Full Body Check Up Packages in Gurgaon
1-12 of 19 packagesWhat you should know before booking a full body check up package?
Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live.
Full Body Check up is used for screening of whole body. Full body checkup helps to know the comprehensive status of your internal health.
Our full body checkup packages covers almost all the tests recommended by health experts to know the detailed internal health status. The tests under the Full Body Check up category provide a preventive and detailed screening of almost all the systems and organs like Liver, Kidney, Blood, Thyroid, Bones and Joints.
Preventive check up is an ardent approach that helps in early detection of many types of risk factors and diseases. These tests may help in detecting many types of illness which can be dangerous if goes undetected for a longer time as some diseases do not exhibit pronounced symptoms. These packages are suitable for males and females of all age groups.
Why should you get tested?
• You may appear fit and healthy but still are at risk
• If you smoke, drink or do not exercise
• If you have a family history of diseases
Taking prevention is a key step towards healthy and hearty life.