diarrhea.

What are the benefits of Brown rice for Piles?

Modern Science View
Brown rice might be beneficial for the management of piles. Piles is a problem associated with chronic constipation. Brown rice is a rich source of fibres. Brown rice adds bulk to the stool and makes the stool soft by absorbing water. In this way, Brown rice helps to manage constipation and piles[7][9].
Ayurvedic View
Hemorrhoids or Piles are known as Arsh in Ayurveda which is caused by an unhealthy diet and a sedentary lifestyle. This leads to the impairment of all the three doshas, mainly Vata. An aggravated Vata causes a low digestive fire, leading to constipation. This causes swelling in the veins in the rectum area leading to pile mass. Taking Brown rice helps to improve digestive fire due to its Vata balancing and Ushna (hot) potency. It helps control constipation and reduce swelling in the veins in rectum area that causes hemorrhoids.
1. Add 2-3 cups of water to a pot and bring it to a boil.
2. Once the water starts boiling, add ½-1 cup Brown rice, cover, and simmer.
3. Simmer for 45 minutes, without removing the lid of the pot.
4. After 45 minutes, turn off the heat and let it sit for another 15 minutes without removing the lid.
5. Take this hot boiled Brown rice once or twice a day.

How effective is Brown rice?

Insufficient evidence
Diarrhea, Piles

How to use Brown rice

1. Boiled Brown rice
a. Add water to a pot and bring it to a boil.
b. Once the water starts boiling, add Brown rice, cover, and simmer.
c. Simmer for 45 minutes, without removing the lid of the pot.
d. After 45 minutes, turn off the heat and let sit for another 15 minutes without removing the lid.
e. Serve hot boiled Brown rice.

Benefits of Brown rice

Sunburn occurs when the sun rays increase the Pitta present in the skin and reduce the Rasa Dhatu. Rasa Dhatu is the nourishing fluid which gives color, complexion and glow to the skin. Applying Brown rice powder or paste on the sunburn area is excellent because Pomegranate has Ropan (healing) property. This makes it very effective to reduce the symptoms of sunburn and bring back the lost luster of the skin.
1. Take 1-2 teaspoon or as per requirement Brown rice powder.
2. Mix with cold milk to form a thick paste.
3. Apply on your face and leave it on for 15 minutes.
4. Rinse with cold water to get relief from sunburn.

Brown rice powder is useful to control fine lines and wrinkles. Wrinkles are due to dry skin and lack of moisture. According to Ayurveda, it appears due to an aggravated Vata. Applying Brown rice helps to control wrinkles due to its Vata balancing property. It also increases moisture content in the skin because of its Kapha increasing nature.
1. Take 1-2 teaspoon or as per requirement Brown rice powder.
2. Mix with cold milk to form a thick paste.
3. Apply on your face and leave it on for 15 minutes.
4. Rinse with cold water to get soft and wrinkle free skin.

Recommended Dosage of Brown rice

  • Brown rice Powder - 1-2 teaspoon or as per your requirement.

How to use Brown rice

1. Brown Rice for skin
a. Soak ½ a cup of Brown rice in water.
b. Leave it for about 15 minutes.
c. Strain the mixture and save the water to use it on the skin.
d. Dip a clean cotton ball in the Brown rice water and apply on the face and neck.
e. Gently massage for a few minutes.
f. Leave it on for 10 minutes.
g. Wash off with normal water and pat dry.

2. Brown rice for hair
a. Take 1-2 teaspoon of Brown rice powder.
b. Add 1 egg white to it.
c. Add 1 cup of water and mix well.
d. Apply this mixture to hair and massage gently for a few minutes.
e. Leave it for a few minutes.
f. Rinse with normal water.
g. Repeat this process once or twice a week to treat damaged hair.

Frequently asked questions

Q. Is Brown rice better than white?

Modern Science View
Yes, Brown rice is better than Basmati as it is highly nutritious. Brown rice is a whole grain rice with only the outer cover removed. It is not processed and has all its nutrients intact. Brown rice is also an excellent source of magnesium, iron and a moderate source of zinc.
Ayurvedic View
Brown rice is Guru (heavy) to digest. Brown rice is good if your Agni (digestive fire) is strong. White rice on the other hand, is Laghu (light) and is recommended if your Agni (digestive fire) is weak.

Q. How much Brown rice should I eat in a day?

Modern Science View
It is usually recommended to eat about ½ a cup of Brown rice per serving.

Q. Why is Brown rice so expensive?

Modern Science View
Brown rice is expensive than white rice mainly because of the following two reasons:
1. Brown rice is a whole grain rice in which the outer inedible husk is removed with the bran layer intact. This bran layer is used to produce the rice bran oil. Rice bran oil is considered a heart-friendly oil as it is rich in monounsaturated fats. By selling the Brown rice, manufacturers cannot get the byproduct (bran oil) due to which it is expensive.
2. The demand of Brown rice is lesser and is thus considered as a premium product. This makes it more expensive.

Q. Is Brown rice pasta healthy?

Modern Science View
Although Brown rice pasta in not a low calorie food, small servings are considered healthier than white rice pasta. It is rich in fibre and a good source of iron.

Q. What's the best method to cook Brown rice?

Modern Science View
Brown rice contains an outer bran layer due to which it requires more water and more time for cooking.
1. Take 1 cup of Brown rice.
2. Rinse the rice in a strainer for about 30 seconds.
3. Boil 12 cups of water in a pot with a tight-fitting lid over high heat.
4. Add Brown rice to it once the water boils, stir once and boil uncovered for 30 minutes.
5. Remove extra water by straining the rice for 10 seconds, then transfer it back to the pot.
6. Turn off the flame, place the lid and set it aside to allow the rice to steam for 10 minutes.
7. Uncover the Brown rice, fluff it with a spoon and serve it hot.
8. Brown rice will take lesser time to cook when soaked for about 30 minutes.
9. You can also add some vegetables and a little salt to add flavour to the rice.

Q. What is the difference between white and Brown rice?

Modern Science View
The main difference between white rice and Brown rice is that Brown rice is a whole grain. It contains fibrous bran, germ and endosperm, while white rice does not contain bran and germ. Brown rice is much healthier, rich in fibre, nutrients and necessary fatty acids. It has a nuttier flavour and a chewy texture. Brown rice also has selenium and magnesium which lowers bad cholesterol as well as improves bone health[9][10].

Q. Is Brown rice an inflammatory food?

Ayurvedic View
No, Brown rice helps to reduce inflammation due to its Madhur (sweet) nature. It is regarded as one of the healthiest options when it comes to providing carbohydrates, micronutrients and dietary fiber.

Q. Does Brown rice have a role in diabetes?

Modern Science View
Yes, Brown rice has a role in diabetes. Brown rice helps to lower the increased glucose levels after meals. Dietary fibre and polysaccharides like arabinoxylan and β-glucan in Brown rice help to regulate the glucose absorption. A chemical name GABA in Brown rice also increases insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity to control diabetes[8].
Ayurvedic View
Yes, Brown rice helps to maintain normal blood sugar level because it improves digestive fire due to its Ushna (hot) potency. It helps prevent excessive accumulation of Ama (toxic remains in the body due to improper digestion) and corrects the impaired function of insulin. This helps control normal blood sugar level.

Q. Does Brown rice have a role in weight loss?

Modern Science View
Yes, Brown rice has a role in weight loss. Leptin is a protein present in the adipocytes. Amount of leptin controls the food intake and energy utilization in the body. A chemical name GABA in Brown rice works along with leptin to prevent obesity. In this way, Brown rice helps in weight loss[10].
Ayurvedic View
Brown rice helps in weight management. Brown rice gives a feeling of full stomach and reduces craving. This is because Brown rice takes time to digest due to its Guru (heavy) nature.

Q. Can Brown rice reduce blood pressure?

Modern Science View
Yes, Brown rice helps to regulate blood pressure due to the presence of a chemical name GABA. The bran layer in Brown rice interferes with the renin-angiotensin system (system that regulates blood pressure and fluid balance)[10].

Q. Is Brown rice helpful for muscle gain?

Modern Science View
Brown rice contains a high amount of complex carbohydrates and fibre. This causes its slower absorption into muscle cells making it ideal for bodybuilders. It also has some proteins and nutrients needed for muscle gain[8].

Q. What are the benefits of Brown rice for heart health?

Modern Science View
Brown rice is rich in selenium which is beneficial for a healthy heart. Consuming Brown rice helps reduce blockage of arteries due to plaque buildup. This reduces the risk of high blood pressure and heart problems[11].
Ayurvedic View
Brown rice helps in management of heart disease and provides a supportive strength to your heart due to it’s Hridya (heart supportive) property.

Q. Can Brown rice help prevent gallstones?

Modern Science View
Brown rice contains a high amount of insoluble fibre which prevents gallstones. This insoluble fibre speeds up the passage of food through the digestive tract and reduces the secretion of bile acid responsible for gall stone formation[11].

Q. Does Brown rice cause acne?

Ayurvedic View
No, Brown rice helps to cure skin problems like acne or pimples because of its Ropan (healing) property. It promotes quick healing when applied externally.

Q. Is Brown rice good for skin?

Ayurvedic View
Yes, Brown rice is good for skin problems. It gives a glowing and wrinkle-free skin and also reduces inflammation due to its Ropan (healing) property.


  1. The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia Of India.Part 1 Volume 1.
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  7. WebMD.Brown rice: Uses, Side effects, Doses, Interactions [Internet].Atlanta [last updated in 2016].
  8. Hansen J.Chapter 4: Eating for maximum results.Natural Bodybuilding.Human Kinetics.2005: 1 edition:89 External Link
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  11. Mir SA, Manickavasagan A, Ahmad Shah MA.Chapter-3:Brown rice.Whole Grains: Processing, Product Development, and Nutritional Aspects.CRC Press.2019.63-65.External Link
The content is purely informative and educational in nature and should not be construed as medical advice. Please use the content only in consultation with an appropriate certified medical or healthcare professional.


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