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Last updated
29 Aug 2022 | 04:38 PM (IST)

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Kasani or Chicory is a well-known coffee substitute and has various nutritive properties.
Kasani is beneficial for managing constipation as it adds bulk to the stool and increases good useful bacteria in the intestines.
According to Ayurveda, Kasani is useful for managing gall bladder stones by expelling them from the body due to its Pitta balancing property. Drinking 2-3 teaspoons of Kasani juice helps to manage liver disorders related to cell damage caused by free radicals due to its antioxidant activity. Kasani juice can also improve your appetite if taken regularly by improving the digestion process. Kasani is also good for bones as it helps in the absorption of calcium and strengthens the bones. It also helps to manage osteoarthritis by reducing the pain and inflammation due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Kasani can be used to manage various skin disorders and inflammation due to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Applying Kasani powder along with coconut oil might help promote wound healing. A paste of fresh Kasani leaves when applied on the forehead might give you relief from headache[1-3].

What are the synonyms of Kasani?

Cichorium intybus, Chicory, Succory, Blue sailor, Radicchio, Hinduba, Kasni, Chikory, Cikkari, Chikkari, Kachani, Kashini, Kasini, Kacini, Kasini-virai, Kasini-vittulu, Kaasni[1].

What is the source of Kasani?

Plant Based

Benefits of Kasani

What are the benefits of Kasani for Liver disease?

Modern Science View
Kasani (Chicory) might be beneficial in the management of liver disorders. It reduces the level of elevated liver enzymes. It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. This reduces the damage to liver cells. Esculetin and cichotyboside in Chicory have hepatoprotective effect. It is also used for the management of jaundice[1][3].
Ayurvedic View
Kasani (Chicory) is useful herb which can be used as a liver tonic to manage liver disorders like enlargement of the liver, fatty liver and jaundice. It works by balancing Pitta. The liver is the main site of metabolism of the body and Kasani improves metabolism by improving digestive fire. This is due to its Ushna (hot) potency.
1. Take 2-3 teaspoon of Kasani juice.
2. Add the same quantity of water and take it on an empty stomach to manage the symptoms of liver disorders.

What are the benefits of Kasani for Constipation?

Modern Science View
Kasani (Chicory) might be beneficial in the management of constipation. Chicory inulin increases the bacterial count in the stool. It improves digestion and helps in easy passage of stools[3][7].
Ayurvedic View
Kasani (Chicory) helps to manage constipation when taken regularly. This is because it promotes the digestive fire which helps to digest the food easily due to its Ushna (hot) potency. It also adds bulk to the stool and helps in easy expulsion of stool.
1. Take 2-3 teaspoon of Kasani juice.
2. Add the same quantity of water and take it on an empty stomach to manage constipation.

What are the benefits of Kasani for Appetite stimulant?

Modern Science View
Chicory might be beneficial in the management of loss of appetite[1][3].
Ayurvedic View
Chicory helps to improve appetite when it is made a part of the daily diet. In Ayurveda, loss of appetite is due to Agnimandya (weak digestion). It is caused by an aggravation of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha doshas leading to incomplete digestion of food. This causes insufficient secretion of gastric juice in the stomach resulting in a loss of appetite. Chicory stimulates digestion and improves appetite. This is due to its Laghu (light) and Ushna (hot) properties.
1. Take 2-3 teaspoon of Kasani juice.
2. Add the same quantity of water and take it on an empty stomach to manage loss of appetite.

What are the benefits of Kasani for Diarrhea?

Ayurvedic View
Kasani also correct the upset stomach because it helps to digestion food and gives the strength to the liver so that food can easily digest. Kasni is a natural laxative due to its Rechana( laxative ) property which cures chronic constipation and other digestive disorders.

What are the benefits of Kasani for Gallbladder stones?

Modern Science View
Kasani (Chicory)might be beneficial in the management of gallbladder stones. Kasani leaf juice helps in the release of gallstones from the body[1][3][4].
Ayurvedic View
Kasani helps to reduce the risk of gallbladder disorder by controlling excessive secretions of Pitta. This is due to its Pitta balancing property. It also helps the liver to function properly and removes excess bile secretion. Together, it reduces the risk of gallbladder stone.
1. Take 2-3 teaspoon of Kasani juice.
2. Add the same quantity of water and take it on an empty stomach to reduce the risk of gallbladder stones.

What are the benefits of Kasani for Osteoarthritis?

Modern Science View
Kasani (Chicory) might be beneficial in the management of osteoarthritis. It has good antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It decreases the pain and inflammation of joints. It also prevents further damage to joints[1][3].

What are the benefits of Kasani for Hypertension (high blood pressure)?

Modern Science View
Kasani (Chicory) might be beneficial in the management of high blood pressure[1][3].

What are the benefits of Kasani for Skin disorders?

Modern Science View
Kasani might be beneficial in the management of skin inflammation. It has good antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It prevents infection and also reduces the release of inflammatory mediators[3][6]

What are the benefits of Kasani for Cancer?

Modern Science View
Kasani juice might be beneficial in the management of cancer[1][3][5].

How effective is Kasani?

Insufficient evidence
Allergic skin conditions, Appetite stimulant, Cancer, Constipation, Diarrhea, Gallbladder stones, Hypertension (high blood pressure), Liver disease, Osteoarthritis, Skin disorders

Precautions when using Kasani

Advice from Experts
Modern Science View
Consult your Doctor while taking Kasani if you have gallstones[3].
Modern Science View
Consult your doctor while taking Kasani (Chicory) during breastfeeding[3].
Other Interaction
Ayurvedic View
Kasani may have sedative action. So it is generally advised to consult your doctor before starting Kasani while taking sedative medicines.
Patients with diabetes
Modern Science View
Kasani may lower the blood sugar level. So, it is generally advisable to monitor your blood sugar level while taking Kasani with antidiabetic drugs[3].
Modern Science View
Consult your doctor while taking Kasani (Chicory) during pregnancy[3].
Side Effects
Modern Science View
1. Bloating
2. Abdominal pain
3. Belching
4. Asthma[3].

Recommended Dosage of Kasani

  • Kasani Juice - 2-3 teaspoon once a day.
  • Kasani Churna - ¼ - ½ teaspoon twice a day.
  • Kasani Ark - 6-10 teaspoon twice a day.
  • Kasani Capsule - 1-2 capsules twice a day.

How to use Kasani

1. Kasani Juice
a. Take 2-3 teaspoon of Kasani juice.
b. Add the same quantity of water and take it on an empty stomach once a day.

2. Kasani Churna
a. Take ¼ - ½ teaspoon of Kasani churna.
b. Add honey or water and take it twice a day after taking lunch and dinner.

3. Kasani Capsule
a. Take1-2 capsule of Kasani.
b. Swallow it with water twice a day after taking lunch and dinner.

4. Kasani Ark
a. Take 6-10 teaspoon of Kasani Ark (Chicory Distillate).
b. Add the same quantity of water to it and take it before lunch and dinner twice a day.

Benefits of Kasani

1. Wound healing
Kasani (Chicory) helps in quick healing of the wound, decreases swelling and brings back the normal texture of the skin. A paste of Kasani powder with Coconut oil helps in quick healing and reduces inflammation. This is due to its Ropan (healing) property.
a. Take 1/2-1 teaspoon of Chicory powder or as per your requirement.
b. Mix it with water or Coconut oil to form a paste.
c. Apply on the affected area for quick wound healing.

2. Headache
Applying a paste of Kasani (Chicory) leaves on the forehead helps to reduce a headache especially that starts in your temples and spreads to the central part of your head. This is because of Sita (cold) potency of Kasani. It helps to remove Pitta aggravating factors and reduces a headache.
a. Take a few leaves of Kasani (Chicory).
b. Crush and make a paste with water.
c. Apply on the forehead or scalp.
d. Leave it for at least 1-2 hours to get rid of a headache.

Precautions when using Kasani

Ayurvedic View
Apply the paste of Kasani leaves by mixing with Coconut oil or water if you have hypertensive skin.

Recommended Dosage of Kasani

  • Kasani Powder - ¼-1 teaspoon or as per your requirement.

How to use Kasani

1. Kasani Powder
a. Take ¼-1 teaspoon Kasani (Chicory) powder.
b. Make a paste with honey or water.
c. Apply on the affected area once or twice a day.

Frequently asked questions

Q. What are the chemical constituents of Kasani?

Modern Science View
Kasani is also known as Chicory. Chicoric acid is the major chemical constituent of Kasani along with other phytocompounds like inulin, coumarins, tannins, monomeric flavonoids, and sesquiterpene lactones. Kasani is a well known coffee substitute and has various nutritive, prophylactic, and therapeutic qualities. Kasani contains nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals, soluble fiber, trace elements, and bioactive phenolic compounds.

Q. In what forms of Kasani of available in the market?

Modern Science View
Kasani is available in the market in various product forms such as:
These products are present under various brands like Swadeshi organic, Hamdard, Dehlvi Naturals, Axiom Ayurveda etc. You can choose the product and brand according to your liking and requirement.

Q. What is the shelf life of Kasani Powder?

Modern Science View
Shelf life of Kasani powder is approximately 6 months. Store it in a airtight container at room temperature.

Q. How to make Chicory (Kasani) coffee?

Modern Science View
Following are the steps to make Chicory (Kasani) coffee:

1. Take some chicory roots and wash it properly.
2. Cut the roots into small pieces (around one inch)
3. Arrange the cut pieces on the baking tray and bake it at 350 degrees until the color changes to a golden brown.
4. Remove the tray and let it cool.
5. Grind the baked pieces and mix it with ground coffee. The ratio should be 1:2 or 2:3 ratio of chicory to coffee.
6. Prepare the coffee by boiling the water and adding two spoons of chicory powder and let it brew for 10-15 mins.
7. Pour it into a mug and coffee is ready for consumption.

Q. Can Kasani be used in case of malaria?

Modern Science View
Yes, Kasani can be used in case of malaria. Lactucin and lactucopicrin in Kasani have anti-malarial activity. They inhibit the growth of malarial parasite[1].

Q. Can Kasani be used in diabetes?

Modern Science View
Yes, Kasani is used in diabetes. Kasani improves insulin sensitivity. This helps to decrease the elevated blood glucose levels. Caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid and chicoric acid in Kasani have good antidiabetic property. They improve the uptake of glucose by the cells and tissues. They also stimulate the secretion of insulin from the pancreas. Kasani also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. This reduces the risk of developing diabetes-related complications[1].

Q. Is Kasani good for bones?

Modern Science View
Yes, Kasani is good for bones. It helps in the absorption of calcium and strengthens the bones. It also reduces the chances of developing osteoporosis[5].

Q. Can Kasani cause gas?

Ayurvedic View
No, Kasani does not cause gas. It improves the digestive fire and reduces the chance of formation of gas because of its Ushna (hot) nature.

Q. Can we use Kasani for kidney disorders?

Modern Science View
Yes, Kasani can be used for Kidney disorders such as kidney stones. It reduces the formation of crystals by inhibiting the binding of calcium. It helps in the easy removal of crystals by increasing the urine production due to its diuretic activity. It also protects the Kidney cells against the damage caused by free radicals due to its antioxidant property[4].
Ayurvedic View
Yes, Kasani might be used in some kidney disorders like renal stone, urine retention or urine burning. Kidney disorders generally occur due to an imbalance of Vata or Kapha dosha and might sometimes lead to formation or accumulation of toxins in the body. Kasani helps to manage kidney disorders by increasing the urine production due to its Mutral (diuretic) property and helps to remove toxins from the body.

Q. What are the benefits of Chicory(Kasani) coffee?

Modern Science View
Kasani (Chicory) coffee is very beneficial for health. Chicory coffee that is made from the roots of Kasani has antimicrobial and antifungal properties and can be used to manage infections. It helps to manage liver disorders such as jaundice and fatty liver disease due to its hepatoprotective and antioxidant properties. Consuming Kasani coffee is also beneficial for managing diabetes as it increases insulin secretion and lowers blood glucose levels[1][5].

Q. Can we use Kasani in cough syrups?

Modern Science View
Although enough scientific evidence is not available to support the role of Kasani in cough syrup. However, it might help in cough[6].
Ayurvedic View
Cough generally occurs due to an imbalance of Kapha dosha which leads to the formation and accumulation of mucus in the respiratory pathway. Kasani when used as an ingredient in cough syrups help manage cough due to its Kapha balancing property. It also has Ushna (hot) nature which helps loosen and remove cough from the respiratory passage.

Q. Is Kasani good for weight loss?

Modern Science View
According to Ayurveda, weight gain is a condition which occurs due to weak or poor digestion. It leads to the formation and accumulation of toxins in the form of Ama (toxin remains in the body due to incomplete digestion) in the body. Kasani helps to manage weight by improving the metabolism and digestion due to its Ushna (hot) nature and Pachak (digestion) properties.
1. Take ¼ - ½ teaspoon of Kasani churna.
2. Add honey or water to it.
3. Eat it twice a day after taking lunch and dinner.

Q. Does Kasani boosts immunity?

Modern Science View
Yes, Kasani might improve immunity due to the presence of certain constituents which has antioxidant property. The antioxidants present in Kasani fights against the free radicals and prevents cell damage. It stimulates the immune system and boosts immunity[8].

Q. What are the benefits of Kasani in Jaundice?

Modern Science View
Yes, Kasani might help in the management of Jaundice(a liver disorder) due to its antioxidant and hepatoprotective property. It protects the liver cells against damage caused by free radicals and also helps in maintaining bilirubin levels needed for normal liver function[10][11].
Ayurvedic View
Jaundice occurs due to an imbalance of Pitta dosha and might also lead to internal weakness along with disturbed digestion. Kasani helps to manage jaundice and improves digestion due to its Pitta balancing, and Ushna (hot) properties. It also provides internal strength to the body due to its Balya (strength provider) property.

Q. Is Chicory good for the teeth?

Modern Science View
Yes, Chicory is good for the teeth. It inhibits the growth of oral pathogens. It prevents bacterial biofilm formation on the teeth. This reduces the risk of dental cavities. In the case of periodontal disease, it reduces pain and inflammation associated with it[1].

Q. Does Chicory have a role in wound healing?

Modern Science View
Yes, Chicory has a role in wound healing. β-sitosterol in Chicory has good antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It prevents infection of the wound and helps in the formation of collagen protein. This promotes wound healing[1].

Q. Does Kasani cause skin irritation?

Ayurvedic View
Kasani does not cause any irritation on the skin. Although, the paste of Kasani leaves should apply by mixing with oil or water in case of hypertensive skin.

Q. Is Kasani helpful in eye problems?

Modern Science View
Yes, Kasani might help in certain eye problems such as inflamed eyes, allergies and infections. It helps to manage inflammation due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy properties. It also has antifungal and antibacterial properties which might be used in infections caused by bacteria and fungi[7][9].
Ayurvedic View
Eye problems like pain or irritation generally occur due to an imbalanced Pitta dosha. Kasani helps to manage the symptoms of eye problems and provides relief due to its Pitta balancing property.


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  2. Nwafor IC, Shale K, Achilonu MC.Chemical composition and nutritive benefits of Chicory (Cichorium intybus) as an ideal complementary and/or alternative livestock feed supplement.The Scientific World Journal.2017.
  3. WebMD.Chicory:Uses, Side effects, Interactions, Dosage [Internet]. Atlanta [last updated in 2016].
  4. Emamiyan MZ, Vaezi G, Tehranipour M, Shahrohkabadi K, Shiravi A. Preventive effects of the aqueous extract of Cichorium intybus L. flower on ethylene glycol-induced renal calculi in rats. Avicenna J Phytomed. 2018 ;8(2):170-178. External Link
  5. Hardeep FM, Pandey DK. Anti-diabetic activity of methanolic extract of chicory roots in streptozocin induced diabetic rats. International Journal of Pharmacy. 2013;3(1):211–216.External Link
  6. Al-Snafi A.E.Medical importance of Cichorium intybus – A review. IOSR Journal Of Pharmacy.2016;6(3):41-56 External Link
  7. Das S, Vasudeva N, Sharma S. Cichorium intybus: A concise report on its ethnomedicinal, botanical, and phytopharmacological aspects. Drug Dev Ther 2016;7(1):1-12. External Link
  8. Singh R, Chahal K.K. Cichorium intybus L: A review on phytochemistry and pharmacology. International Journal of Chemical Studies.2018; 6(3): 1272-1280 External Link
  9. Badakhasann S, Bhatnagar S. Cichorium intybus an Antifungal Drug: A Prospective Study in Tertiary Care Hospital of Kashmir Valley.2019;2(5):94-97.External Link
  10. Naderi R et al. Maternal Administration of Cichorium intybus L. Extract Decreases the Plasma Total and Conjugated Bilirubin Level in Rat Neonates.Jundishapur J Nat Pharm Prod. 2018; 13(2):e14043. External Link
  11. Al-Snafi A.E.Medical importance of Cichorium intybus – A review. IOSR Journal Of Pharmacy.2016;6(3):41-56 External Link
The content is purely informative and educational in nature and should not be construed as medical advice. Please use the content only in consultation with an appropriate certified medical or healthcare professional.


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