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Last updated
29 Aug 2022 | 04:38 PM (IST)

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Pear, also known as Amritphale is a sweet fruit. There are two varieties of Pear, hard (Nashpati) and soft (Babbu-gosha). Pear is a rich dietary source of minerals and vitamins.
Eating Pear regularly helps to manage constipation as it has high dietary fibers. Due to low calories and vitamin C content, it helps in weight management and boosts immunity.
Pear also helps to manage diabetes as it has hypoglycemic activity due to which it controls blood sugar levels. It is good for the heart due to its antioxidant activity that helps protect against free radical damage.
Pear can be applied to the face in the form of pulp to get rid of blemishes. It contains arbutin which lowers the melanin levels and helps in skin whitening. Applying the paste of Pear leaves also helps in faster wound healing.
According to Ayurveda, people having weak digestion should avoid over consumption of Pear as it takes longer time to digest due to its Guru (heavy) nature[2].

What are the synonyms of Pear?

Pyrus communis, Amritphale, Nashpati, Babbu ghosa, Naspati, Kistabahira, Perikkay, Berikaya, Beripandu, Batang, Batank, Common Pear, European Pear, Pear tree, Wild tree, Kas rya, Amruel[1].

What is the source of Pear?

Plant Based

Benefits of Pear

What are the benefits of Pear for Constipation?

Modern Science View
Pear might be beneficial in the management of constipation. Pear contains fructose and sorbitol. These sugars act as a laxative. They are poorly absorbed by the small intestine and move to the large intestine where they attract water. This softens the stool and makes it easy to pass. Pear is also a rich source of fibers. This fiber content adds bulk to the stool. Thus, Pear helps to increase stool frequency as well[3][7].
Ayurvedic View
1. Take 1-2 Pears daily or as per your requirement preferably in the morning.
2. Eat it preferably after taking food to manage constipation.

What are the benefits of Pear for Acidity?

Modern Science View
Not enough scientific evidence is available to support the role of Pear in managing digestion problems[3].
Ayurvedic View
Pear helps to manage digestive problems like acidity when it is taken before food. According to Ayurveda, hyperacidity means an increased level of acid in the stomach. This is due to an aggravated Pitta. Pear helps to reduce acidity due to its Sita (cold) nature.
1. Take 1-2 Pears daily or as per your requirement preferably in the morning.
2. Eat it preferably before meals to manage digestive problems like acidity.

What are the benefits of Pear for Liver disease?

Modern Science View
Arbutin in Pear fruit might be beneficial in the management of liver disorders. Arbutin in Pear has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and liver protecting properties. It decreases the level of bilirubin. Arbutin also prevents lipid peroxidation and protects the liver cells. Pear peel extract prevents the increase of liver enzymes in the blood[3][7][9].
Ayurvedic View
1. Take 1-2 Pears daily or as per your requirement preferably in the morning.
2. Eat it preferably after taking food to manage constipation.

What are the benefits of Pear for Diarrhea?

Modern Science View
Not enough scientific evidence is available to support the role of Pear in diarrhea[3].
Ayurvedic View
Pear might control diarrhea and reduce the frequency of motion. Diarrhea is known as Atisar in Ayurveda. It is due to improper food, impure water, toxins, mental stress and Agnimandya (weak digestive fire). All these factors are responsible for aggravating Vata. This aggravated Vata brings fluid in the intestine from various tissues from the body and mixes with the stool. This leads to loose, watery motions or diarrhea. Taking Pear during diarrhea helps to control the loss of water and makes the stool thick. This is due to its Sita (cold) and Stambhak (Astriction) properties.
1. Take 1-2 Pears daily or as per your requirement preferably in the morning.
2. Eat it preferably after taking food to control diarrhea.

What are the benefits of Pear for Fluid retention?

Modern Science View
Not enough scientific evidence is available to support the role of Pear in fluid retention[3].

What are the benefits of Pear for Fever?

Modern Science View
Not enough scientific evidence is available to support the role of Pear in fevers[3].

How effective is Pear?

Insufficient evidence
Acidity, Constipation, Diarrhea, Fever, Fluid retention, Liver disease

Precautions when using Pear

Recommended Dosage of Pear

  • Pear Juice - ½-1 cup a day.

How to use Pear

1. Pear Fresh Fruit
Take 1-2 Pears daily, preferably in the morning.

Benefits of Pear

1. Wound healing
Pear leaves help in quick healing of wound, decreases swelling and brings back the normal texture of the skin. This is due to its Ropan (healing) property. It also helps to reduce burning sensation and inflammation because of its Sita (cold) nature.
a. Take a few fresh leaves of Pear.
b. Make a paste with coconut oil.
c. Apply it on the affected area and let it dry.
d. Repeat for complete healing of the wound.

2. Melasma
Pear helps in managing blemishes and dark spots in melasma due to its Pitta balancing and Rasayana (rejuvenating) properties. It also gives a cooling and soothing effect on the skin.
a. Take 1-2 teaspoon of the pulp of Pear.
b. Make a paste with rose water.
c. Apply it on the affected area and let it dry.
d. Repeat the same process to manage dark spots in melasma.

Frequently asked questions

Q. What is healthier a Pear or Apple?

Modern Science View
Both Apples and Pears are low-calorie fruits and a rich source of antioxidants, vitamin C and dietary fibre. Dietary fiber reduces the level of cholesterol and sugar in the blood and also prevents constipation. Both Apples and Pears contain certain phytonutrients that help fight disease.

Q. Is it safe to eat Pear skin?

Modern Science View
Yes, Pear skin is absolutely safe to eat. The majority of nutrients lie in or just under the skin of Pear. Pear skin contains fibre, vitamin C and copper. It plays a major role in repairing damaged tissues, fighting disease and reducing free radicals that contribute to aging and cancer.

Q. How many Pears can you eat in a day?

Modern Science View
Pears are rich in dietary fibre, vitamin C and other essential phytonutrients and low in calories. Consuming 2 Pears a day can fulfill your daily need of fruits.
Ayurvedic View
Take 1-2 Pears daily or as per your requirement preferably in the morning before taking food to manage digestive problems.

Q. Are Pears full of sugar?

Modern Science View
No, Pears are low calorie fruit. One cup of Pear contains about 14g (3.4 teaspoons) of sugar (approximately 80 calories). Pears also have a low glycemic index and thus do not cause a spike in blood glucose level.

Q. When should you eat Pears?

Modern Science View
Pears are a rich source of fibre which is why it is best to eat them in the morning as they will boost metabolism. They can also be eaten as a snack during the day. Although Pears are available throughout the year, it is best to eat them in the season (June to August).

Q. How many calories are in a Pear fruit?

Modern Science View
Pear is a low calorie fruit, 100g of Pear have about 57 calories.

Q. Is excessive consumption of Pear juice bad for health?

Modern Science View
Excessive consumption of Pear juice may be bad for your health. Pears are rich in dietary fibre and too much fibre can be bad for the digestive system. It may cause constipation and interfere with the absorption of nutrients in the body. Pear is also rich in vitamin C and excess of it may cause diarrhea, nausea, heartburn, abdominal bloating and headache.

Q. Is Pear good for diabetes?

Modern Science View
Yes, Pear is good for diabetes. This is due to its hypoglycemic effect. Pear might help to lower the blood glucose levels. This might be due to its ability to release insulin from the pancreatic β-cells or inhibition of glucose absorption by the intestine. It might also improve the utilization of glucose by the cells and the tissues. Pear also reduces the risk of diabetic complications due to its antioxidant property[6].

Q. Does Pear have a role in lowering the lipid levels in the body?

Modern Science View
Yes, Pear is good for lowering the lipid levels in the body. Pear has hypolipidemic effect that helps to lower the level of triglycerides and LDL (bad cholesterol). Pear helps to increase the level of HDL or good cholesterol. It also acts as an antioxidant and a cardioprotective agent. Thus, Pear reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease associated with increased lipid levels[6].

Q. Is Pear good for the heart?

Modern Science View
Yes, Pear is good for the heart. Pear has good antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps to reduce high blood pressure. Pear prevents lipid peroxidation that can lead to damage of blood vessels. Thus, Pear reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular problems and coronary heart disease[7].

Q. Is Pear good for the stomach?

Ayurvedic View
Yes, Pear is good for the stomach. This is because it helps to reduce acidity and gives a cooling effect in the stomach when it is taken before food.

Q. Does Pear cause gas?

Ayurvedic View
Pear if taken in excess amount, can cause gas or flatulence. This is because it takes time to digest due to its Guru (heavy) nature.

Q. Does Pear cause acidity?

Ayurvedic View
No, in fact eating Pear helps to reduce acidity when it is taken before food. This is because of its Sita (cold) nature.

Q. Does Pear cause cough?

Ayurvedic View
Eating Pear in case of a cough might aggravate your problem because of its Sita (cold) nature. Pear can increase the Kapha in your body and aggravate the symptoms of a cough.

Q. What are the benefits of eating Pears for weight loss?

Modern Science View
Pear consists of pectin which is a type of fibre that binds to fatty substances in the stomach and eliminates them which might help to reduce weight[2].
Ayurvedic View
Weight gain is a condition which occurs due to an accumulation of toxins in the form of excessive fat or Ama (toxin remains in the body due to incomplete digestion) in the body. Pear might help to reduce weight due to its Rechana (laxative) property, which helps to flush out the toxins from your body.

Q. Does Pear help in boosting immunity?

Modern Science View
Yes, Pear might help to improve immunity. Pear consists of vitamin C which is a potent antioxidant. Antioxidants boost immunity by reducing oxidative stress and maintains proper functions of the body[2][10].
Ayurvedic View
Pear might help boost your immunity and fight against internal and external infections due to its Rasayana (rejuvenating) property.

Q. Does Pear help improve bone health?

Modern Science View
Yes, Pear might help improve bone health. Calcium is essential for strengthening bones and reducing the risk of complications like osteoporosis. Pears consists of boron which furthers helps the body to retain calcium and thus helps to improve bone health[2].

Q. Does Pear help improve blood circulation?

Modern Science View
Yes, Pear might help to improve blood circulation by managing cardiovascular health. Pear manages heart health by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol that further helps to improve blood circulation[2].

Q. Is it good to eat Pear during pregnancy?

Modern Science View
Yes, it is good to eat Pear in pregnancy because it consists of high folate content which helps to reduce the risk of complications in the fetus[2].

Q. Is Pear good for acne?

Modern Science View
Pear as a natural ingredient is good for acne. This is due to the presence of certain components in Pear which have antioxidant, anti inflammatory, antimicrobial and skin whitening properties. These properties help to get clear and acne-free skin. As a result of this, Pear is also used in the cosmetic industry for manufacturing soaps and other skin care products[2].


  1. Balkrishnan A.Nashpati.Ayurved Jadi Buti Rehsya. Danik Bhaskar.2017.
  2. Parle M, Arzoo.Why is Pear so dear.Int J Res Ayurveda Pharm.2016.7(1):108-113.
  3. WebMD.Pear: Uses, Side effects, Doses, Interactions [Internet].Atlanta [last updated in 2016].
  4. Matin A, Khan MA, Ashraf M.Traditional use of herbs, shrubs and trees of Shogran valley, Mansehra, Pakistan.Pakistan Journal of biological sciences.2001;4(9):1101-1107.
  5. Rezaeirad D, Bakhshi D, Ghasemnezhad M.Evaluation of some vegetative and reproductive characteristics of select local Pears (Pyrus sp.) in Guilan Province, Iran.The Asian and Australian journal of plant science and biotechnology.2012;6(1):102-107.
  6. Velmurugan C, Bhargava A. Anti-diabetic and hypolipidemic activity of fruits of Pyrus communis L. in hyperglycemic rats. Asian J Pharm Clin Res.2013;6(5):108-111.
  7. Martin GJ, Williams G, Stonehouse W, et al. Health and nutritional properties of Pears (Pyrus): A literature review.CSIRO.2015.
  8. Zhang T, Doria E, Boncompagni E, et al. Extraction and evaluation of nutraceutical molecules in wastes of fruit and vegetables. Int J Food Nutr Sci.2017;4(2):74-80.
  9. Mirshahvalad S, Feizi F, Barkhordar A, et al. Hepatoprotective effects of arbutin against liver damage induced by carbon tetrachloride in rats. Jundishapur J Nat Pharm Prod.2016;11(3):e33392.
  10. Carr AC, Maggini S.Vitamin C and immune function.Nutrients.2017;9(11).1211.
The content is purely informative and educational in nature and should not be construed as medical advice. Please use the content only in consultation with an appropriate certified medical or healthcare professional.


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