Vitamin and Mineral Screening Package
Understanding Vitamin and Mineral Screening Package
What is Vitamin and Mineral Screening Package?
The Vitamin and Mineral Screening Package is a comprehensive set of blood tests that evaluates the levels of various vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes in your blood. This package provides valuable insights into your nutritional status and overall health, helping you make informed decisions about your diet, supplementation, and lifestyle to optimize your well-being.
Vitamins and minerals are collectively termed micronutrients because they are required in very small amounts by the body for proper functioning. They play critical roles in various bodily functions, including immune function, healthy growth and development, bone health, muscle and nerve function, energy production, and overall well-being. Prolonged vitamin and mineral deficiencies can cause various health conditions associated with nutritional imbalances, including anemia, bone disorders, immune dysfunction, and neurological problems.
The Vitamin and Mineral Screening Package may be recommended for individuals with symptoms suggestive of nutritional deficiencies, such as fatigue, weakness, pale skin, brittle nails, hair loss, muscle cramps, and cognitive issues. Additionally, individuals with specific risk factors for deficiencies, such as malabsorption conditions, restrictive diets, certain medical conditions such as diabetes and bone disorders, or those undergoing weight loss surgery may also benefit from this comprehensive package. This package also analyzes the levels of important electrolytes, namely sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), and chloride (Cl-), in the body. These electrolytes are vital for maintaining fluid balance, nerve function, and muscle contraction. Furthermore, it also tests for hemoglobin (HB) to detect blood-related health issues such as anemia or kidney disease. Altogether, the tests included in this package give a more comprehensive health assessment of your overall health.
Overnight fasting is preferred but not mandatory before the Vitamin and Mineral Screening Package, which means it is best to avoid eating or drinking anything other than water for 8-12 hours before the test, although it is not a mandatory requirement to get tested. Talk to your doctor about any other precautions you may need to take before the test. Tell them about any specific medications and supplements you take, as they might interfere with your test results.
Test results may vary depending on your age, gender, and medical history. The ranges may also differ slightly between labs depending on the methodology and laboratory guidelines. Talk to your doctor about your specific test results, as they can recommend the right medicines/supplements and treatment strategies based on your test results.
What is Vitamin and Mineral Screening Package used for?
The Vitamin and Mineral Screening Package is done:
- To evaluate the levels of essential vitamins and minerals in the body, such as vitamins D and B12, sodium, potassium, calcium, chloride, phosphorus, magnesium, and iron.
- If you experience symptoms suggestive of electrolyte imbalance, such as weakness, fatigue, muscle cramps, or changes in heart rate.
- To prevent or manage health complications associated with deficiencies or excesses, such as cardiovascular issues, bone disorders, and immune system dysfunction.
- To monitor the treatment response in patients taking vitamin and mineral supplements.
- For individuals with symptoms suggestive of nutritional deficiencies, such as fatigue, weakness, hair loss, muscle cramps, etc.
- For individuals suffering from chronic conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, etc.
What does Vitamin and Mineral Screening Package measure?
Contains 10 testsThe Vitamin and Mineral Screening Package evaluates the nutritional status by measuring the levels of vitamins and minerals in your body. The package includes testing of vitamin B12, vitamin D, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, and electrolytes including sodium, chloride, and potassium. Additionally, this package also includes hemoglobin (HB) testing for blood-related health issues and overall well-being.
Getting tested for the Vitamin and Mineral Screening Package provides personalized information about your nutritional status, and can help identify deficiencies or imbalances that may contribute to potential health issues or symptoms. This allows doctors to tailor recommendations to meet your health needs such as dietary modifications, exercise, or supplementation.
Serum Calcium
The Serum Calcium test measures the levels of calcium in the body. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body; most of it is present in the bones and teeth, and the remaining portion (around 1%) is found in the blood. It is usually present in two forms in blood in about equal amounts: "bound calcium," which is attached to proteins in the blood, and "free calcium or ionized calcium," which is not attached to any protein.
The Serum Calcium test cannot be used to check for lack of calcium in your diet or osteoporosis (loss of calcium from bones) as the body can have normal calcium levels even in dietary calcium deficiency. Moreover, the body can normalize mild calcium deficiency by releasing the calcium stored in bones.
Know more about Serum Calcium
Vitamin B12
The Vitamin B12 test measures your vitamin B12 levels. Vitamin B12 is essential for various health aspects, such as maintaining a healthy nervous system, making red blood cells, and creating the genetic material of our cells. Low vitamin B12 levels are more likely to occur in older adults, children, vegans, vegetarians, people with diabetes, individuals who underwent gastric bypass surgery, women who are breastfeeding, and in conditions that impact absorption of this vitamin, like Crohn’s disease. Higher vitamin B12 levels seen in pateint on vitamin suplement does not need treatment as excessive vitamin B12 is usually removed through the urine. However, some conditions, such as liver diseases and myeloproliferative disorders, can cause an increase in vitamin B12 levels, thereby affecting blood cell production.
Know more about Vitamin B12
Hb (Hemoglobin)
An Hb (Hemoglobin) test measures the concentration of hemoglobin protein in your blood. Hemoglobin is made up of iron and globulin proteins. It is an essential part of RBCs and is critical for oxygen transfer from the lungs to all body tissues. Most blood cells, including RBCs, are produced regularly in your bone marrow. The Hb test is a fundamental part of a complete blood count (CBC) and is used to monitor blood health, diagnose various blood disorders, and assess your response to treatments if needed.
Know more about Hb (Hemoglobin)
The Magnesium test determines the amount of magnesium in your blood. Magnesium enters the body through the diet and is absorbed by the small intestine and colon. Most of the magnesium is stored in the skeletal system comprising the bones and joints, while minor amounts are present in the muscles and other soft tissues. Any fluctuation in the levels of magnesium can cause various health complications that may need medical intervention. Therefore, this test serves as an important diagnostic test that helps doctors detect any abnormalities in magnesium levels and formulate an appropriate treatment plan.
Know more about Magnesium
Phosphorus, Serum
The Phosphorus, Serum test is used to evaluate the level of phosphorus in your blood. Phosphorus is an inherent component of all living cells in the system and most, 85 percent, is located in the tissues of bones and teeth, while the remaining 15 percent is part of the blood and other soft tissues. Your body obtains its daily phosphorus requirements through dietary sources and under normal conditions, once the necessary amounts of phosphorus are absorbed by the cells and tissues, the remaining is eliminated via the urine.
Besides consuming a wholesome diet enriched with sufficient amounts of phosphorus, it is also important to ensure ample intake of calcium and vitamin D, to maintain overall health.
Know more about Phosphorus, Serum
Vitamin D (25-Hydroxy)
The Vitamin D (25-Hydroxy) test measures the levels of vitamin D in the body. It is an essential nutrient that can be synthesized in the body upon healthy exposure to sunlight or absorbed from dietary sources. It majorly exists in two forms: Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) and Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). Vitamin D2 is present in plants, such as yeast or mushrooms, and is available as a supplement in fortified foods, and vitamin D3 is found in foods like cheese, green vegetables, mushrooms, egg yolks, and fatty fish.
Both forms of vitamin D (D2 and D3) need to undergo some chemical changes before being available for use in the body. These chemical changes take place in the liver or kidneys.The levels of 25-hydroxy Vitamin D in blood is considered the best parameter to assess vitamin D status of the body. A Vitamin D (25-Hydroxy) measures the level of Total 25-OH vitamin D (D2+D3) , but it does not differentiate between the two forms as it is the major form of vitamin D that circulates in the blood.
Know more about Vitamin D (25-Hydroxy)
Iron, Serum
An Iron, Serum test determines iron levels in the blood and can help diagnose conditions like anemia, or iron overload in the body. People usually suffer from low iron levels in the blood if they prefer a diet that has low iron content, or if their body has trouble absorbing the iron from the foods or supplements they intake. Low iron levels can also occur due to intense blood loss or even during pregnancy. Similarly, an excess amount of iron in the blood can occur due to over-intake of iron supplements, blood transfusions, or if you are suffering from a condition called hemochromatosis (a rare genetic disorder that causes too much iron to build up in the body or cause problems in the body to remove excess iron).
Therefore, doctors often suggest an Iron, Serum to help check the status of your iron level, get valuable information about your nutritional well-being, detect potential health issues (if any), and take timely preventive measures.
Know more about Iron, Serum
Serum Electrolytes
The Serum Electrolytes test measures three important electrolytes in the body: sodium, potassium, and chloride. Electrolytes are electrically charged minerals that move fluid in and out of the cells. They transport the nutrients into the cells and flush out the waste products. They also help maintain water balance and pH levels by keeping the acids and bases in your blood balanced. Hence, the body must maintain an optimal balance of fluids and electrolytes for proper functioning.
Know more about Serum Electrolytes
This further contains
- Potassium
- Chloride
- Sodium
Answers to Patient Concerns & Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Vitamin and Mineral Screening Package
Frequently Asked Questions about Vitamin and Mineral Screening Package
Q. What tests are included in the Vitamin and Mineral Screening Package?
Q. What factors can affect my Vitamin and Mineral Screening Package results?
Q. What is vitamin deficiency?
Q. What is mineral deficiency?
Q. What is the most common mineral deficiency?
Q. How can I fix my vitamin and mineral deficiency?
Q. When should I take the Vitamin and Mineral Screening Package?
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