Information about Charmon Drop
Charmon Drop mainly contains Amalaki, Astavarga and Aravindasav.
Charmon Drop helps in providing daily Vitamin C requirement by body. Charmon drops is used in increasing immunity, showing curative effect. It is also used in treatment of vitamin C deficiency. Charmon Drops are also helpful in stimulation of appetite (hunger) resulting in increased capacity of children or infants to take food and hence increase in body weight.
Directions of use:
For infants about 5 – 10 drops two to three times a day should be taken and for children about 10 – 20 drops two to three times a day should be given or as suggested by physician.
Use under Medical supervision
Charmon Drop helps in providing daily Vitamin C requirement by body. Charmon drops is used in increasing immunity, showing curative effect. It is also used in treatment of vitamin C deficiency. Charmon Drops are also helpful in stimulation of appetite (hunger) resulting in increased capacity of children or infants to take food and hence increase in body weight.
Directions of use:
For infants about 5 – 10 drops two to three times a day should be taken and for children about 10 – 20 drops two to three times a day should be given or as suggested by physician.
Use under Medical supervision
Country of origin: India