Quinoa or “Keen-wah or ke-NO-ah” is a grain with exceptional nutritional value due to the presence of essential amino acids, proteins and monounsaturated fatty acids. It is gluten-free and has a low glycemic index which increases its health benefits.
Consumption of quinoa aids in weight loss as it has high fiber content that provides a feeling of fullness, thus preventing overeating. It also exhibits anti-obesity effects by reducing lipid uptake and increasing energy utilization.
Quinoa is commonly used in hair care. As Quinoa has high protein content, it nourishes the hair follicles and makes them strong. The minerals present in Quinoa help in sealing moisture and preventing dandruff.
It is advisable to consume Quinoa in food amounts as it is high in calories and overconsumption might lead to weight gain. Also, those allergic to grains should consult their physician before consuming Quinoa[4].
Consumption of quinoa aids in weight loss as it has high fiber content that provides a feeling of fullness, thus preventing overeating. It also exhibits anti-obesity effects by reducing lipid uptake and increasing energy utilization.
Quinoa is commonly used in hair care. As Quinoa has high protein content, it nourishes the hair follicles and makes them strong. The minerals present in Quinoa help in sealing moisture and preventing dandruff.
It is advisable to consume Quinoa in food amounts as it is high in calories and overconsumption might lead to weight gain. Also, those allergic to grains should consult their physician before consuming Quinoa[4].
What are the synonyms of Quinoa?
Chenopodium quinoa[2].
What is the source of Quinoa?
Plant Based
Benefits of Quinoa

Modern Science View
Quinoa is beneficial for people suffering from Obesity as it has low fat and high fiber content. It gives a feeling of fullness and reduces cravings, thereby preventing overeating. It is low in calories and contains a certain constituent (20-Hydroxyecdysone) that helps in burning more calories, thus aiding effective weight management [5][6].
Tip to use Quinoa to manage Obesity
a. Take 1 cup of Quinoa or as per your requirement.
b. Soak it in water for 5 minutes before cooking.
c. Add another 2 cups of water.
d. Cover with lid and bring it to one boil.
e. Lower the flame and cook it for another 10-15 minutes till the water gets absorbed by Quinoa.
f. Remove it from the flame, wait for a few minutes and relish this deliciously cooked Quinoa to to manage weight.
Tip to use Quinoa to manage Obesity
a. Take 1 cup of Quinoa or as per your requirement.
b. Soak it in water for 5 minutes before cooking.
c. Add another 2 cups of water.
d. Cover with lid and bring it to one boil.
e. Lower the flame and cook it for another 10-15 minutes till the water gets absorbed by Quinoa.
f. Remove it from the flame, wait for a few minutes and relish this deliciously cooked Quinoa to to manage weight.

Modern Science View
Quinoa might help manage Health problems that might occur after menopause such as hot flushes. It contains a certain constituent (20-Hydroxyecdysone) that improves the metabolic functions of the body. It also helps to reduce the levels of serum triglycerides and total cholesterol, thereby managing postmenopausal weight gain in women[6].

Modern Science View
Quinoa is beneficial for people having High triglycerides levels. Studies state the eating Quinoa might help in lowering serum triglyceride, low-density lipoprotein (LDL or bad cholesterol) and total cholesterol levels in overweight people[10][11].

Modern Science View
Quinoa might be useful for Weight loss due to its low calorie and high fiber content. Studies state that eating Quinoa gives a feeling of fullness and reduces cravings, thereby preventing overeating. High fiber takes a longer time to break down and adds bulk to the stool. This improves digestion and helps in Weight loss[5][6].
How effective is Quinoa?
Insufficient evidence
High triglycerides, Menopausal symptoms, Obesity, Weight loss
Precautions when using Quinoa
Advice from Experts

Modern Science View
Some people, allergic to rice, wheat or buckwheat might also be allergic to Quinoa. Therefore, it is advisable to consume Quinoa as per a physician or dietician’s advice[1][2].

Modern Science View
Quinoa might cause allergic reactions in some individuals (known as Quinoa allergy). So, it is advisable to consult your physician before having Quinoa for edible purposes[9].

Modern Science View
Although enough scientific evidence is not available, it is advisable to consult a physician before using Quinoa during pregnancy[2].
Side Effects

Modern Science View
Kidney stones[3].
FAQs about Quinoa precautions
How to use Quinoa
Tip to use Quinoa to manage Weight
a. Take 1 cup of Quinoa and soak it in water for 5 minutes before cooking.
b. Add another 2 cups of water to it.
c. Cover with a lid and bring it to one boil.
d. Lower the flame and cook it for another 10-15 minutes till the water gets absorbed by Quinoa.
e. Remove it from the flame, wait for 5 minutes and relish the deliciously cooked Quinoa to maintain weight.
Tip to use Quinoa in the form of a salad
a. Take 1 cup of Quinoa rinsed in water.
b. Combine the rinsed Quinoa and water in a medium saucepan.
c. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium-high heat and then decrease the heat to maintain a gentle simmer. Cook until the Quinoa has absorbed all of the water (about 15 minutes).
d. Remove from heat, cover, and let the Quinoa rest for 5 minutes so as to give it time to fluff up.
e. In a large serving bowl, combine the chickpeas, cucumbers, bell pepper, onion, garlic and salt as per your requirement/taste.
f. Once the Quinoa is almost cool, add it to the mixture and toss until it is thoroughly combined.
g. For best flavor, let the salad rest for 5 to 10 minutes before serving.
a. Take 1 cup of Quinoa and soak it in water for 5 minutes before cooking.
b. Add another 2 cups of water to it.
c. Cover with a lid and bring it to one boil.
d. Lower the flame and cook it for another 10-15 minutes till the water gets absorbed by Quinoa.
e. Remove it from the flame, wait for 5 minutes and relish the deliciously cooked Quinoa to maintain weight.
Tip to use Quinoa in the form of a salad
a. Take 1 cup of Quinoa rinsed in water.
b. Combine the rinsed Quinoa and water in a medium saucepan.
c. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium-high heat and then decrease the heat to maintain a gentle simmer. Cook until the Quinoa has absorbed all of the water (about 15 minutes).
d. Remove from heat, cover, and let the Quinoa rest for 5 minutes so as to give it time to fluff up.
e. In a large serving bowl, combine the chickpeas, cucumbers, bell pepper, onion, garlic and salt as per your requirement/taste.
f. Once the Quinoa is almost cool, add it to the mixture and toss until it is thoroughly combined.
g. For best flavor, let the salad rest for 5 to 10 minutes before serving.
Benefits of Quinoa

Modern Science View
The water obtained after washing Quinoa might act as a natural insect repellent. Moreover, Quinoa leaves contain certain constituents (Ecdysteroids) that prevent the growth of insects[11][12].
How effective is Quinoa?
Insufficient evidence
Insect bite
FAQs about Quinoa benefits
Frequently asked questions

Modern Science View
Yes, Quinoa can be eaten on a daily basis as it is rich in proteins, fibers and other vital nutrients required by the body. But its portion size needs to be controlled as it is a high calorie food. Besides, its high-fiber content might cause intestinal cramping.

Modern Science View
Quinoa can be easily added to any dish as a healthy alternative. It can serve as a savory item and can be added to salads, burger patties, taco, stews and soups. Nonetheless, toasted Quinoa can also be added to desserts such as cakes, muffins and chocolate cups.

Modern Science View
Yes, Quinoa might help in constipation as it is rich in fiber. It increases the bulk in stool and helps in its easy passage, thereby relieving constipation[1].

Modern Science View
Yes, Quinoa being rich in oxalate, reduces the absorption of calcium and magnesium that might cause Kidney stones in some individuals[3].

Modern Science View
Quinoa is healthy, gluten-free with a low glycemic index. Intake of Quinoa leads to decrease in oxidative stress, improvement in serum lipid profile and control in glucose levels that helps in managing diabetes[11].

Modern Science View
As Quinoa is a seed and not a grain, it contains low starch content which makes it easy to digest. In addition, it is gluten-free which makes it an ideal food for individuals having digestive problems associated with gluten sensitivity[13][14].
Tip to use Quinoa to improve digestion
a. Take 1 cup of Quinoa and soak it for 5 minutes before cooking.
b. Add another 2 cups of water to it.
c. Cover with a lid and bring it to one boil.
d. Lower the flame and cook it for another 10-15 minutes till the water gets absorbed by Quinoa.
e. Remove it from the flame, wait for 5 minutes and relish the deliciously cooked Quinoa to maintain a good digestion.
Tip to use Quinoa to improve digestion
a. Take 1 cup of Quinoa and soak it for 5 minutes before cooking.
b. Add another 2 cups of water to it.
c. Cover with a lid and bring it to one boil.
d. Lower the flame and cook it for another 10-15 minutes till the water gets absorbed by Quinoa.
e. Remove it from the flame, wait for 5 minutes and relish the deliciously cooked Quinoa to maintain a good digestion.

Modern Science View
Enough scientific evidence is not available for the role of Quinoa during pregnancy. However, it might be beneficial for expecting mothers as it is a rich source of vitamin B (riboflavin and folic acid) that helps reduce the risk of neural birth defects[1].

Modern Science View
Yes, Quinoa might be good for the heart as it is a source of good fats (monounsaturated fatty acids). These fats are anti-inflammatory in nature and reduce inflammation of blood vessels and thus, overall risk of cardiovascular diseases. It also contains magnesium which helps relax the blood vessels and prevents the increase of blood pressure[5][15].

Modern Science View
Quinoa is a highly nutritious food and is a good source of proteins, minerals and some vitamins. It promotes growth and prevents malnutrition in babies[16].

Modern Science View
Quinoa is loaded with fiber, minerals, antioxidants and all nine essential amino acids. It is considered as one of the healthiest and high nutrients providing food. It may improve your blood sugar and cholesterol levels and even help with weight loss[17,18].

Modern Science View
Quinoa being rich in amino acids helps to strengthen and moisturize hair. It also promotes hair growth due to higher contents of lysine present in it[19]. The protein extracted from this grain helps to nourish and protect hair follicles from the roots. The easiest way to get these hair-boosting traits of Quinoa is by including it in your daily diet.

Modern Science View
Quinoa is a plant-based source of protein and essential amino acids. These amino acids help support muscle development and immune activity. People following a vegetarian or vegan diet can include Quinoa to their diet to fulfil their protein needs.

Modern Science View
One cup cooked Quinoa comprises around 8 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber. Quinoa is rich in protein as it contains all nine essential amino acids that our bodies cannot make on their own[20].

Modern Science View
Yes, using Quinoa without properly washing and soaking before using it can cause some digestive problems and other common symptoms of food allergies. This could be due the presence of a bitter substance called saponin which is used to protect the quinoa from fungal and insect attacks. However, you can still include quinoa in your diet, just wash the seeds well. Soak quinoa for at least 30 minutes and rinse it several times before cooking.

Modern Science View
Usually, Quinoa is prepared the same way as rice. One cup of dry quinoa will yield around 3 cups cooked[20]. You can also add herbs or spices during cooking to have a healthy yet tasty meal. Quinoa should be used after soaking it for at least 30 minutes or boiling it in water. It can also be used to thicken soups or eaten as breakfast porridge. The seeds of quinoa can be sprouted, grounded or used as flour.
Tip: It is important to rinse Quinoa before using it to avoid bitter-tasting and naturally occurring saponin coating (nature’s insect repellant) from the kernel.
Tip: It is important to rinse Quinoa before using it to avoid bitter-tasting and naturally occurring saponin coating (nature’s insect repellant) from the kernel.

Modern Science View
Quinoa is a good source of plant protein and fiber. It also contains B vitamins, riboflavin and folic acid. Along with that, it is loaded with a good amount of iron, magnesium and zinc. Quinoa is best known for its protein quality as it is generally higher in protein quantity than most grains. There are different varieties of Quinoa available so their protein quantity depends on the particular variety. Similar to quinoa’s total protein value, its dietary fiber value is generally higher than that of most grains[21].

Modern Science View
How to make:
Take water in a medium pan and bring it to a boil.
Reduce the heat to low and add in the quinoa and cook for 12 to 15 minutes.
Check the quinoa after every 10 to 12 minutes. If more time is needed, continue to cook until all the water has been absorbed, checking every minute.
Once ready, turn off the heat but leave the pan on the warm burner.
Add cinnamon, ginger, cardamom and ghee into the cooked Quinoa (you can also add almond milk if you want).
Stir well and leave this Khichadi to sit for an additional 5 minutes.
Now it’s time to serve it. Before serving you can also add honey for better taste (Tip: Do not add honey when the khichdi is hot, let it cool down first then add.
- Quinoa Khichdi is the best way to add quinoa to your daily diet.
- Spices like cinnamon, ginger, cardamom used in this recipe add a warming element. These ingredients may help increase blood circulation and improve the digestive fire.
Take water in a medium pan and bring it to a boil.
Reduce the heat to low and add in the quinoa and cook for 12 to 15 minutes.
Check the quinoa after every 10 to 12 minutes. If more time is needed, continue to cook until all the water has been absorbed, checking every minute.
Once ready, turn off the heat but leave the pan on the warm burner.
Add cinnamon, ginger, cardamom and ghee into the cooked Quinoa (you can also add almond milk if you want).
Stir well and leave this Khichadi to sit for an additional 5 minutes.
Now it’s time to serve it. Before serving you can also add honey for better taste (Tip: Do not add honey when the khichdi is hot, let it cool down first then add.
- Quinoa Khichdi is the best way to add quinoa to your daily diet.
- Spices like cinnamon, ginger, cardamom used in this recipe add a warming element. These ingredients may help increase blood circulation and improve the digestive fire.

Modern Science View
Yes, Quinoa might be good for the skin. It is a rich source of an essential amino acid (lysine) that helps in the healing of wounds and scars. It is rich in vitamins which help protect the skin from premature aging, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation and acne. These vitamins also aid in rejuvenating the skin which helps in keeping the skin smooth and soft[5].

Modern Science View
Yes, Quinoa can be used for acne. It contains vitamin B-2 and B-3 that reduces sebum production and manages acne. It also soothes the redness and inflammation associated with acne due to its anti-inflammatory properties[5].

Modern Science View
Quinoa contains essential amino acids and acts as a natural hair strengthener that repairs hair damage and promotes hair growth. The presence of minerals (calcium, iron, phosphorus) aids in trapping moisture in the scalp, thus preventing dandruff. Quinoa also contains vitamin E that reduces hair breakage due to tangling[5].
- Ulbricht CE.Natural Standard: Herb and Supplement Guide, An Evidence-Based Reference.Elsevier;2010.
The content is purely informative and educational in nature and should not be construed as medical advice. Please use the content only in consultation with an appropriate certified medical or healthcare professional.