Glucose Tolerance Test Oral (OGTT) (at TATA 1mg Labs Centre) near me in Dehradun
Understanding Glucose Tolerance Test Oral (OGTT) (at TATA 1mg Labs Centre) in Dehradun
What is Glucose Tolerance Test Oral (OGTT) (at TATA 1mg Labs Centre) in Dehradun?
Glucose Tolerance Test Oral (OGTT) (at TATA 1mg Labs Centre) test checks how well your body processes sugar. If the test detects high glucose levels, it is a sign that your cells aren't absorbing sugar the way they should be. Your blood sugar level can give your doctor important clues about your health and help diagnose diabetes mellitus. The OGTT is a two-hour test that checks your blood glucose levels before and two hours after you drink glucose. The first sample will be collected in a fasting state (minimum 8 hours fasting). Then, you will be asked to drink 75g glucose dissolved in 300 mL of water (in adults) or 1.92 g/Kg body weight in children (not exceeding 82.5g) and consume over 5 minutes. The second sample will be collected exactly 2 hours after drinking this glucose solution. Do not eat or drink anything, exercise, or chew gum during the entire duration till both samples have been collected.
The test can tell your doctor whether you're at risk of having diabetes (pre-diabetes) or if you are already having diabetes. If you have prediabetes, you should be checked for type 2 diabetes every one to two years.
Note: This test is not offered for Home Collection. Please visit our Tata 1mg Lab to get tested.
What does Glucose Tolerance Test Oral (OGTT) (at TATA 1mg Labs Centre) measure?
Contains 2 testsGlucose, 2 hr Post Glucose Load
FBS (Fasting Blood Sugar)
A fasting blood sugar test measures the glucose level in the body under overnight fasting conditions. Glucose serves as the body's energy currency and is broken down through metabolism to produce energy. Hormones and enzymes produced by the liver and pancreas control this process. The hormone insulin, produced by the pancreas, regulates blood glucose levels. When these levels are high, such as after a meal, insulin is secreted to transport glucose into cells for energy production. Elevated glucose levels in the body after fasting may indicate a risk of developing prediabetes or diabetes, which can be of two types- Type 1, caused by little or no insulin production, and Type 2, caused by insulin resistance or decreased insulin production.
Know more about FBS (Fasting Blood Sugar)
Book a Glucose Tolerance Test Oral (OGTT) (at TATA 1mg Labs Centre) test at home near me