X - Ray Abdomen AP View near me in Indore
Understanding X - Ray Abdomen AP View in Indore
What is X - Ray Abdomen AP View in Indore?
X-Ray Abdomen AP View is a radiological test used to visualize the insides of the abdominal cavity. X-ray tests use a small number of ionizing radiations to produce images of the bones and soft tissues. The bones appear white, while the soft tissues usually appear dark on X-ray scans.
This test analyzes various organs like the stomach, liver, intestines, kidneys, etc. Different abnormalities like kidney stones, gallstones, perforations (holes) of the intestine or stomach, etc., can be diagnosed using X-ray scans.
Women are advised to tell their doctor if they may be pregnant since X-rays are generally not recommended for pregnant women. Sometimes, the patient would be asked to wear a hospital gown and empty their bladder before the abdomen X-ray test.