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Green coffee

Green coffee
Green coffee is a popular health supplement. It is the unroasted form of coffee beans with a higher amount of chlorogenic acid than the roasted form.
Consuming Green coffee once or twice a day can help in weight loss due to its anti-obesity property. It might also be beneficial in managing high blood pressure as it possesses antihypertensive and antioxidant properties. Green coffee might also help in managing blood sugar levels.
In some cases, Green coffee beans might cause gastrointestinal disturbances, nausea, nervousness and sleeplessness[1][2][18].

What are the synonyms of Green coffee?

Coffea arabica, Rajpilu, Coffee, Bun, Kapibija, Bund, Bunddana, Capiecottay, Kappi, Cilapakam, Kappivittalu, Cafee, Kaphe, Bannu, Kophi, Common Coffee, Quahwah, Kawa, Tochem keweh, Kahwa

What is the source of Green coffee?

Plant Based

Benefits of Green coffee

What are the benefits of Green coffee for Obesity?

Modern Science View
Chlorogenic acid present in Green coffee might help in weight management by increasing the activity of PPAR-α, a gene involved in fat metabolism[1]. Chlorogenic acid might also slow the breakdown of starch to sugar and prevent fat accumulation in the body[3][4].
1. Take 1/2-1 teaspoon of Green coffee powder in a cup.
2. Add 1 cup of hot water to it.
3. Let it stand for 5-6 minutes.
4. Strain and add a pinch of Cinnamon powder for better taste.
5. Drink it before taking meals for at least 1-2 months for better results.
6. Do not exceed more than 1-2 cups of Green coffee in a day.

What are the benefits of Green coffee for Heart disease?

Modern Science View
Chlorogenic acid present in Green coffee might lower the risk of stress-induced heart diseases by reducing the level of a stress hormone called cortisol. Another study states that chlorogenic acid has antioxidant property and prevents oxidative damage of heart muscles by free radicals.
1. Take 1/2-1 teaspoon of Green coffee powder in a cup.
2. Add 1 cup of hot water to it.
3. Let it stand for 5-6 minutes.
4. Strain and drink it daily for at least 1-2 months.
6. Do not exceed more than 1-2 cups of Green coffee in a day.

What are the benefits of Green coffee for Alzheimer's disease?

Modern Science View
Green coffee might help patients with Alzheimer’s disease.
In Alzheimer’s patients, there is an increase in the production of a protein called amyloid beta protein leading to the formation of amyloid plaques or clusters in the brain. A study states that Green coffee can reduce the formation of amyloid plaques in the brain thus improving memory functions in Alzheimer’s patients[7][11].

What are the benefits of Green coffee for Diabetes?

Modern Science View
Green coffee might control blood sugar level in diabetic patients. Chlorogenic acid present in Green coffee slows the breakdown of carbohydrate to sugar. As a result of which the level of blood sugar decreases[4].
1. Take 1/2-1 teaspoon of Green coffee powder in a cup.
2. Add 1 cup of hot water to it.
3. Let it stand for 5-6 minutes.
4. Filter the mixture and add a pinch of Cinnamon powder to enhance the taste.
5. Strain and drink it before taking meals for at least 1-2 months.
6. Do not exceed more than 1-2 cups of Green coffee in a day.

What are the benefits of Green coffee for High blood pressure and cholesterol?

Modern Science View
Green coffee might help manage stress-induced high blood pressure due to the presence of chlorogenic acid in it. It inhibits the formation of a stress hormone called cortisol and helps control high blood pressure[2][8].
1. Take 1/2-1 teaspoon of Green coffee powder.
2. Add 1 cup of hot water to it.
3. Let it stand for 5-6 minutes.
4. Strain and drink daily before meals.
5. Continue for at least 1-2 months for better results.
6. Do not exceed more than 1-2 cups of Green coffee a day[5].

How effective is Green coffee?

Insufficient evidence
Alzheimer's disease, Diabetes, Heart disease, High blood pressure and cholesterol, Obesity

Precautions when using Green coffee

Advice from Experts
Modern Science View
1. Green coffee can increase the risk of developing Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) in people already suffering from anxiety[5][13].
2. Limit the consumption of Green coffee if you have diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) as it might increase gastric acid secretion in the stomach. This might cause indigestion, pain in the stomach and loose stools[5][14].
3. Use Green coffee with caution if you have osteoporosis or low levels of calcium and Vitamin D. This is because Green coffee might cause bone loss by increasing calcium excretion from the body[5][15][16].
Ayurvedic View
Avoid drinking Green coffee at night as it might cause insomnia.
Modern Science View
Avoid Green coffee if you are breastfeeding due to lack of scientific evidence[5].
Patients with diabetes
Modern Science View
Green coffee may lower blood glucose levels. So it is generally advisable to monitor the sugar levels regularly if you are taking Green coffee along with anti-diabetic drugs[4].
Patients with heart disease
Modern Science View
Green coffee may lower blood pressure. So it is generally advisable to monitor the blood pressure regularly if you are taking taking Green coffee along with anti-hypertensive drugs[2][8].
Modern Science View
Avoid Green coffee during pregnancy as it may increase the risk of low birth weight (LBW), spontaneous abortion, fetal growth restriction and preterm delivery[5][17].
Side Effects
Modern Science View
1. Nervousness
2. Restlessness
3. Stomach upset
4. Nausea
5. Vomiting[5][6].

Recommended Dosage of Green coffee

  • Green coffee Capsule - 1-2 capsules once a day before meals.

How to use Green coffee

1. Green coffee Capsule
a. Take 1-2 Green coffee capsules.
b. Swallow it with a glass of water.
c. Take it once a day before meals.

2. Hot Coffee from Green Coffee beans
a. By soaking the Green coffee beans
i. Soak 1 cup of Green coffee beans overnight in 2 cups of water.
ii. Boil this mixture the next morning with continuous stirring for 15 minutes on high and 15 minutes on low flame.
iii. Remove from heat and let it cool for about 1 hour.
iv. Now filter the mixture and store it in a pet jar, you can keep this mixture in the refrigerator for 2-5 days.
v. Now take 1/2 teaspoon of the coffee mixture from the jar and add hot water to it.
vi. Add some Honey as per your taste.
vii. Avoid Honey if you are diabetic.

b. By grinding the Green coffee beans
i. Crush the Green coffee beans, coarse or fine texture according to you.
ii. Please note that the Green coffee beans are very hard so it is recommended to be careful and use a good quality grinder for grinding it
iii. Now put 1/2 teaspoon of the powdered coffee in a cup.
iv. Then add hot water to it.
v. Let it stand for 5-6 minutes.
vi. Filter the mixture and add some Honey for better taste[19].
vii. Avoid Honey if you are diabetic.

Frequently asked questions

Q. How to make a Green coffee drink for weight loss?

Modern Science View
1. Take about 1/2-1 teaspoon of Green coffee powder in a cup. But if you have Green coffee beans, grind them to a fine powder.
2. Pour hot water over it and mix well.
3. Leave the mixture for about 1-2 minutes and filter. If you find it too strong you can add a little warm water.
4. You can add Honey and a pinch of Cardamom powder for better taste.
1. Use only hot and not boiling water to prevent the release of bitter oils from coffee which can make it taste bitter.
2. For better results, drink Green coffee without adding milk.
3. Try to opt for organic Green coffee for effective results in weight loss.

Q. What are some of the best Green coffee brands that are available in India?

Modern Science View
There are a plethora of Green coffee brands in the market but it is always better to buy organic Green coffee to reap maximum benefits. Some of the popular brands of Green coffee are:
1. Wow Green coffee
2. Nutrus Green coffee
3. Nescafe
4. Svetol
5. Sinew Nutrition Arabica Green Coffee Beans Powder
6. Neuherbs organic Green coffee powder
7. Health First Green coffee extract
8. Nutra H3 Pure Green Coffee Bean extract
9. NutraLife Green Coffee Bean Extract

Q. What is the price of Green coffee?

Modern Science View
The price range of Green coffee varies depending on the brand you choose.
1. Wow Green coffee: Rs. 1499
2. Nutrus Green coffee: Rs. 270
3. Nescafe Green coffee blend: Rs. 400

Q. What is Nutrus Green coffee and what are its benefits?

Modern Science View
Nutrus Green coffee is one of the most sought-after organic Green coffee available in the market. It is a rich source of chlorogenic acid which has many health benefits like diabetes and weight loss. The price of Nutrus Green coffee is approximately Rs. 265.

Q. Does Green coffee bean extract make you poop?

Modern Science View
Green coffee is safe to consume as long as you are taking as directed. However, if you take Green coffee too frequently or increase the dose, it might cause an excess bowel movement. This is because of the presence of chlorogenic acid which has a laxative (increases bowel movement) effect[9].

Q. Can green coffee lower the level of cholesterol?

Modern Science View
Green coffee might help in lowering the level of bad cholesterol in the body due to the presence of chlorogenic acid in it. Some animal studies suggest that chlorogenic acid inhibits the accumulation of triglyceride as well as the synthesis of cholesterol in the body[20].

Q. Is Green coffee bean extract good for diabetics?

Modern Science View
Green coffee beans might help in managing diabetes because of the presence of chlorogenic acid in high amount.
Chlorogenic acid prevents the formation of glucose and the breakdown of glycogen by inhibiting an enzyme called glucose-6-phosphatase. As a result of this, the level of blood sugar decreases.
Chlorogenic acid and magnesium present in Green coffee are also said to lower insulin resistance which plays an important role in diabetes[4].

1. Take 1/2-1 teaspoon of Green coffee powder in a cup.
2. Add 1 cup of hot water to it.
3. Let it stand for 5-6 minutes.
4. Strain and add a pinch of Cinnamon powder to it.
5. Drink it before taking meals for at least 1-2 months.
6. Do not exceed more than 1-2 cups of Green coffee in a day.

Q. How does Green coffee beans help in weight loss?

Modern Science View
Green coffee might help in weight loss because of the presence of chlorogenic acid.
Chlorogenic acid speeds up fat metabolism in the liver which helps in controlling rapid increase in weight of the body[3]. Another study said that chlorogenic acid might help in fat loss by increasing the activity of PPAR-α, a gene involved in fat metabolism[1].
Chlorogenic acid is also said to reduce the absorption of carbohydrate from the digestive tract. This helps in lowering blood sugar level and thus helps in weight management[4].
1. Take 1/2-1 teaspoon of Green coffee powder in a cup.
2. Add 1 cup of hot water to it.
3. Let it stand for 5-6 minutes.
4. Strain and add a pinch of Cinnamon powder for better taste.
5. Drink it before taking meals for at least 1-2 months for better results.
6. Do not exceed more than 1-2 cups of Green coffee in a day.

Q. Does Green coffee help improve blood circulation?

Modern Science View
Green coffee contains certain constituents that have antioxidant activity and antihypertensive properties. This might help reduce blood pressure and improve blood circulation[21].

Q. Does Green coffee help slow down the signs of ageing?

Modern Science View
Yes, chlorogenic acid present in the green coffee has antioxidant properties which helps to slow down the ageing process[22].

Q. Does Green coffee improve mental health?

Modern Science View
Yes, consuming Green coffee might help to improve mental health. Chlorogenic acid and its metabolites present in the Green coffee have the property of protecting the nervous system that might help to reduce the risk of mental disorders like dementia[24].

Q. Is Green coffee good for the immune system?

Modern Science View
Enough scientific evidence is not available if green coffee is good for the immune system, however, it contains certain constituents that have antioxidant activity and antihypertensive properties[21].


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  21. Revuelta-Iniesta R, Al-Dujaili EAS.Consumption of Green Coffee Reduces Blood Pressure and Body Composition by Influencing 11β-HSD1 Enzyme Activity in Healthy Individuals: A Pilot Crossover Study Using Green and Black Coffee. BioMed research international. 2014. 482704.
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The content is purely informative and educational in nature and should not be construed as medical advice. Please use the content only in consultation with an appropriate certified medical or healthcare professional.


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