Vidanga, commonly known as false black pepper, has various medicinal properties and is used in various ayurvedic formulations.
Vidanga is generally used to expel worms and parasites from the stomach due to its anthelmintic properties. It is beneficial for indigestion and also helps to manage constipation due to its laxative property. Taking Vidanga churna regularly might help manage weight by lowering lipid levels and improving the metabolism of the body. It might also protect the heart against free cell damage by free radicals due to its cardioprotective and antioxidant activities. Vidanga might also be useful in managing depression by improving mood as well as brain functions due to its antidepressant activity.
Vidanga seed paste can be applied on the skin to help get rid of acne due to its antibacterial property. You can also apply Vidanga seed paste along with rose water on the skin to improve your complexion[1-3].
Vidanga is generally used to expel worms and parasites from the stomach due to its anthelmintic properties. It is beneficial for indigestion and also helps to manage constipation due to its laxative property. Taking Vidanga churna regularly might help manage weight by lowering lipid levels and improving the metabolism of the body. It might also protect the heart against free cell damage by free radicals due to its cardioprotective and antioxidant activities. Vidanga might also be useful in managing depression by improving mood as well as brain functions due to its antidepressant activity.
Vidanga seed paste can be applied on the skin to help get rid of acne due to its antibacterial property. You can also apply Vidanga seed paste along with rose water on the skin to improve your complexion[1-3].
What are the synonyms of Vidanga?
Embelia ribes, Jantughna, Krmighna, Krmihara, Krmiripu, Vidang, Vavding, Vavading, Vayavadang, Vayavidanga, Bhabhiranga, Baberang, Vayuvilanga, Babading, Vizhalari, Bidanga, Babrung, Vavaring, Vayuvilangam, Vayuvidangam, Vayuvidangalu , Baobarang, Babrang
What is the source of Vidanga?
Plant Based
Benefits of Vidanga
1. Intestinal Worms
Vidanga is a useful herb to manage worm infestation that includes threadworms, roundworm and types of worms due to its Krimighna property.
2. Indigestion
Vidanga controls vomiting, nausea, indigestion, and flatulence due to its hot potency. It also helps manage constipation due to its Rechana (laxative) property.
3. Depression
Vidanga has an antidepressant effect which helps in managing depression due to its Vata balancing property.
4. Throat infection
Vidanga has Kapha pacifying property as a result of which it reduces cough and throat infection.
5. Obesity
Vidanga also works on reducing fat and clearing all toxins present in the body because of its hot potency that improves digestion and helps in the elimination of undigested foods.
6. Skin disease
Vidanga helps to control skin diseases by reducing toxins from the blood due to its Shodhan (purification) property.
Vidanga is a useful herb to manage worm infestation that includes threadworms, roundworm and types of worms due to its Krimighna property.
2. Indigestion
Vidanga controls vomiting, nausea, indigestion, and flatulence due to its hot potency. It also helps manage constipation due to its Rechana (laxative) property.
3. Depression
Vidanga has an antidepressant effect which helps in managing depression due to its Vata balancing property.
4. Throat infection
Vidanga has Kapha pacifying property as a result of which it reduces cough and throat infection.
5. Obesity
Vidanga also works on reducing fat and clearing all toxins present in the body because of its hot potency that improves digestion and helps in the elimination of undigested foods.
6. Skin disease
Vidanga helps to control skin diseases by reducing toxins from the blood due to its Shodhan (purification) property.
Precautions when using Vidanga
Advice from Experts

Ayurvedic View
Avoid the use of Vidanga if you have low sperm count because it might impair the spermatogenesis process.

Ayurvedic View
Vidanga should be avoided if you have acidity or any gastric problems due to its Ushna virya (hot potency).

Ayurvedic View
Avoid taking Vidanga during breastfeeding.

Ayurvedic View
Avoid taking Vidanga during pregnancy.
Recommended Dosage of Vidanga
- Vidanga Churna - ¼-½ teaspoon twice a day.
- Vidanga Capsule - 1-2 capsule twice a day.
How to use Vidanga
1. Vidanga Churna
a. Take ¼-½ teaspoon of Vidanga churna.
b. Take it along with honey or with lukewarm water preferably after meals.
2. Vidanga Capsule
a. Take 1-2 Vidanga capsule.
b. Swallow it with lukewarm water preferably after meals twice a day.
a. Take ¼-½ teaspoon of Vidanga churna.
b. Take it along with honey or with lukewarm water preferably after meals.
2. Vidanga Capsule
a. Take 1-2 Vidanga capsule.
b. Swallow it with lukewarm water preferably after meals twice a day.
Benefits of Vidanga
FAQs about Vidanga benefits
1. Hyperpigmentation
A paste of Vidanga leaves help to improve skin complexion, reduce hyperpigmentation, and promote wound healing due to its Kashaya (astringent) and Rasayana (rejuvenating) properties.
2. Skin disease
Vidanga powder helps to manage skin problems like eczema and ringworm when dusted on the affected area with prior application of some oil.
A paste of Vidanga leaves help to improve skin complexion, reduce hyperpigmentation, and promote wound healing due to its Kashaya (astringent) and Rasayana (rejuvenating) properties.
2. Skin disease
Vidanga powder helps to manage skin problems like eczema and ringworm when dusted on the affected area with prior application of some oil.
Precautions when using Vidanga

Ayurvedic View
Use Vidanga seeds paste or powder by adding coconut oil or rose water if you have a hypersensitive skin.
Recommended Dosage of Vidanga
- Vidanga Paste - ½-1 teaspoon or as per your requirement.
- Vidanga Powder - ½-1 teaspoon or as per your requirement.
How to use Vidanga
1. Vidanga Seed Paste
a. Take ½-1 teaspoon of Vidanga seed paste.
b. Mix it with rose water and apply evenly on the skin.
c. Let it sit for 5-7 minutes.
d. Wash thoroughly with tap water.
e. Use this remedy 1-2 times a week to improve your skin complexion.
2. Vidanga Seeds Powder
a. Take ½-1 teaspoon of Vidanga seeds powder.
b. Mix it with honey and apply evenly on the affected area.
c. Let it sit for 7-10 minutes.
d. Wash thoroughly with water.
e. Use this remedy 2-3 times a week to get rid of skin diseases[3].
a. Take ½-1 teaspoon of Vidanga seed paste.
b. Mix it with rose water and apply evenly on the skin.
c. Let it sit for 5-7 minutes.
d. Wash thoroughly with tap water.
e. Use this remedy 1-2 times a week to improve your skin complexion.
2. Vidanga Seeds Powder
a. Take ½-1 teaspoon of Vidanga seeds powder.
b. Mix it with honey and apply evenly on the affected area.
c. Let it sit for 7-10 minutes.
d. Wash thoroughly with water.
e. Use this remedy 2-3 times a week to get rid of skin diseases[3].
Frequently asked questions

Modern Science View
The parts of this plant used are fruit, leaf, and root. Vidanga contains various chemical compounds like embelin, embelinol, embeliaribyl ester, embeliol, and vilangin that are responsible for its medicinal properties.

Modern Science View
Vidanga is available in the market in the following forms such as:
1. Capsule
2. Powder
1. Capsule
2. Powder

Modern Science View
1. Vidanga Powder ranges from Rs 500 to 600 for 300 grams.
2. Vidanga Capsule ranges from Rs 100 to 150 for a pack of 60 capsules.
2. Vidanga Capsule ranges from Rs 100 to 150 for a pack of 60 capsules.

Ayurvedic View
Vidanga might cause loose motion if taken in high dose because of its Rechana (laxative) property.

Modern Science View
Yes, Vidanga has laxative properties which might be helpful in managing constipation. The presence of anthraquinone glycosides in Vidanga help promote bowel movement and easy excretion of stool[4][5].

Modern Science View
Yes, the ethanolic extracts of Vidanga have lipid-lowering activity which helps in reducing body mass and thus can be used to manage weight loss[6][7].

Modern Science View
Yes, Vidanga (Embelia ribes) can be used to manage depression. It contains a compound called embelin that possesses anti-depressant activity. Studies state that embelin inhibits the reuptake of neurotransmitters like serotonin and norepinephrine thus elevating the mood[8][9].

Modern Science View
Yes, the demulcent (relieving inflammation and irritation) property of Vidanga helps relieve sore throat. It forms a film over the mucous membrane, protecting the underlying cells and relieving inflammation and minor pain[10].

Modern Science View
Vidangadi churna has various medicinal benefits. It can be used to manage certain bacterial infection due to its antimicrobial activity. It also helps in weight loss by improving the metabolism of the body. It is used to manage abdominal problems and also acts as an anti-inflammatory and an antifertility agent[16-18].

Ayurvedic View
Vidangadi Churna helps to manage certain problems such as indigestion, worm infestation or internal weakness which generally occur due to an imbalance of any of the three doshas. The Deepan (appetizer), Pachan (digestion) and Krimighna (anti-worm) properties of Vidanga help improve digestion. It also helps to improve the internal strength and maintains overall health due to its Balya (strength provider) and Rasayan (rejuvenation) properties.
1. Take ¼-½ teaspoon of Vidanga churna.
2. Take it along with honey or with lukewarm water preferably after meals.
1. Take ¼-½ teaspoon of Vidanga churna.
2. Take it along with honey or with lukewarm water preferably after meals.

Modern Science View
Yes, Vidanga is beneficial for heart diseases as it contains certain constituents which have antioxidant activity. It fights against the free radicals causing cell damage and shows a cardioprotective effect[19].

Ayurvedic View
Yes, Vidanga might be beneficial for managing heart disease which generally occurs due to an imbalance of Vata dosha. The Vata balancing, Balya (strength provider) and Rasayana (rejuvenation) properties of Vidanga help to provide internal strength to heart and maintains its proper function.

Modern Science View
Yes, Vidanga is beneficial for worms in the stomach as it has anthelmintic activity. It helps to remove intestinal worms and parasites from the body[15-16].

Ayurvedic View
Yes, Vidanga helps in case of worm infections which occur due to weak or poor digestion. Vidanga’s Deepan (appetizer), Pachan (digestion) and Krimighna (anti-worm) properties help to improve digestion and prevent the growth of worms in the stomach.

Modern Science View
Enough scientific evidence is not available to support the role of Vidanga for teeth grinding in children.

Ayurvedic View
Teeth grinding, mostly seen in children, is a symptom of worm infestation. It generally occurs due to weak or poor digestion. Vidanga might help manage teeth grinding problems in children by improving digestion due to its Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestion) properties. It also has Krimighna (anti-worm) property that helps to remove worms and parasites from the body.

Modern Science View
Although enough scientific evidence is not available to support the role of Vidanga in piles, however, it has traditionally been used for piles[20].

Ayurvedic View
Piles, generally occur due to weak or poor digestion which results in impairment of Vata and Pitta doshas. This further leads to pain, burning or sometimes bleeding from the anal region. Vidanga helps to manage piles due to its Vata balancing, Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestion) properties helps by improving digestion. It prevents bleeding in piles and helps maintain the overall health due to its Kashaya (astringent) and Rasayana (rejuvenation) properties.

Ayurvedic View
Yes, Vidanga might cause skin rashes if your skin is hypersensitive to heat due to its Ushna (hot) potency.

Modern Science View
Yes, Vidanga helps control acne due to the presence of a compound embelin in it. It inhibits the activity of acne-causing bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes) and reduces redness and swelling associated with acne[4][5].

Modern Science View
Yes, Vidanga might help control hairfall due to the presence of a compound called embelin in it[6]. It also has anti-androgenic activity that helps in preventing male sexual disorders like androgenetic alopecia (male pattern baldness)[7].
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The content is purely informative and educational in nature and should not be construed as medical advice. Please use the content only in consultation with an appropriate certified medical or healthcare professional.