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27 years
7 years ago
Plz check the report and reply
She is my wife report one of hospital where operated the tumot operation and one of from delhi srl and last one from tmh mumbai
After the diagnosis docror advice rediation now 1 st rediation therapy is finished and doctor giving now nublast 250mg tab
So plz check the report and tell me as per the tata memorial final report what is the condition for patient She can live normal life or she can dead in ahead
Doctor tells with my family she can live with treatment more than 1 to 2 years
Is it right or wrong
She is my wife report one of hospital where operated the tumot operation and one of from delhi srl and last one from tmh mumbai
After the diagnosis docror advice rediation now 1 st rediation therapy is finished and doctor giving now nublast 250mg tab
So plz check the report and tell me as per the tata memorial final report what is the condition for patient She can live normal life or she can dead in ahead
Doctor tells with my family she can live with treatment more than 1 to 2 years
Is it right or wrong
1 Answer
Dr. Vijay Sharnangat
Cancer Specialist
7 years ago
You are on right treatment
After completion of radiation therapy you need to take chemotherapy
That tablet is the chemotherapy
After completion of radiation therapy you need to take chemotherapy
That tablet is the chemotherapy
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