Watermelon is a delicious summer fruit packed with nutrients and 92% water content. It hydrates and helps keep the body cool during the hot months of summer.
Since Watermelon has high water content, it helps in weight loss by making you feel full and reducing the urge to overeat. It is beneficial in managing sexual problems in both men and women such as premature ejaculation and loss of libido. Consumption of Watermelon also helps in improving digestion because of its high fibre content.
Watermelon is widely used in the cosmetic industry to keep the skin and hair healthy due to its hydrating properties. In Ayurveda, Watermelon is considered to provide a cooling effect and remove dryness which helps manage acne and pimples. Applying Watermelon pulp or juice also protects from sunburn due to its Sita (cold) and Ropna (healing) properties[1-4].
Since Watermelon has high water content, it helps in weight loss by making you feel full and reducing the urge to overeat. It is beneficial in managing sexual problems in both men and women such as premature ejaculation and loss of libido. Consumption of Watermelon also helps in improving digestion because of its high fibre content.
Watermelon is widely used in the cosmetic industry to keep the skin and hair healthy due to its hydrating properties. In Ayurveda, Watermelon is considered to provide a cooling effect and remove dryness which helps manage acne and pimples. Applying Watermelon pulp or juice also protects from sunburn due to its Sita (cold) and Ropna (healing) properties[1-4].
What are the synonyms of Watermelon?
Citrullus lanatus, Tarbuj, Kalingada, Kalingu, Phuti, Kakri, Tarmuj, Karigu, Kalling, Bacchaanga, Kalingad, Karbuj, Kharbuja, Tarbuja, Darbusini, Kummattikai, Thannimathai, Thannir Mathan, Kummattika, Puchakayi, Kallangadi, Kallachi, Karabooja, Kekkarike
What is the source of Watermelon?
Plant Based
Benefits of Watermelon
1. Sexual Dysfunction
Sexual Dysfunction in men can be in the form of loss of libido i.e. having no inclination towards a sexual act. There can also be a low erection time or semen expelled soon after a sexual activity. This is also referred to as ‘early discharge or premature ejaculation. Regular intake of Watermelon helps in proper functioning of male sexual performance. This is due to its Vajikarna (aphrodisiac) property. Watermelon also gives an excellent result in case of loss of libido in women.
a. Take Watermelon fresh fruit 1/2- 1 cup or as per taste.
b. Take it after some light food preferably in the daytime.
c. This will help in maintaining a healthy sexual life.
2. Hyperacidity
Hyperacidity means an increased level of acid in the stomach. An aggravated Pitta impairs the digestive fire, leading to improper digestion of food and production of Ama. This Ama gets accumulated in the digestive channels and causes hyperacidity. Regular intake of Watermelon helps to reduce the acid level in the stomach because of its Sita (cold) property.
a. Take 1/2-1 cup of Watermelon fresh juice.
b. Drink it before taking food once or twice a day to get rid of hyperacidity.
3. Burning sensation of urine
Burning sensation of urine is a common symptom of urine infection or due to less intake of water. An aggravated Pitta produces toxins in the body. These toxins accumulate in the urinary channels and creates a burning sensation. Eating Watermelon helps to get rid of burning sensation. This is because of its Sita (cold) and Mutral (diuretic) properties.
a. Take 1/2-1 cup of Watermelon fresh juice.
b. Drink it after taking light food once or twice a day.
c. Repeat this daily to get rid of burning sensation of urine.
Sexual Dysfunction in men can be in the form of loss of libido i.e. having no inclination towards a sexual act. There can also be a low erection time or semen expelled soon after a sexual activity. This is also referred to as ‘early discharge or premature ejaculation. Regular intake of Watermelon helps in proper functioning of male sexual performance. This is due to its Vajikarna (aphrodisiac) property. Watermelon also gives an excellent result in case of loss of libido in women.
a. Take Watermelon fresh fruit 1/2- 1 cup or as per taste.
b. Take it after some light food preferably in the daytime.
c. This will help in maintaining a healthy sexual life.
2. Hyperacidity
Hyperacidity means an increased level of acid in the stomach. An aggravated Pitta impairs the digestive fire, leading to improper digestion of food and production of Ama. This Ama gets accumulated in the digestive channels and causes hyperacidity. Regular intake of Watermelon helps to reduce the acid level in the stomach because of its Sita (cold) property.
a. Take 1/2-1 cup of Watermelon fresh juice.
b. Drink it before taking food once or twice a day to get rid of hyperacidity.
3. Burning sensation of urine
Burning sensation of urine is a common symptom of urine infection or due to less intake of water. An aggravated Pitta produces toxins in the body. These toxins accumulate in the urinary channels and creates a burning sensation. Eating Watermelon helps to get rid of burning sensation. This is because of its Sita (cold) and Mutral (diuretic) properties.
a. Take 1/2-1 cup of Watermelon fresh juice.
b. Drink it after taking light food once or twice a day.
c. Repeat this daily to get rid of burning sensation of urine.
Precautions when using Watermelon
How to use Watermelon
1. Watermelon Fresh juice
a. Take 1/2-1 cup of Watermelon fresh juice.
b. Drink it before taking food once or twice a day to get rid of hyperacidity.
2. Watermelon fruit bowl
a. Take a fresh Watermelon.
b. Remove the peel and cut it into small pieces.
c. Have it in your breakfast or as a snack bowl.
a. Take 1/2-1 cup of Watermelon fresh juice.
b. Drink it before taking food once or twice a day to get rid of hyperacidity.
2. Watermelon fruit bowl
a. Take a fresh Watermelon.
b. Remove the peel and cut it into small pieces.
c. Have it in your breakfast or as a snack bowl.
Benefits of Watermelon
FAQs about Watermelon benefits
1. Acne and Pimples
A Kapha-Pitta dosha skin type can be prone to acne and pimples. According to Ayurveda, an aggravation of Kapha increases sebum production which clogs the pores. This results in the formation of both white and blackheads. An aggravation of Pitta also causes red papules (bumps) and inflammation with pus. Applying Watermelon juice helps to control acne and pimples. It prevents excess sebum production, removes clogging of pores and reduce inflammation. This is because of its Ropan (healing) and Sita (cold) nature.
a. Mash few pieces of Watermelon and apply on the face.
b. Leave it for 10-15 minutes.
c. After that wash it off with plain water.
d. Repeat twice a week to control oil and prevent acne and pimples.
2. Sunburn
Watermelon is useful for fighting against sunburn. According to Ayurveda, Sunburn occurs due to aggravation of Pitta dosha because of continuous exposure to sun. Applying Watermelon pulp paste gives excellent cooling effect and reduce burning sensation due to its Sita (cold) and Ropan (healing) nature.
a. Mash few pieces of Watermelon and apply on the face.
b. Leave it for 10-15 minutes.
c. After that wash it off with plain water.
d. Repeat twice a week to heal sunburn.
A Kapha-Pitta dosha skin type can be prone to acne and pimples. According to Ayurveda, an aggravation of Kapha increases sebum production which clogs the pores. This results in the formation of both white and blackheads. An aggravation of Pitta also causes red papules (bumps) and inflammation with pus. Applying Watermelon juice helps to control acne and pimples. It prevents excess sebum production, removes clogging of pores and reduce inflammation. This is because of its Ropan (healing) and Sita (cold) nature.
a. Mash few pieces of Watermelon and apply on the face.
b. Leave it for 10-15 minutes.
c. After that wash it off with plain water.
d. Repeat twice a week to control oil and prevent acne and pimples.
2. Sunburn
Watermelon is useful for fighting against sunburn. According to Ayurveda, Sunburn occurs due to aggravation of Pitta dosha because of continuous exposure to sun. Applying Watermelon pulp paste gives excellent cooling effect and reduce burning sensation due to its Sita (cold) and Ropan (healing) nature.
a. Mash few pieces of Watermelon and apply on the face.
b. Leave it for 10-15 minutes.
c. After that wash it off with plain water.
d. Repeat twice a week to heal sunburn.
Precautions when using Watermelon

Ayurvedic View
Applying Watermelon juice on the skin gives a cooling effect and reduce inflammation. This is due to its Sita (cold) potency. But if someone has hypersensitive skin it might cause skin allergy.
How to use Watermelon
1. Watermelon Juice
a. Cut a few pieces of Watermelon and put it in a juicer.
b. Strain the juice.
c. Dip a cotton ball in the Watermelon juice and apply on the skin.
d. Let it dry for about 15 minutes.
e. Wash it off with normal water.
2. Watermelon pack for dry skin
a. Take 1 tablespoon Watermelon pulp.
b. Add 1 teaspoon yogurt.
c. Add 2 drops of coconut/sesame/almond oil.
d. Mix well and apply the paste on face and neck.
e. Keep for about 20 minutes and then wash off with normal water.
a. Cut a few pieces of Watermelon and put it in a juicer.
b. Strain the juice.
c. Dip a cotton ball in the Watermelon juice and apply on the skin.
d. Let it dry for about 15 minutes.
e. Wash it off with normal water.
2. Watermelon pack for dry skin
a. Take 1 tablespoon Watermelon pulp.
b. Add 1 teaspoon yogurt.
c. Add 2 drops of coconut/sesame/almond oil.
d. Mix well and apply the paste on face and neck.
e. Keep for about 20 minutes and then wash off with normal water.
Frequently asked questions

Modern Science View
Yes, Watermelon can be eaten on an empty stomach. All the essential nutrients of Watermelon are absorbed effectively by the body when consumed on an empty stomach.

Ayurvedic View
Eating Watermelon on an empty stomach helps to give relief from hyperacidity.

Modern Science View
No adverse effects appear when Watermelon seeds are consumed. But excessive consumption must be avoided.

Modern Science View
Consuming a reasonable amount of Watermelon is not harmful. However, a large amount can elevate the amount of lycopene and potassium in the body. It may lead to nausea, indigestion, diarrhea and bloating.

Modern Science View
It is generally advisable to avoid eating Watermelon with milk as it can lead to the production of excessive gas and cause discomfort.

Ayurvedic View
Watermelon should not be eaten after milk. This is because Watermelon is Guru (heavy) in nature and takes time to digest. Milk also has Kapha increasing property which might make digestion difficult causing gas or indigestion.

Modern Science View
Watermelon contains fruit sugar and is sweet in taste. But it is not high in sugar. Watermelon has low glycemic load which means that it will not alter your blood sugar level much after eating it.

Modern Science View
Watermelon contains vitamin C that keeps the skin young, healthy and glowing. Its antioxidant property helps to fight against the free radicals and prevent cell damage and controls the aging of skin[6].
1. Take the pulp of Watermelon.
2. Apply it on the face as a mask.
3. Keep it for 5-10 minutes.
4. Then rinse it with cool water.
1. Take the pulp of Watermelon.
2. Apply it on the face as a mask.
3. Keep it for 5-10 minutes.
4. Then rinse it with cool water.

Ayurvedic View
Skin dullness generally occurs due to the imbalance of Pitta dosha. Watermelon has the property of balancing Pitta dosha which helps to maintain a glowing skin.

Ayurvedic View
Watermelon does not make significant changes in weight. This is because Watermelon is made of 92% water and is Guru (heavy) in nature. So if it is taken before food, it gives a feeling of fullness. This will prevent you from overeating and thus help in maintaining weight.

Ayurvedic View
Although Watermelon can be eaten at any time of the day, it is advisable to avoid at night. This is because Watermelon has Guru (heavy) property. As a result of which it takes time to digest if you take at night and might cause stomach upset.

Modern Science View
Yes, Watermelon is good for diabetes as it is rich in a chemical component called lycopene. Lycopene inhibits an enzyme that increases sugar level in the blood. This helps prevent the onset of hyperglycemia[4].

Modern Science View
Watermelon is good for eyes especially in case of Macular degenerative disease. It develops due to thinning of macula layer of retina thereby resulting in gradual decrease in vision. The symptoms include appearance of yellow spots. Watermelon is rich in carotenoids and helps to increase the vitamin A content, thus reducing the risk of macular degeneration of retina[4].

Modern Science View
Watermelon is rich in a chemical component called lycopene. Dietary lycopene has cardio-protective effects because of its antioxidant activity. Lycopene reduces the production of cholesterol and increases the excretion of low density lipid. This helps lower high cholesterol level and reduces the risk of heart disease[4].

Modern Science View
Yes, Watermelon helps in hair growth due to the presence of vitamin C. Consumption of Watermelon provides sufficient iron to red blood cells and carries oxygen to the hair. Thus, it promotes healthy hair[6].

Ayurvedic View
Hair problems generally occurs due to the imbalance of Pitta dosha. Watermelon has the property of balancing Pitta dosha which helps to prevent hair fall and promote hair growth.

Modern Science View
Eating too much watermelon may cause health problems such as indigestion, nausea, vomiting and gas formation because of the presence of certain constituents (Lycopene) in it. Watermelon is also rich in potassium and high levels of potassium may affect normal heart beat and might lead to heart attack. It can also damage kidney function[5].

Modern Science View
Excessive intake of Watermelon might cause digestion problems in elderly people as the digestive system gets weaker with age. So, it is generally advisable to consult the doctor regarding the consumption of Watermelon in case of elderly people[5].

Modern Science View
Watermelon is considered to be healthy in case of pregnancy as it relieves heartburn. Due to the presence of high water content and other fruit sugars in Watermelon, it helps manage dehydration and muscle spasms.The antioxidants present in Watermelon also helps improve the immune response against infections.

Modern Science View
Although enough scientific evidence is not available, Watermelon may be good for the skin. Using Watermelon juice on the skin may be useful in getting rid of blemishes due to its antioxidant property[5].

Modern Science View
Although enough scientific evidence is not available, Watermelon may be useful for managing pimples. This is due to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties[6].
- Oseni OA, Odesanmi OE, Oladele FC.Antioxidative and antidiabetic activities of Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) juice on oxidative stress in alloxan-induced diabetic male Wistar albino rats.Niger Med J. 2015;56(4):272–277.
- Sharma S, Dave V, Paliwal S, et al.Gastroprotective activity of reconstituted red fruit pulp concentrate of Citrullus lanatus in rats.Anc Sci Life.2014;34(2):103–108.
- Kumari A, Rao J, Kumari J, et al.Analgesic activity of aqueous extract of Citrullus lanatus peels.Advances in Pharmacology and Pharmacy.2013;1(3):135-138.
- Naz A, Butt MS, Sultan MT, et al.Watermelon lycopene and allied health claims.EXCLI J. 2014; 13:650–660.
- Olaniyan MF, Elizabeth B, Moyinoluwa E, et al.Health Promoting Bioactivities of Fruit Juice of Water Melon (Citrullus lanatus) in Rabbits Overdosaged with Panadol Extra Using Liver Biomarkers Bioactivities of Fruit Juice of Water Melon (Citrullus lanatus) in Rabbits Overdosaged with Panadol Extra Using Liver Biomarkers.European academic research.2016;4(6):5640-5657.
- Reetu and Tomar.Watermelon : A valuable horticultural crop with nutritional benefits.Popular Kheti.2017;5(2):5-9.
The content is purely informative and educational in nature and should not be construed as medical advice. Please use the content only in consultation with an appropriate certified medical or healthcare professional.