Insulin - Post Prandial
Understanding Insulin - Post Prandial
What is Insulin - Post Prandial?
An Insulin - Post Prandial test measures the level of insulin in your blood after a meal, typically two hours after a meal. This test is done when symptoms like increased thirst or urination, appetite changes, weakness, weight changes, tingling or numbness in the hands or legs, etc. are experienced by an individual.
Insulin hormone is produced and stored in the beta cells of the pancreas. It helps the body cells to uptake glucose (blood sugar) from the blood for the production of energy. Without insulin, glucose cannot reach most of the body cells and remains in the blood instead. In insulin’s absence, your blood glucose rises to dangerously high levels and may eventually lead to a life-threatening condition called diabetic coma. Therefore, it is necessary for survival to maintain your insulin levels.
An Insulin - Post Prandial test is usually advised following a low blood glucose test result and/or when someone has symptoms of low blood glucose (hypoglycemia), such as profuse sweating, nervousness or anxiety, irritability, confusion, dizziness, hunger, fast heartbeat, etc. This test can also be used to detect the presence of an insulin-producing tumor in the islet cells of the pancreas (insulinoma).
It is advised to eat a standard meal that is not high in sugar or carbohydrates two hours before taking an Insulin-PP test. It is also important to inform your doctor about any medications that you take, as some of them may affect your insulin levels and need to be adjusted before the test.
Test result ranges are approximate and may differ slightly between labs depending on the methodology and laboratory guidelines. Talk to your doctor about your specific test results. The results will help the doctor determine your medical condition, make recommendations for lifestyle modifications such as diet and exercise, decide whether or not medication will be required to manage your condition, and formulate your overall treatment plan.
What is Insulin - Post Prandial used for?
An Insulin - Post Prandial test can be done:
To determine the cause of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia).
To determine the proper production of insulin by the pancreas.
To monitor the condition of people with type 2 diabetes.
To determine if insulin resistance in cells is the cause of hyperglycemia (high blood sugar).
To determine if insulin supplementation is necessary.
To determine the presence of insulin-producing tumors (insulinomas) in the beta cells of the pancreas.
What does Insulin - Post Prandial measure?
An Insulin - Post Prandial test evaluates the amount of insulin in your blood, particularly 2 hours after having food, which helps in regulating glucose levels.
Normally after eating, the stomach digests the food, and glucose levels rise rapidly. In response to this, the pancreas releases insulin that helps in moving the glucose from the blood into the cells for the production of energy. If a person has diabetes, it means their body is unable to make sufficient insulin to keep blood sugar in check. This can lead to high sugar levels in the blood which can further cause serious health problems related to the heart, kidneys, eyes, nerves, etc. Ideally within two hours of having a meal, the insulin and blood glucose levels should return to normal. In case, the blood glucose still remains high, there are chances that the person might have diabetes.
Interpreting Insulin - Post Prandial results
Answers to Patient Concerns & Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Insulin - Post Prandial
Frequently Asked Questions about Insulin - Post Prandial
Q. What other tests can be advised by the doctor along with an Insulin - Post Prandial test?
Q. What can cause high insulin levels in the blood?
Q. What can cause low insulin levels in the blood?
Q. What are the common symptoms of hypoglycemia?
Q. Does high insulin mean diabetes?
Q. What do abnormal levels of an Insulin - Post Prandial test mean?
Q. What factors can affect the results of an Insulin-PP test?
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