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Facial Nerve With Blink Reflex
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Test Preparation
Understanding Facial Nerve With Blink Reflex
What is Facial Nerve With Blink Reflex?
Blink reflex is an electrodiagnostic test that is used to evaluate the integrity of facial nerve. The test is indicated in disorders such as facial paralysis, stroke, tumors, multiple sclerosis & polyneuropathies. The response of the brain nerves and muscles are captured by fitting electrode (sticky pad) on your eyebrow and cheek of the face. Electrical response are captured in the monitor and recorded for further evaluation.
What is Facial Nerve With Blink Reflex used for?
- To diagnose facial nerve palsy (paralysis of the facial nerve due to accidental injury which leads to paralysis or weakness on the face with a drooping eyelid)
- To detect horner’s syndrome (injury of the brain stem) and blepharospasm (inability to open eye)
- To find out absence of the tone where the patient fails to close the forced opened eye in case of coma
- To evaluate collier’s symptom (upward displacement of the upper eyelid or downward displacement of the lower eyelid thereby exposing the white part of the eye) due to midbrain lesion or inflammation
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