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Moringa, commonly known as “Drum stick” or “Horseradish", is considered as an important plant in Ayurveda. Moringa is rich in vegetable oil and has high nutritional values. Its leaves and flowers are mainly used to manage various diseases.
Moringa lowers cholesterol levels by increasing good cholesterol in the body. It also protects the liver against damage due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It is also good for diabetics as it helps lower blood sugar levels. Moringa is beneficial for men as it has aphrodisiac property. Drinking Moringa juice helps to manage blood pressure by acting as a diuretic. Moringa can either be taken in the form of tea, powder or capsules.
Moringa oil when applied to the skin helps prevent acne and promotes wound healing due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity. Applying a paste of Moringa leaf powder also helps in joint pain[2][3].

What are the synonyms of Moringa?

Moringa oleifera, Sobhanjana, Bahala, Tiksnagandha, Aksiva, Mocaka, Sajina, Sajna, Sajne, Horse Radish Tree, Drum Stick Tree, Sargavo, Sekato, Saragavo, Parna, Shajoma, Mungna, Neegge, Nugge ele, Murinna, Tishnagandha, Muringa, Muringa Elai, Sevaga, Segata, Segata pana, Shewgachi pane, Sajana, Munga, Munika, Sohanjana, Murungai, Murungai Ilai, Munaga Aku, Sehjan[1].

What is the source of Moringa?

Plant Based

Benefits of Moringa

What are the benefits of Moringa for Asthma?

Modern Science View
Moringa might be beneficial in the management of bronchial asthma. It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It reduces inflammation in the bronchial tubes. This reduces the severity of symptoms and improves breathing[4][20].
Ayurvedic View
Moringa helps to control the symptoms of asthma and gives relief in case of breathlessness. According to Ayurveda, the main doshas involved in asthma are Vata and Kapha. The vitiated ‘Vata’ combines with deranged ‘Kapha dosha’ in the lungs causing obstruction in the respiratory passage. This results in difficulty in breathing. This condition is known as Swas Roga (Asthma). Taking Moringa helps to balance Kapha and remove excess mucus from the lungs. This gives relief from the symptoms of asthma
1. Take 1/4- 1/2 teaspoon Moringa powder.
2. Mix with honey or water.
3. Have it with lunch and dinner to manage the symptoms of asthma.

What are the benefits of Moringa for Stomach ulcers?

Modern Science View
Moringa might be beneficial in the management of stomach ulcers. Tannins in Moringa promote vasoconstriction. This prevents ulcer development. Tannins also have astringent property. It promotes the precipitation of proteins. Thus, Moringa helps to protect the gastric mucosa[4][20].

What are the benefits of Moringa for Diarrhea?

Modern Science View
Moringa might be beneficial in the management of diarrhea. It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It inhibits the bacteria responsible for causing diarrhea. It also reduces the inflammation of intestine associated with the infection[4][21].
Ayurvedic View
Diarrhea is known as Atisar in Ayurveda. It is due to improper food, impure water, toxins, mental stress and Agnimandya (weak digestive fire). All these factors are responsible for aggravating Vata. This aggravated Vata brings fluid in the intestine from various tissues from the body and mixes with the stool. This leads to loose, watery motions or diarrhea. Moringa helps to control diarrhea by improving the digestive fire. This is due to its Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) properties. It also makes the stool thick and reduces the frequency of motion.
1. Take 1/4- 1/2 teaspoon powder.
2. Mix with honey or water.
3. Have it with lunch and dinner to control diarrhea.

What are the benefits of Moringa for Hypertension (high blood pressure)?

Modern Science View
Moringa leaf juice might be beneficial in the management of high blood pressure. Nitrile, mustard oil glycosides and thiocarbamate glycosides from Moringa have blood pressure lowering property. It blocks the calcium ion channels. It also acts as a diuretic agent. Together, it helps to maintain normal blood pressure level[4][18][19].

What are the benefits of Moringa for Diabetes?

Modern Science View
Moringa might be beneficial in the management of diabetes. It helps to decrease the elevated blood glucose levels. It helps in the insulin secretion from the pancreatic beta cells. It also reduces insulin resistance. Moringa has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It inhibits the inflammatory mediators and prevents lipid peroxidation. Thus, Moringa reduces the risk of diabetes related complications[4][17].
Ayurvedic View
Diabetes also known as Madhumeha is due to an aggravation of Vata and impaired digestion. Impaired digestion leads to an accumulation of Ama (toxic remains in the body due to improper digestion) in the pancreatic cells and impairs the function of insulin. Moringa helps to correct impaired digestion due to its Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) properties. This reduces Ama and improves the function of insulin. Moringa also has Tikta (bitter) taste which also helps to maintain normal blood sugar level
1. Take 1/4- 1/2 teaspoon powder
2. Mix with honey or water
3. Have it with lunch and dinner to manage diabetes.

What are the benefits of Moringa for Atherosclerosis (plaque deposition inside the arteries)?

Modern Science View
Moringa might be beneficial in the management of atherosclerosis. It has hypolipidemic activity. It lowers the level of cholesterol. This prevents deposition of cholesterol in the blood vessels. Thus, Moringa prevents plaque formation and reduces the risk of atherosclerosis[4][20].
Ayurvedic View
Moringa might help to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis by controlling high cholesterol. High cholesterol is due to an imbalance of Pachak Agni (digestive fire). Impaired digestion at the tissue level produces excess waste products or Ama (toxic remains in the body due to improper digestion). This causes accumulation of bad cholesterol and blockage in the blood vessels. Moringa helps to improve Agni (digestive fire) and reduce Ama. This is due to its Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) properties. It also helps to remove blockage from the blood vessels by eliminating toxins. This reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.
1. Take 1/4- 1/2 teaspoon powder.
2. Mix with honey or water.
3. Have it with lunch and dinner to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.

What are the benefits of Moringa for Swelling?

Modern Science View
Roots of Moringa might be beneficial in the management of swelling. This is because of its anti-inflammatory property[4][20].

What are the benefits of Moringa for Kidney stone?

Modern Science View
Moringa root-wood might be beneficial in the management of kidney stones. It reduces the increased levels of oxalate in the urine. This in turn regulates the oxalate synthesis in the body. It also lowers the deposition of calcium and oxalate in the kidneys. Thus, prevents kidney stone formation[4][20].

What are the benefits of Moringa for Increasing sexual desire?

Modern Science View
Moringa might be beneficial in increasing sex drive due to its aphrodisiac property[4][20].
Ayurvedic View
Moringa is good to increase sex drive in men. It helps to manage loss of libido i.e., having no inclination towards a sexual act. Moringa might also help to control premature ejaculation in which semen is expelled soon after a sexual activity. This is due to its Vajikarana (aphrodisiac) property.
1. Take 1/4- 1/2 teaspoon powder.
2. Mix with honey or milk.
3. Have it with lunch and dinner for sexual wellness.

What are the benefits of Moringa for Increased breast milk production?

Modern Science View
Moringa might be beneficial in increasing breast milk production. It acts as a galactagogue. Thus, increases the level of prolactin hormone responsible for breastmilk production. But there is not enough scientific evidence to state whether it is safe for the baby. So, it is generally advisable to consult your doctor before taking Moringa or Moringa supplements during breastfeeding[4][7][8][22].

What are the benefits of Moringa for Disease of thyroid gland?

Modern Science View
Moringa might be beneficial in the management of thyroid disorders. It helps to regulate the level of thyroid hormone. It inhibits the conversion of T4 hormone to T3 hormone. Thus, there is a decrease in the the level of T3 hormone and increase in the level of T4 hormone. Studies suggest that Moringa might be beneficial in the management of hyperthyroidism[4][10].

What are the benefits of Moringa for Arthritis?

Modern Science View
Moringa might be beneficial in the management of arthritis. It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-arthritic activities. It reduces pain and inflammation of joints[4][23].
Ayurvedic View
Moringa is useful to manage pain in arthritis. According to Ayurveda, arthritis occurs due to an aggravation of Vata dosha and is known as Sandhivata. It causes pain, swelling, and joint mobility. Moringa has Vata balancing property and gives relief from the symptoms of arthritis like pain and swelling in the joints.
1. Take 1/4- 1/2 teaspoon powder.
2. Mix with honey or water.
3. Have it with lunch and dinner to manage the symptoms of arthritis.

What are the benefits of Moringa for Cancer?

Modern Science View
Moringa might be beneficial in the management of cancer. Quercetin and kaempferol in Moringa prevent cancer cell proliferation. It also induces apoptosis and reduces the survival of cancerous cells[4][18].

How effective is Moringa?

Insufficient evidence
Anemia, Arthritis, Asthma, Atherosclerosis (plaque deposition inside the arteries), Cancer, Constipation, Contraception, Diabetes, Diarrhea, Disease of thyroid gland, Epilepsy, Flatulence (gas formation), Headache, Hypertension (high blood pressure), Immunity booster, Increased breast milk production, Increasing sexual desire, Infections, Kidney stone, Stomach ulcers, Swelling

Precautions when using Moringa

Modern Science View
There is some scientific evidence that Moringa may be useful in increasing the production of breast milk in nursing women. Although, not enough scientific evidence is available for whether it may be safe for the baby. So, it is generally advisable to consult your doctor before taking Moringa or Moringa supplements during breastfeeding[4][7][8].
Modern Science View
Moringa has antifertility and anti-implantation properties. So it is generally advised to avoid Moringa or consult your doctor before taking Moringa or Moringa supplements during pregnancy[4-6].

Recommended Dosage of Moringa

  • Moringa Capsule - 1-2 capsules twice a day.
  • Moringa Tablet - 1-2 tablets twice a day.
  • Moringa Powder - ¼-½ teaspoon twice day.
  • Moringa Juice - 2-4 teaspoons once or twice a day.
  • Moringa Syrup - 1-2 teaspoons twice a day.
  • Moringa Tea - 1-2 cup in a day.

How to use Moringa

1. Moringa Capsules
Take 1-2 Moringa tablets with water, preferably during breakfast.

2. Moringa Tablets
Take 1-2 Moringa tablets with water, preferably during breakfast.

3. Moringa Powder
a. Take ¼-½ teaspoons of Moringa powder.
b. Place it under your tongue.
c. Drink water slowly to swallow the powder.
d. Or, sprinkle some powder over your salads or raw food.

4. Moringa Tea
a. Add ½-1 teaspoon of Moringa powder to a cup of lukewarm water and stir well.
b. Strain the mixture through a cheesecloth.
c. Add some honey and lemon drops to the tea if you like.
d. Do not add Moringa powder to hot water as that may break down the antioxidants present in it.

5. Moringa juice
a. Add 1 cut apple, 1 cucumber, 1 cup of blackberry and 2 cups of spinach in a grinder.
b. Strain the mixture through a cheesecloth into a glass.
c. Add ½-1 teaspoon of Moringa powder to it.

6. Moringa Syrup
a. Take 1-2 teaspoons of Moringa syrup with water once or twice a day.

Benefits of Moringa

1. Joint pain
Moringa helps to reduce bone and joint pain when applied to the affected area. According to Ayurveda, the bones and joints are considered a site of Vata in the body. Pain in the joints is mainly due to Vata imbalance. Applying a paste of Moringa leaves helps to reduce joint pain due to its Vata balancing property.
a. Take 1/2-1 teaspoon of Moringa powder.
b. Mix with rose water and apply it on the affected area.
c. Repeat once or twice a day to manage joint pain.

2. Wound healing
Moringa or its oil helps in quick healing of wound, decreases swelling and brings back the normal texture of the skin. It also works on skin problems like cuts due to its Ropan (healing) property.
a. Take 2-5 drops of Moringa oil.
b. Mix with coconut oil.
c. Apply on the affected area for quick wound healing.

Recommended Dosage of Moringa

  • Moringa Powder - ½ -1 teaspoon or as per your requirement.
  • Moringa Oil - 2-5 drops or as per your requirement.

How to use Moringa

1. Moringa Oil
A. Skin
a. Take 2-5 drops of Moringa oil or as per your requirement of.
b. Add few drops of rose water to it.
c. Apply on the skin in the morning and at night.
d. Or, put a small amount of Moringa oil directly on acne, cut, burn, rash or minor wound on the skin.

B. Hair
a. Take 2-5 drops of Moringa oil or as per your requirement.
b. Apply on your hair and scalp.
c. Massage gently for some time till some of the oil is absorbed.
d. Leave for at least 1 hour.
e. Wash with mild shampoo.

2. Moringa Powder
a. Take ½ -1 teaspoon of Moringa powder.
b. Mix with rose water and apply on the affected area.
c. Repeat once or twice a day to manage skin problems.

Frequently asked questions

Q. Is Moringa oil a carrier oil?

Modern Science View
Moringa oil can be used directly on the skin or combined with other carrier oils to enhance its natural properties. It is an excellent carrier oil for aromatic compounds.

Q. How much Moringa should I take per day?

Modern Science View
About 500mg of Moringa leaf extract or 3g of Moringa seeds can be consumed per day. It can be taken directly in the powder form, used to make tea or consumed as fresh vegetable.

Q. What is Moringa oleifera leaf extract?

Modern Science View
Aqueous extract of Moringa leaf can be obtained from Moringa leaves. Moringa leaves are blended along with water and then passed through a cheesecloth to get the extract. Moringa leaf extract has a number of health benefits and is also a good food preservative.

Q. Can I boil Moringa leaves and drink the water?

Modern Science View
Yes, Moringa leaves can be boiled in water and that water can be consumed as Moringa tea.

Q. How do you make Moringa tea?

Modern Science View
To make 1 cup of Moringa tea-
1. Add 1-1 ½ teaspoon of Moringa powder or some Moringa leaves to a pan.
2. Add 1 cup of water to it.
3. Add some honey and fresh ginger to it.
4. Let it come to a boil.
5. Remove from flame, strain and serve the tea hot.

Q. What are Moringa seeds good for?

Modern Science View
Moringa seeds are rich in vitamin B and fibre due to which they help with digestion and weight loss. They may also be useful in lowering cholesterol and blood pressure. Moringa leaves are rich in zinc and may be useful in regulating blood sugar levels. Moreover, they have anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic property which may be useful in managing joint pain and preventing cancer. They are also good for the skin due to the presence of antioxidants.

Q. How can Moringa be used to purify water?

Modern Science View
To purify water using Moringa:
1. Pick the naturally dried Moringa seed pods from the tree.
2. Remove the seed husks, leaving a whitish kernel.
3. Crush the seed kernels to a powder.
4. Mix the powder with a small quantity of clean water in a small cup.
5. Pour the mixture through a tea strainer or sieve into a cup. It's best to cover the strainer with a piece of clean cloth.
6. Add the resulting milky fluid to the water you wish to purify.
7. Stir quickly for 30 seconds, then slowly and regularly for 5 minutes.
8. Cover the water and do not disturb it for at least an hour.
9. The clean water may be poured off the top of the container.

Q. Do Moringa seeds go bad?

Modern Science View
Yes, if Moringa seeds are light, cream-coloured and soft, they are old or have gone bad. Because Moringa is a tropical tree, its seeds must not be stored in the refrigerator. They should be stored somewhere between 16-27℃ at a dry place in an airtight container. If they are too damp, they will sprout and if too cold, they will die.

Q. Is Moringa good for the liver?

Modern Science View
Yes, Moringa is good for the liver. It helps to reduce the level of liver enzymes. It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. This prevents the damage of liver cells. Moringa also has a role in prevention of non alcoholic fatty liver disease. Thus, Moringa acts as a hepatoprotective (liver ptrotective) agent[17].

Q. Does Moringa help to lower cholesterol?

Modern Science View
Yes, Moringa helps to lower cholesterol level in the body. It promotes the excretion of cholesterol through stool. It lowers the level of triglycerides and LDL or bad cholesterol. It also helps to increase the level of HDL or good cholesterol. Moringa has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It prevents lipid peroxidation and related complications[18].
Ayurvedic View
Moringa helps to control high cholesterol. High cholesterol is due to an imbalance of Pachak Agni (digestive fire). Impaired digestion at the tissue level produces excess waste products or Ama (toxic remains in the body due to improper digestion). This causes accumulation of bad cholesterol and blockage in the blood vessels. Moringa helps to improve Agni (digestive fire) and reduce Ama. This is due to its Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) properties. Thus Moringa helps to remove accumulated bad cholesterol and maintain normal blood cholesterol level.

Q. Does Moringa have any role on central nervous system (CNS)?

Modern Science View
Yes, Moringa acts as a CNS depressant. This is due to the presence of phytoconstituents that binds to the GABA receptors[18].

Q. Is Moringa good for sleep?

Ayurvedic View
Yes Moringa can help you get a good sleep. One of the main reason behind sleeplessness is stress and anxiety. Moringa helps to calm the nervous system thereby reducing stress and anxiety and gives a peaceful sleep. This is because of its Vata balancing property.

Q. Is Moringa safe?

Modern Science View
Yes, Moring does not cause any toxicity or adverse reactions in the body. It is safe to be consumed orally for both medicinal and nutritional purposes[15][16].

Q. Is Moringa safe for hyperthyroidism?

Modern Science View
Low concentration of Moringa leaf extract is safe for hyperthyroidism. Although, slightly higher intake may increase thyroid activity. So, it is generally advised to limit the intake of Moringa or to consult your doctor before taking Moringa if are taking thyroid drugs[9][10].

Q. Does Moringa cause infertility?

Modern Science View
Although it is safe to take Moringa in food amounts, it may have some antifertility effects. Moringa root extract has abortifacient property as well as anti-implantation activity. It may also affect the menstrual cycle. So, it is generally advised to avoid taking Moringa or Moringa supplements if you are try to get pregnant or during pregnancy[5][6][11][12].

Q. Does Moringa cause bloating?

Modern Science View
No, In fact, Moringa helps to digest food and maintains a healthy digestion because it promotes digestive fire. This is due to its Ushna (hot) nature.

Q. What are the advantages of Moringa leaves?

Modern Science View
Moringa leaves has a number of benefits in the medicinal field. Moringa leaves are rich in various minerals, vitamins, amino acids that plays an important role in nutritional and medicinal uses.
Moringa leaves are useful in regulating blood sugar levels by preventing the damage of pancreatic cells and enhances insulin secretion.
Moreover, they have anti-inflammatory property which prevents liver damage. Moringa leaves are also rich in antioxidants that fight against infections and prevents cell damage[18].
Ayurvedic View
Moringa leaves helps to manage many diseases like joint pain, skin problems when applied externally due to its Vata balancing and Ropan (healing) properties. It also helps to promote healthy function of pancreas and liver by improving the digestive fire because of its Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) properties.

Q. What are the benefits of Moringa for men?

Modern Science View
Moringa leaves might enhance sexual desire and performance in males due to the suppression of certain enzymes. It also reduces the risk of stress induced male sexual dysfunction[19].
Ayurvedic View
Moringa helps to improve sexual health and reduce weakness in men due to stress and anxiety. According to Ayurveda, stress and anxiety is due to an aggravated Vata dosha. Moringa helps to reduce stress or anxiety and promotes a healthy sexual life because of its Vata balancing property.

Q. Can Moringa help with weight loss?

Modern Science View
Yes, Moringa powder helps with weight loss. It helps in decreasing fat accumulation in the stomach and flushes toxins from the body. Moringa also helps in improving the metabolism of the body which helps in weight loss[17].
Ayurvedic View
Yes, Moringa helps to control excess weight gain by reducing Ama (toxic remains in the body due to improper digestion) which is the prime cause of weight gain. Moringa has Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) properties which helps to improve the digestive fire and thus helps to manage weight.

Q. What are the advantages of Moringa leaves?

Modern Science View
Moringa leaves has a number of benefits in the medicinal field. Moringa leaves are rich in various minerals, vitamins, amino acids that plays an important role in nutritional and medicinal uses.
Moringa leaves are useful in regulating blood sugar levels by preventing the damage of pancreatic cells and enhances insulin secretion.
Moreover, they have anti-inflammatory property which prevents liver damage. Moringa leaves are also rich in antioxidants that fight against infections and prevents cell damage[18].
Ayurvedic View
Moringa leaves helps to manage many diseases like joint pain, skin problems when applied externally due to its Vata balancing and Ropan (healing) properties. It also helps to promote healthy function of pancreas and liver by improving the digestive fire because of its Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) properties.

Q. What are the benefits of Moringa for men?

Modern Science View
Moringa leaves might enhance sexual desire and performance in males due to the suppression of certain enzymes. It also reduces the risk of stress induced male sexual dysfunction[19].
Ayurvedic View
Moringa helps to improve sexual health and reduce weakness in men due to stress and anxiety. According to Ayurveda, stress and anxiety is due to an aggravated Vata dosha. Moringa helps to reduce stress or anxiety and promotes a healthy sexual life because of its Vata balancing property.

Q. Does Moringa help in wound healing?

Modern Science View
Yes, Moringa helps in wound healing. It promotes wound contraction and closure. It has antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It prevents the infection of wound and promotes the healing process[18].

Q. Is Moringa oil good for acne?

Ayurvedic View
Yes, Moringa oil helps to control acne when applied on the skin. It reduces inflammation and accelerates quick healing due to its Ropan (healing) property.

Q. Is Moringa oil good for hair growth?

Ayurvedic View
Yes, Moringa oil helps to control hair fall and promote hair growth. According to Ayurveda hair fall is mainly due to an aggravated Vata dosha. Moringa oil acts on hair fall by balancing Vata dosha.

Q. Is Moringa oil good for psoriasis?

Ayurvedic View
Yes, Moringa oil is good for psoriasis when applied to the affected area. It helps to remove excessive dryness and brings back moisture content due to its Snigdha (oily) property.

Q. Can Moringa give relief from headaches?

Modern Science View
Although enough scientific evidence is not available, in traditional medicine, the leaves and flowers have been rubbed on the temples to give relief from headaches[12-14].


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The content is purely informative and educational in nature and should not be construed as medical advice. Please use the content only in consultation with an appropriate certified medical or healthcare professional.


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