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1125 Results found
1 year ago
Is enlarged prostate a sign of cancer?
1 Answer
1 year ago
No, prostate enlargement is not a cause or sign of prostate cancer, but symptoms of both prostate enlargement and prostate cancer are similar. So differentiating these two by various investigations like digital rectal examination, level of PSA, ultrasound, etc. is of utmost important.
The information given above is for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia which is the active ingredient of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia.
The information given above is for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia which is the active ingredient of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia.
8 people found this useful
1 year ago
Are apples good for cancer?
1 Answer
1 year ago
Studies show an apple contains 10% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C and fiber. Also, enriched with dietary fiber it has been found to lower cancer risk and aid weight management. Surprisingly, the peel of the apple contains 80% of anticancerous products (quercetin and triterpenoids). Research also shows that Apple was found to be beneficial in lowering the risk of colorectal cancer specifically.
The information given above is for Cancer which is the active ingredient of Cancer.
The information given above is for Cancer which is the active ingredient of Cancer.
3 people found this useful
1 year ago
How does papaya help fight cancer?
1 Answer
1 year ago
Studies suggest that papaya pulp is enriched with carotenoids, beta-carotene, and lycopene. Lycopene being highly reactive towards free radicals serves as an effective cancer agent. Lycopene has been found to be protective against prostate cancer. It has been found to induce cancer cell death and has shown anti-metastatic activity. Enzymes from papaya were found to destroy proteins that provide protection to the tumors and were effective against cervix, breast, liver, lung, and pancreas cancer.
The information given above is for Cancer which is the active ingredient of Cancer.
The information given above is for Cancer which is the active ingredient of Cancer.
8 people found this useful
1 year ago
Is eating pomegranate good in cancer?
1 Answer
1 year ago
Pomegranate is packed with antioxidants, and regular consumption of pomegranate juice has shown to prevent prostate cancer, and prevent all types of cancers from spreading. It has been found to reduce the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels too (which generally increase in cancer patients). Recent research has also shown the benefits of pomegranate juice in patients suffering from breast cancer. Enriched with polyphenol antioxidants which inhibit the growth of cancerous tumors and the anti-inflammatory properties, pomegranate helps in reducing the size of tumors too.
The information given above is for Cancer which is the active ingredient of Cancer.
The information given above is for Cancer which is the active ingredient of Cancer.
6 people found this useful
1 year ago
Can avocados prevent cancer?
1 Answer
1 year ago
Avocados are a rich source of glutathione, a powerful antioxidant, which is responsible for blocking the intestinal absorption of certain fats. As per research, avocatin B, a type of fat found in avocado, is found to combat acute myeloid leukemia (a rare cancer). It also serves as a source of potassium and beta- carotene that are beneficial in promoting immunity.
The information given above is for Cancer which is the active ingredient of Cancer.
The information given above is for Cancer which is the active ingredient of Cancer.
3 people found this useful
1 year ago
Do grapes help prevent cancer?
1 Answer
1 year ago
Grapes are a rich source of resveratrol, a potent phytochemical linked with reduced levels in cancer, heart disease, and stroke. They are also a rich source of ellagic acid which provides protection to the lungs against environmental toxins.
The information given above is for Cancer which is the active ingredient of Cancer.
The information given above is for Cancer which is the active ingredient of Cancer.
4 people found this useful
1 year ago
Do berries help prevent cancer?
1 Answer
1 year ago
Berries such as blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries are often the most commonly recommended fruits to fight cancer. Berries, a rich source of antioxidants, are also abundant in proanthocyanidin antioxidant, phenols, zeaxanthin, lycopene, cryptoxanthin, and lutein. They have been found to increase the overall immunity of the body and also neutralize the free radicals damaging the cells and therefore prevent cancer.
The information given above is for Cancer which is the active ingredient of Cancer.
The information given above is for Cancer which is the active ingredient of Cancer.
9 people found this useful
1 year ago
Is kiwi a cancer fighting fruit?
1 Answer
1 year ago
Enriched with cancer fighting antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, lutein, and copper, the kiwi fruit has been found to be of great benefit across several disease areas. High vitamin C content plays an important role in preventing free radical damage, thereby reducing cancer risk.
The information given above is for Cancer which is the active ingredient of Cancer.
The information given above is for Cancer which is the active ingredient of Cancer.
7 people found this useful
1 year ago
Can cherries help prevent cancer?
1 Answer
1 year ago
Cherries are a rich source of fiber, vitamin C, and potassium. The high content of antioxidants also provides cherries their rich dark color. Phytochemicals such as quercetin provide the fruit their antioxidant property and fight cancer. They have been found to be beneficial in lowering the risk of cancers such as colorectal, mouth, pharynx, and lung cancer.
The information given above is for Cancer which is the active ingredient of Cancer.
The information given above is for Cancer which is the active ingredient of Cancer.
6 people found this useful
1 year ago
Can holy basil help you fight cancer?
1 Answer
1 year ago
The holy basil or revered tulsi is packed with medicinal properties and has been widely used in India for ages. Experiments have shown that daily consumption of a few raw tulsi leaves can prevent the occurrence as well as slow down the spread of cancer.
The information given above is for Cancer which is the active ingredient of Cancer.
The information given above is for Cancer which is the active ingredient of Cancer.
4 people found this useful
1 year ago
Can ginger help you fight cancer?
1 Answer
1 year ago
An ever-present herb in the Indian kitchen, adding fresh or dried ginger (adrak) to any dish ups its taste quotient greatly. While fresh ginger is rich in gingerol, the dried or powdered version contains zingerone. Both of these compounds are powerful antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory qualities that are understood to protect against cancer. Besides cooking main dishes, ginger and lemon tea is also particularly beneficial.
The information given above is for Cancer which is the active ingredient of Cancer.
The information given above is for Cancer which is the active ingredient of Cancer.
2 people found this useful
1 year ago
Is celery helpful in cancer?
1 Answer
1 year ago
Celery also serves as a rich source of cancer fighting compounds such as pthalides, flavonoids and polyacetylenes. It also contains coumarins which enhances the activity of certain white blood cells and help keep the cancer cells at bay. Ways To Use: Prepare a chutney or a spread using a bunch of coriander leaves, 5 to 6 stalks of celery, half a bunch of mint, lime, ginger, garlic, salt, green chilly. Blend with a little water. Can use as a dip or as a spread for sandwiches.
The information given above is for Cancer which is the active ingredient of Cancer.
The information given above is for Cancer which is the active ingredient of Cancer.
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