AIA - Anti HCV, Hbeag (Non-Fasting) near me in Hyderabad
Understanding AIA - Anti HCV, Hbeag (Non-Fasting) in Hyderabad
What is AIA - Anti HCV, Hbeag (Non-Fasting) in Hyderabad?
What does AIA - Anti HCV, Hbeag (Non-Fasting) measure?
Contains 2 testsHepatitis B e (Envelope) Antigen
Hepatitis C Antibody (HCV), Rapid Screening Test
An Hepatitis C Antibody (HCV), Rapid Screening Test test determines if HCV has infected you and helps your doctor guide your treatment. This is a rapid card based immunochromatographic test which is used for screening purposes only. A reactive result needs to be confirmed by other more specific NAT/ nucleic acid tests before final diagnosis.
HCV causes liver inflammation and is classified into acute hepatitis infection and chronic hepatitis infection.
Acute hepatitis C: This occurs in the first six months after exposure to the hepatitis C virus. In the early stage of the infection, acute hepatitis C is mild and may cause no symptoms. For this reason, most people do not know they have this infection.
Chronic hepatitis C: If your body cannot fight off the virus, you can develop a chronic hepatitis C infection. Progression from acute to chronic hepatitis C is common, occurring in 75-85% of patients. Detecting chronic hepatitis C early is important to prevent future complications, such as liver failure, and initiate effective treatment.
Know more about Hepatitis C Antibody (HCV), Rapid Screening Test