Kidney Beans
Kidney beans
Kidney beans commonly known as Rajma is an important dietary food with various health benefits. Kidney beans are rich in proteins, fibers, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
Kidney beans are beneficial in managing weight loss as they inhibit the accumulation of fats and lipids in the body. Eating salads containing soaked Kidney beans might help in the management of blood sugar levels due to its anti-diabetic property. It’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties also reduce the risk of developing diabetes-related complications. Kidney beans also help reduce bad cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein or LDL) and triglycerides which helps maintain cholesterol levels in the body.
Excessive consumption of Kidney beans may increase the risk of flatulence. Thus, it is advised to take adequate amount of fibers along with Kidney beans to avoid such a situation. Eating raw Kidney beans may cause vomiting and stomach pain[2][3][4].
Kidney beans are beneficial in managing weight loss as they inhibit the accumulation of fats and lipids in the body. Eating salads containing soaked Kidney beans might help in the management of blood sugar levels due to its anti-diabetic property. It’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties also reduce the risk of developing diabetes-related complications. Kidney beans also help reduce bad cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein or LDL) and triglycerides which helps maintain cholesterol levels in the body.
Excessive consumption of Kidney beans may increase the risk of flatulence. Thus, it is advised to take adequate amount of fibers along with Kidney beans to avoid such a situation. Eating raw Kidney beans may cause vomiting and stomach pain[2][3][4].
What are the synonyms of Kidney Beans?
Phaseolus vulgaris, Barbati Beej, Snap bean, Green bean, Dry bean, String bean, Haricot commun, Gartenbohne, Rajma, Sigappu Kaaramani, Chikkuduginjalu, Lal lobia[1]
What is the source of Kidney Beans?
Plant Based
Benefits of Kidney Beans

Modern Science View
Yes, Kidney beans is beneficial in managing obesity. It has α-amylase inhibitors and lectins that are responsible for weight regulation. It inhibits the accumulation of fats and lipids. Kidney beans also inhibit the fatty acid oxidation. This lowers the levels of triglycerides[3][4].

Ayurvedic View
An increase in weight is due to unhealthy food habits and lifestyle which leads to a weak digestive fire. This increases accumulation of Ama causing an imbalance in Meda dhatu and thus resulting in obesity. Kidney beans help to improves digestive fire due to its Ushna (hot) property and reduces Ama which is the prime cause of obesity.
1. Take 1/2 -1 cup of soaked Kidney beans.
2. Boil the soaked Kidney beans.
3. Add chopped onion, tomatoes, and other vegetables as per your liking.
4. Squeeze 1/2 lemon to it.
5. Add salt and black pepper as per your taste.
6. Have it in your lunch or dinner for weight management.
1. Take 1/2 -1 cup of soaked Kidney beans.
2. Boil the soaked Kidney beans.
3. Add chopped onion, tomatoes, and other vegetables as per your liking.
4. Squeeze 1/2 lemon to it.
5. Add salt and black pepper as per your taste.
6. Have it in your lunch or dinner for weight management.

Modern Science View
Kidney beans might be beneficial in the management of diabetes. The phytoconstituents in Kidney beans have anti-diabetic activity. They help to reduce the elevated blood glucose levels. It also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It reduces the risk of developing diabetes-related complications[2][3].

Ayurvedic View
Diabetes also known as Madhumeha is due to an aggravation of Vata and impaired digestion. Impaired digestion leads to an accumulation of Ama (toxic remains in the body due to improper digestion) in the pancreatic cells and impairs the function of insulin. Kidney beans help to correct impaired digestion due to its Ushna (hot) potency. This reduces Ama and improves the function of insulin, thus manages normal blood sugar level.

Modern Science View
Kidney beans might be beneficial in the management of high cholesterol. It reduces the level of LDL or bad cholesterol and triglycerides. It has antioxidant that property that prevents lipid peroxidation. This reduces the risk of developing complications associated with high cholesterol[2][3].

Ayurvedic View
High cholesterol is due to an imbalance of Pachak Agni (digestive fire). Impaired digestion at the tissue level produces excess waste products or Ama (toxic remains in the body due to improper digestion). This causes accumulation of bad cholesterol and blockage in the blood vessels. Kidney beans help to improve Agni (digestive fire) and reduce Ama. This is due to its Ushna (hot) potency, thus removes the accumulated bad cholesterol from the body.

Modern Science View
Kidney beans might be beneficial in reducing the risk of colon and rectal cancer. Phenolic compounds in Kidney beans have antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic activities. They interact with the toxins and inhibit their metabolism. Kidney beans are also known to have chemoprotective activity[2][3].

Modern Science View
Kidney beans might be beneficial in the management of lung cancer. Deficiency of selenium increases the risk of developing lung cancer. Kidney bean is a rich source of selenium that reduces the risk of developing lung cancer. Phenolic compounds in Kidney beans have antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic activities. They interact with the toxins and inhibit their metabolism. Kidney beans are only known to have chemoprotective activity[2][3][5].

Ayurvedic View
Urinary tract infection is described under the broad term of Mutrakcchra in Ayurveda. Mutra means ooze and krichra mean painful. Thus, dysuria and painful urination are called as Mutrakcchra. In urinary tract infection, Kidney beans help to control burning sensation because it has Mutral (diuretic) effect. It increases the urine flow and subsides the symptoms of UTI like burning sensation during urination.

Modern Science View
Kidney beans might be beneficial in the management of Kidney stones. Saponins in Kidney beans reduce the risk of developing Kidney stones[3][5]
How effective is Kidney Beans?
Likely effective
Insufficient evidence
Cancer of colon and rectum, Diabetes, High cholesterol, Kidney stone, Lung cancer, Urinary tract infections (UTIs)
Precautions when using Kidney Beans
Moderate Medicine Interaction

Modern Science View
Kidney bean may lower the blood sugar. So it is generally advisable to consult your doctor while taking Kidney beans with anti-diabetic drugs[3].
Side Effects

Modern Science View
1. Stomach upset
2. Nausea
3. Vomiting
4. Loose motion[3].
2. Nausea
3. Vomiting
4. Loose motion[3].
Recommended Dosage of Kidney Beans
- Kidney Beans Capsule - 1-2 capsules twice a day.
How to use Kidney Beans
1. Kidney Beans salad
a. Take ½ -1 cup of soaked Kidney beans.
b. Boil the soaked Kidney beans.
c. Add chopped onion, tomatoes, and other veggies as per your liking.
d. Squeeze ½ lemon to it.
e. Add salt and black pepper as per your taste.
2. Kidney beans Capsules
a. Take 1-2 capsules of Kidney beans.
b. Swallow it with water 1-2 times a day.
a. Take ½ -1 cup of soaked Kidney beans.
b. Boil the soaked Kidney beans.
c. Add chopped onion, tomatoes, and other veggies as per your liking.
d. Squeeze ½ lemon to it.
e. Add salt and black pepper as per your taste.
2. Kidney beans Capsules
a. Take 1-2 capsules of Kidney beans.
b. Swallow it with water 1-2 times a day.
How to use Kidney Beans
1. Kidney bean Paste
a. Take 1-2 teaspoon of paste of soaked Kidney beans.
b. Add honey to it and apply evenly on the face.
c. Let it sit for 3-4 minutes.
d. Wash thoroughly with tap water.
e. Use this remedy to get rid of acne and scars.
a. Take 1-2 teaspoon of paste of soaked Kidney beans.
b. Add honey to it and apply evenly on the face.
c. Let it sit for 3-4 minutes.
d. Wash thoroughly with tap water.
e. Use this remedy to get rid of acne and scars.
Frequently asked questions

Modern Science View
It is said that raw Kidney beans contain a toxic compound called Lectin. Eating raw Kidney beans may cause vomiting and stomach pain. Cooking the Kidney beans helps destroy Lectin and makes it easily digestible. It is recommended to soak the Kidney beans at least for 7-8 hours or overnight before pressure cooking.

Modern Science View
There are about 3.3 calories in 1 g of Kidney beans.

Modern Science View
Studies suggest that taking Kidney beans in a large amount may increase the risk of flatulence. Thus it is advised to take adequate amount of fibers along with Kidney beans to avoid such situation[4]. Also, Kidney beans can cause flatulence when it is not cooked well as it will take time to digest.

Modern Science View
Yes, Kidney beans act as an energy booster due to the presence of high iron content. The iron present in Kidney beans helps in improving the body’s metabolism and energy production. Kidney beans are especially good for menstruating women as they help boost the iron level in the body[5][10].

Modern Science View
Yes, Kidney beans help relieve constipation as they are a good source of dietary fiber. High fiber content helps bulk up and softens the feces by holding or absorbing water. This makes the removal of feces from the body easier[6].

Modern Science View
Yes, Kidney beans might help improve immunity as they are rich in proteins and vitamins (vitamin B1, B6, and folate B9) that boost the immune system[5].

Modern Science View
Yes, Kidney beans strengthen bones due to the presence of vitamin E and vitamin K. These vitamins provide calcium that is a mineral that keeps the bones strong[7].

Modern Science View
Yes, Kidney beans help relieve asthma due to its anti-inflammatory properties. They reduce pain and inflammation in the lungs that help clear the passage and eases breathing[8].

Modern Science View
Enough scientific evidence is not available to support the role of Kidney beans during pregnancy. So it is generally advised to consult a doctor before including Kidney beans in your diet when pregnant[3].

Modern Science View
Enough scientific evidence is not available to support the role of Kidney beans as a natural detoxifier.

Modern Science View
Enough scientific evidence is not available to support the role of red Kidney beans in bodybuilding.

Modern Science View
Yes, Kidney beans might help manage the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis due to their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. A certain component present in Kidney beans inhibits the activity of an inflammatory causing protein, thereby reducing the pain and inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis[9].
- Saleem ZM, Ahmed S, Hasan MM.Phaseolus vulgaris LINN.Botany, Medicinal, uses Phytochemistry and pharmacology.WJPR.2016;5(11):1611-1616.
- Kumar Ganesan and Baojun Xu. Polyphenol-Rich Dry Common Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and Their Health Benefits.Int J Mol Sci. 2017;18(11): 2331.
- WebMD.Phaseolus vulgaris: Uses, Side effects, Doses, Interactions [Internet].Atlanta [last updated in 2016].
- Winham DM, Hutchins AM.Perceptions of flatulence from bean consumption among adults in 3 feeding studies.Nutr J. 2011; 10: 128.
The content is purely informative and educational in nature and should not be construed as medical advice. Please use the content only in consultation with an appropriate certified medical or healthcare professional.