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Fever Package Advanced (includes Dengue, Malaria & Typhoid Tests) in Gurgaon

Also known as Fever panel, Fever profile, Fever care package, Fever test package
Fever Package Advanced (includes Dengue, Malaria & Typhoid Tests) in Gurgaon Includes 49 testsView All
You need to provide
Blood, Urine
This test is for
Male, Female
Test Preparation
  1. Overnight fasting is preferred but not mandatory.
  2. Collect the urine sample in a sealed and sterile screw-capped container provided by our sample collection professional. Ensure that the urethral area (from where the urine is passed) is clean & the container doesn't come in contact with your skin. Women are advised not to give the sample during the menstrual period unless prescribed. You should submit all the required samples for this package at once during the scheduled sample collection.

Understanding Fever Package Advanced (includes Dengue, Malaria & Typhoid Tests) in Gurgaon

What is Fever Package Advanced (includes Dengue, Malaria & Typhoid Tests) in Gurgaon?

The Fever Package Advanced (includes Dengue, Malaria & Typhoid Tests) consists of a series of blood and urine tests that help screen the common potential causes of the fever such as dengue, malaria, typhoid, and urinary tract infection. It helps start the right treatment by detecting the potential health problems triggering the fever. 

What does Fever Package Advanced (includes Dengue, Malaria & Typhoid Tests) measure?

Contains 49 tests

The Fever Package Advanced (includes Dengue, Malaria & Typhoid Tests) is tailored to help detect the potential cause of your persistent fever. This package usually comprises a combination of blood and urine tests that help screen for illnesses such as dengue, malaria, typhoid, and urinary tract infections. It comprises dengue fever NS1 antigen test, malarial parasite identification test, widal test, typhidot IgG and IgM test, complete blood count test, SGOT (Serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase), SGPT (Serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase), and urine routine examination. Moreover, it includes a C-reactive protein (CRP) test and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) test which help identify the presence of inflammation in the body causing fever. Altogether these tests help find the specific infectious agent causing the fever and provide a comprehensive assessment of your health to guide appropriate treatment based on the identified cause of the fever. 

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ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate)

An ESR test measures the rate at which red blood cells (erythrocytes) settle (sediment) in one hour at the bottom of a tube that contains a blood sample.

When there is inflammation in the body, certain proteins, mainly fibrinogen, increase in the blood. This increased amount of fibrinogen causes the red blood cells to form a stack (rouleaux formation) that settles quickly due to its high density, leading to an increase in the ESR.

An ESR test is a non-specific measure of inflammation and can be affected by conditions other than inflammation. This test cannot identify the exact location of the inflammation in your body or what is causing it. Hence, an ESR test is usually performed along with a few other tests to identify or treat possible health concerns.

Know more about ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate)

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Dengue Fever NS1 Antigen, EIA

The Dengue Fever NS1 Antigen, EIA test measures the NS-1 protein of the dengue virus. This protein is secreted into the blood during the infection; hence, it can only be detected during the early stages of the illness. It is recommended to do the Dengue Fever NS1 Antigen, EIA test in the first 5 days of fever. After 7-10 days of continuous fever, the recommended test is Dengue fever antibodies IgG & IgM.

Dengue fever may progress to dengue hemorrhagic fever or dengue shock syndrome if left untreated. Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) includes variable manifestations like bleeding, vomiting blood, passing blood in the stool, difficulty breathing, and cold, clammy skin, especially in the extremities. If progressed, the virus may attack blood vessels, causing capillaries to leak fluid into the space around the lungs (pleural effusion) or the abdominal cavity (ascites).

Dengue shock syndrome (DSS) is a severe complication of dengue fever caused when the body's immune system overreacts to the dengue virus. It can lead to a sudden drop in blood pressure and dehydration; if not managed timely, it may lead to multiple organ failures. 

There is no specific treatment for dengue, but early diagnostic testing, such as the Dengue Fever NS1 Antigen, EIA test, can prevent the advancement of dengue to its complicated forms.

Know more about Dengue Fever NS1 Antigen, EIA

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CBC (Complete Blood Count)

The CBC (Complete Blood Count) test evaluates red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs}, and platelets. Each of these blood cells performs essential functions–RBCs carry oxygen from your lungs to the various body parts, WBCs help fight infections and other diseases, and platelets help your blood to clot–so determining their levels can provide significant health information. A CBC test also determines the hemoglobin level, a protein in RBC that carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of your body. Evaluating all these components together can provide important information about your overall health.

Know more about CBC (Complete Blood Count)

  • Hb (Hemoglobin)

  • An Hb (Hemoglobin) test measures the concentration of hemoglobin protein in your blood. Hemoglobin is made up of iron and globulin proteins. It is an essential part of RBCs and is critical for oxygen transfer from the lungs to all body tissues. Most blood cells, including RBCs, are produced regularly in your bone marrow. The Hb test is a fundamental part of a complete blood count (CBC) and is used to monitor blood health, diagnose various blood disorders, and assess your response to treatments if needed.

  • Platelet Count

  • The Platelet Count test measures the average number of platelets in the blood. Platelets are disk-shaped tiny cells originating from large cells known as megakaryocytes, which are found in the bone marrow. After the platelets are formed, they are released into the blood circulation. Their average life span is 7-10 days. 

    Platelets help stop the bleeding, whenever there is an injury or trauma to a tissue or blood vessel, by adhering and accumulating at the injury site and releasing chemical compounds that stimulate the gathering of more platelets. A loose platelet plug is formed at the site of injury and this process is known as primary hemostasis. These activated platelets support the coagulation pathway that involves a series of steps, including the sequential activation of clotting factors; this process is known as secondary hemostasis. After this step, there is a formation of fibrin strands that form a mesh incorporated into and around the platelet plug. This mesh strengthens and stabilizes the blood clot so that it remains in place until the injury heals. After healing, other factors come into play and break the clot down so that it gets removed. In case the platelets are not sufficient in number or not functioning properly, a stable clot might not form. These unstable clots can result in an increased risk of excessive bleeding. 

  • Total Leukocyte Count

  • The Total Leukocyte Count test measures the numbers of all types of leukocytes, namely neutrophil, lymphocyte, monocyte, eosinophil, and basophil, in your blood. Leukocytes or WBCs are an essential part of our immune system. These cells are produced in the bone marrow and defend the body against infections and diseases. Each type of WBC plays a unique role to protect against infections and is present in different numbers.

  • Hematocrit

  • The Hematocrit test measures the proportion of red blood cells (RBCs) in your blood as a percentage of the total blood volume. It is a crucial part of a complete blood count (CBC) and helps in assessing your blood health. RBCs are responsible for carrying oxygen from the lungs to different parts of the body. The hematocrit test provides valuable information about your blood's oxygen-carrying capacity.

    Higher-than-normal amounts of RBCs produced by the bone marrow can cause the hematocrit to increase, leading to increased blood density and slow blood flow. On the other hand, lower-than-normal hematocrit can be caused by low production of RBCs, reduced lifespan of RBCs in circulation, or excessive bleeding, leading to a reduced amount of oxygen being transported by RBCs. Monitoring your hematocrit levels is essential for diagnosing and managing various blood-related disorders.

  • Mean Corpuscular Volume

  • The Mean Corpuscular Volume test measures the average size of your red blood cells, which carry oxygen through your body. This test tells whether your RBCs are of average size and volume or whether they are bigger or smaller.

  • Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin

  • An MCH test measures the average amount of hemoglobin in a single red blood cell (RBC). Hemoglobin is an iron-containing protein in RBCs, and its major function is to transport oxygen from the lungs to all body parts. This test provides information about how much oxygen is being delivered to the body by a certain number of RBCs.

  • Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration

  • An MCHC test measures the average amount of hemoglobin in a given volume of RBCs. MCHC is calculated by dividing the amount of hemoglobin by hematocrit (volume of blood made up of RBCs) and then multiplying it by 100. 

  • Mean Platelet Volume

  • An MPV test measures the average size of the platelets in your blood. Platelets are disk-shaped tiny cells originating from large cells known as megakaryocytes, which are found in the bone marrow. After the platelets are formed, they are released into the blood circulation. Their average life span is 7-10 days. 

    Platelets help stop bleeding whenever there is an injury or trauma to a tissue or blood vessel by adhering and accumulating at the injury site, and by releasing chemical compounds that stimulate the gathering of more platelets. After these steps, a loose platelet plug is formed at the site of injury, and this process is known as primary hemostasis. These activated platelets support the coagulation pathway that involves a series of steps including the sequential activation of clotting factors; this process is known as secondary hemostasis. After this, there is a formation of fibrin strands that form a mesh incorporated into and around the platelet plug. This mesh strengthens and stabilizes the blood clot so that it remains in place until the injury heals. After healing, other factors come into play and break the clot down so that it gets removed. In case the platelets are not sufficient in number or are not functioning properly, a stable clot might not form. These unstable clots can result in an increased risk of excessive bleeding. 

  • PDW

  • The PDW test reflects variability in platelet size, and is considered a marker of platelet function and activation (clot formation in case of an injury). This marker can give you additional information about your platelets and the cause of a high or low platelet count. Larger platelets are usually younger platelets that have been recently released from the bone marrow, while smaller platelets may be older and have been in circulation for a few days. Higher PDW values reflect a larger range of platelet size, which may result from increased activation, destruction and consumption of platelets.

  • RDW CV

  • The RDW CV test which is part of red cell indices, helps identify characteristics of red blood cells. RDW (red cell distribution width) measures the variations in the sizes of red blood cells, indicating how much they differ from each other in a blood sample. RDW is expressed as RDW-CV, a coefficient of variation. A higher RDW may suggest more variation in red cell sizes, while a lower RDW indicates more uniform red cell sizes.

  • Differential Leukocyte Count

  • There are five types of WBCs: neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils. A Differential Leukocyte Count test measures the percentage of each type of WBC in the blood. Leukocytes or WBCs are produced in the bone marrow and defend the body against infections and diseases. Each type of WBC plays a unique role to protect against infections and is present in different numbers.

    This further contains

    • Differential Basophil Count
    • Differential Neutrophil Count
    • Differential Lymphocyte Count
    • Differential Monocyte Count
    • Differential Eosinophil Count
  • Absolute Leucocyte Count

  • The Absolute Leucocyte Count test measures the total number of white blood cells (leucocytes) in the given volume of blood. It examines different types of white blood cells such as neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, basophils and eosinophils. These cells tell about the status of the immune system and its ability to fight off infections and other conditions like inflammation, allergies, bone marrow disorders etc.

    This further contains

    • Absolute Eosinophil Count
    • Absolute Neutrophil Count
    • Absolute Basophil Count
    • Absolute Lymphocyte Count
    • Absolute Monocyte Count
  • Red Blood Cell Count

  • The Red Blood Cell Count test measures the total number of red blood cells in your blood. RBCs are the most abundant cells in the blood with an average lifespan of 120 days. These cells are produced in the bone marrow and destroyed in the spleen or liver. Their primary function is to help carry oxygen from the lungs to different body parts. The normal range of RBC count can vary depending on age, gender, and the equipment and methods used for testing.

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CRP (C-Reactive Protein), Quantitative

The CRP test measures the levels of C-reactive protein in your body. This test helps detect the presence of inflammation in the body. It is a non-specific test as it cannot diagnose a condition by itself or determine its exact location or cause. 

CRP is an acute phase reactant protein produced by the liver in response to an inflammation in the body. This inflammation may be due to tissue injury, infection, autoimmune diseases, or cancer. CRP levels are often increased before the onset of other symptoms of inflammation, such as pain, redness, fever, or swelling. These levels fall as the inflammation subsides.

Know more about CRP (C-Reactive Protein), Quantitative

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Malarial Parasite Identification

The Malarial Parasite Identification test is the standard test to diagnose malaria via microscopic examination of the blood sample of anyone with suspected malaria. A blood smear is prepared and then stained with Giemsa stain. This staining gives the malaria parasite a distinctive appearance under a microscope. The diagnosis is made by spotting the malaria parasite, its antigens, or its products in the smear. Thick smears help detect the presence of parasites while thin smears help detect the species of parasite.

Know more about Malarial Parasite Identification

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Widal Test (Slide Agglutination)

The Widal Test (Slide Agglutination) helps detect antibodies in the blood against typhoid-causing bacteria called Salmonella typhi.

Know more about Widal Test (Slide Agglutination)

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An SGPT test measures the amount of ALT or SGPT enzyme in your blood. ALT is most abundantly found in the liver but is also present in smaller amounts in other organs like the kidneys, heart, and muscles. Its primary function is to convert food into energy. It also speeds up chemical reactions in the body. These chemical reactions include the production of bile and substances that help your blood clot, break down food and toxins, and fight off an infection.

Elevated levels of ALT in the blood may indicate liver damage or injury. When the liver cells are damaged, they release ALT into the bloodstream, causing an increase in ALT levels. Therefore, the SGPT/ALT test is primarily used to assess the liver's health and to detect liver-related problems such as hepatitis, fatty liver disease, cirrhosis, or other liver disorders.

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An SGOT test measures the levels of serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT), also known as aspartate aminotransferase (AST), an enzyme produced by the liver. SGOT is present in most body cells, most abundantly in the liver and heart. The primary function of this enzyme is to convert food into glycogen (a form of glucose), which is stored in the cells, primarily the liver. The body uses this glycogen to generate energy for various body functions.

Know more about SGOT

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Urine R/M (Urine Routine & Microscopy)

The Urine R/M (Urine Routine & Microscopy) test involves gross, chemical, and microscopic evaluation of the urine sample.

  1. Gross examination: It involves visually inspecting the urine sample for color and appearance. Typically, the urine color ranges from colorless or pale yellow to deep amber, depending on the urine’s concentration. Things such as medications, supplements, and some foods such as beetroot can affect the color of your urine. However, unusual urine color can also be a sign of disease.

    In appearance, the urine sample may be clear or cloudy. A clear appearance is indicative of healthy urine. However, the presence of red blood cells, white blood cells, bacteria, etc., may result in cloudy urine, indicating conditions such as dehydration, UTIs, kidney stones, etc. Some other factors, such as sperm and skin cells, may also result in a cloudy appearance but are harmless.

  2. Chemical examination: It examines the chemical nature of the urine sample using special test strips called dipsticks. These test strips are dipped into the urine sample and change color when they come in contact with specific substances. The degree of color change estimates the amount of the substance present. Some common things detected include protein, urine pH, ketones, glucose, specific gravity, blood, bilirubin, nitrites, and urobilinogen.

  3. Microscopic examination: This involves the analysis of the urine sample under the microscope for pus cells, red blood cells, casts, crystals, bacteria, yeast. and other constituents.

Know more about Urine R/M (Urine Routine & Microscopy)

  • Bilirubin

  • Urobilinogen

  • Ketone

  • Nitrite

  • Colour

  • Appearance

  • Specific Gravity

  • Epithelial Cell

  • Casts

  • Crystals

  • Protein Urine

  • Ph for Urine

  • Urine Glucose

  • Blood

  • Bacteria

  • Yeast

  • Pus Cell

  • Red Blood Cells

  • Leucocyte Esterase

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Typhidot, IgG & IgM

A Typhidot, IgG & IgM test is an important diagnostic tool to diagnose typhoid fever. This test usually shows the infection within 2-3 days and detects IgM and IgG antibodies, illustrating a recent and a past infection respectively. When Salmonella typhi, the causative bacteria from typhoid, enters the body, your immune system, as a response, releases two types of antibodies (specific proteins), IgM and IgG, against the outer membrane protein of Salmonella typhi.

Know more about Typhidot, IgG & IgM

  • Typhi Dot IgG

  • The Typhi Dot IgG test is performed to detect the presence or absence of IgG antibodies against Salmonella typhi, the bacteria that causes typhoid fever. IgG antibodies are the most frequent type of antibody, which are developed at a later stage, usually 2-3 weeks after the virus invades the body and causes the infection, and it remains in the body for life. Thus, IgG antibodies indicate if an individual has been infected with typhoid.

  • Typhi Dot, IgM

  • The Typhi Dot, IgM test is an important and rapid diagnostic tool to diagnose typhoid fever. This test usually shows the typhoid infection within 2-3 days by detecting IgM antibodies, illustrating an active infection respectively. When Salmonella typhi enters the body, your immune system produces IgM antibodies as the body's first response of defense against the outer membrane protein of Salmonella typhi.

    IgM antibodies are usually present in higher concentrations shortly after infection before gradually decreasing and eventually disappearing. Therefore, a positive IgM test for Salmonella Typhi typically suggests a recent or acute infection.


Answers to Patient Concerns & Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Fever Package Advanced (includes Dengue, Malaria & Typhoid Tests) in Gurgaon

Frequently Asked Questions about Fever Package Advanced (includes Dengue, Malaria & Typhoid Tests) in Gurgaon

Q. What is the Fever Package Advanced (includes Dengue, Malaria & Typhoid Tests)?

The Fever Package Advanced (includes Dengue, Malaria & Typhoid Tests) is a combination of blood and urine tests that can help identify some common causes of fever like dengue, malaria, typhoid, infections or other illnesses. These tests are advised if the fever is persistent and the cause is not identified.

Q. What tests are included in the Fever Package Advanced (includes Dengue, Malaria & Typhoid Tests)?

The Fever Package Advanced (includes Dengue, Malaria & Typhoid Tests) includes 49 tests including ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate) test, Dengue Fever NS1 Antigen EIA test, CBC (Complete Blood Count) test, CRP (C-Reactive Protein) Quantitative test, Malarial Parasite Identification test, Widal Test (Slide Agglutination) test, SGPT test, SGOT test, Typhidot IgG & IgM test and Urine R/M (Urine Routine & Microscopy) test.

Q. When is the Fever Package Advanced (includes Dengue, Malaria & Typhoid Tests) performed?

The Fever Package Advanced (includes Dengue, Malaria & Typhoid Tests) is usually performed when a person experiences symptoms like sweating, chills and shivering, headache, muscle aches, loss of appetite, irritability, dehydration, and general weakness for more than two days.

Q. What is the role of the Complete Blood Count (CBC) test in the Fever Package Advanced (includes Dengue, Malaria & Typhoid Tests)?

The complete blood count (CBC) test in the Fever Package Advanced (includes Dengue, Malaria & Typhoid Tests) assesses various blood components. It helps identify abnormalities indicative of an infection. The CBC provides valuable information about the body’s immune response and aids in the diagnosis of fever.

Q. What is the role of the SGOT and SGPT test in the Fever Package Advanced (includes Dengue, Malaria & Typhoid Tests)?

The SGOT (AST) and SGPT (ALT) tests help assess liver function by measuring enzymes released into the blood when liver cells are damaged. In the context of fever, elevated levels of these enzymes can indicate liver involvement or damage due to infections, inflammatory conditions, or drug-induced liver injury, aiding in diagnosis and management.

Q. Do I need a doctor's prescription before taking the Fever Package Advanced (includes Dengue, Malaria & Typhoid Tests)?

No, you do not require any prescription before going for the Fever Package Advanced (includes Dengue, Malaria & Typhoid Tests). You can book this package at your convenience.

Q. Can I schedule the Fever Package Advanced (includes Dengue, Malaria & Typhoid Tests) online in Gurgaon near me?

Yes. In Gurgaon, you can schedule the Fever Package Advanced (includes Dengue, Malaria & Typhoid Tests) test near you with Tata 1mg Labs. The package is easy to book, cost-effective, and available with a comprehensive report.

Q. Is home sample collection facility available for the Fever Package Advanced (includes Dengue, Malaria & Typhoid Tests) in Gurgaon with Tata 1mg Labs?

Yes, home sample collection for the Fever Package Advanced (includes Dengue, Malaria & Typhoid Tests) is readily available in Gurgaon. Tata 1mg Labs allows you to choose a date and time that suits your schedule for sample collection.

Q. How can I schedule the Fever Package Advanced (includes Dengue, Malaria & Typhoid Tests) with Tata 1mg Labs in Gurgaon?

If you want to schedule the Fever Package Advanced (includes Dengue, Malaria & Typhoid Tests) with Tata 1mg Labs in Gurgaon, the procedure is fairly easy and hassle-free. Follow these steps to book a test: 1). Visit the Lab Tests section on the Tata 1mg website. 2). Add the test you want in the cart. 3). Pick a time and date slot according to your convenience; however, do consider the necessary prerequisites while scheduling a test. 4). You will receive a notification with all the details once the test is scheduled.

Q. What is the cost of the Fever Package Advanced (includes Dengue, Malaria & Typhoid Tests) at Tata 1mg Labs in Gurgaon?

Tata 1mg Labs is a pocket-friendly platform for booking lab tests in Gurgaon. The Fever Package Advanced (includes Dengue, Malaria & Typhoid Tests) is available at an affordable price of Rs. 1100.

Q. How long does Tata 1mg Labs take to give the reports of the Fever Package Advanced (includes Dengue, Malaria & Typhoid Tests) in Gurgaon?

At Tata 1mg Labs, we understand the importance of timely results. We strive to provide fast turnaround times for test results, allowing you to get the information you need promptly. On average, we take 18 hours to provide the reports of the Fever Package Advanced (includes Dengue, Malaria & Typhoid Tests) in Gurgaon.
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  2. Fernandez C, Beeching NJ. Pyrexia of unknown origin. Clin Med (Lond). 2018 Mar;18(2):170-174. [Accessed 25 Jun. 2024]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6303444/#:~:text=Introduction,1 External Link
  3. Balli S, Shumway KR, Sharan S. Physiology, Fever [Internet]. Treasure Island, Florida: StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan. [Accessed 25 Jun. 2024]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK562334/External Link
  4. El-Radhi AS. Fever management: Evidence vs current practice. World J Clin Pediatr. 2012 Dec 8;1(4):29-33. [Accessed 25 Jun. 2024]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4145646/ External Link
  5. Balli S, Shumway KR, Sharan S. Physiology, Fever. [Updated 2023 Sep 4]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan-. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK562334/ External Link
  6. El-Radhi AS. Fever in Common Infectious Diseases. Clinical Manual of Fever in Children. 2019 Jan 2:85–140. [Accessed 25 Jun. 2024]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7122655/ External Link
  7. Wrotek S, LeGrand EK, Dzialuk A, Alcock J. Let fever do its job: The meaning of fever in the pandemic era. Evol Med Public Health. 2020 Nov 23;9(1):26-35. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7717216/ External Link
  8. Fever [Internet]. Healthdirect; Feb. 2022 [Accessed 25 Jun. 2024]. Available from: https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/fever External Link

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