Nerve Health Check
Understanding Nerve Health Check
What is Nerve Health Check?
This package measures the level of Vitamin B12, potassium, calcium, Vitamin B9 and sodium in the blood. These are essential Vitamins and electrolytes that are necessary for the efficient functioning of the neurons.
What does Nerve Health Check measure?
Contains 5 testsSerum Calcium
The Serum Calcium test measures the levels of calcium in the body. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body; most of it is present in the bones and teeth, and the remaining portion (around 1%) is found in the blood. It is usually present in two forms in blood in about equal amounts: "bound calcium," which is attached to proteins in the blood, and "free calcium or ionized calcium," which is not attached to any protein.
The Serum Calcium test cannot be used to check for lack of calcium in your diet or osteoporosis (loss of calcium from bones) as the body can have normal calcium levels even in dietary calcium deficiency. Moreover, the body can normalize mild calcium deficiency by releasing the calcium stored in bones.
Know more about Serum Calcium
Vitamin B12
The Vitamin B12 test measures your vitamin B12 levels. Vitamin B12 is essential for various health aspects, such as maintaining a healthy nervous system, making red blood cells, and creating the genetic material of our cells. Low vitamin B12 levels are more likely to occur in older adults, children, vegans, vegetarians, people with diabetes, individuals who underwent gastric bypass surgery, women who are breastfeeding, and in conditions that impact absorption of this vitamin, like Crohn’s disease. Higher vitamin B12 levels seen in pateint on vitamin suplement does not need treatment as excessive vitamin B12 is usually removed through the urine. However, some conditions, such as liver diseases and myeloproliferative disorders, can cause an increase in vitamin B12 levels, thereby affecting blood cell production.
Know more about Vitamin B12
The Sodium test measures the amount of sodium in your body. Sodium is present in all body fluids and is found in the highest concentration in the extracellular fluid. The body absorbs the required amount of sodium through dietary salts, and the kidneys eliminate the remaining sodium. The body keeps your blood sodium within a regular and steady range by following three mechanisms:
By producing hormones that control the elimination of sodium through urine, such as natriuretic peptides and aldosterone.
By producing hormones that prevent water loss, such as antidiuretic hormone (ADH).
By controlling thirst (an increase in blood sodium level can make you thirsty and cause you to drink water, returning your sodium to normal).
These mechanisms regulate the amount of water and sodium in the body and control blood pressure by keeping the amount of water in check. When the sodium level in the blood changes, the water content in your body changes. These changes can be associated with dehydration, edema, and changes in blood pressure.
Know more about Sodium
The Potassium test measures the levels of potassium in your body. Potassium is one of the key electrolytes that helps in the functioning of the kidneys, heart, nerves, and muscles. It also balances the effect of sodium and helps keep your blood pressure normal. The body absorbs the required amount of potassium from the dietary sources and eliminates the remaining quantity through urine. Potassium level is typically maintained by the hormone aldosterone. Aldosterone acts on the nephrons present in the kidneys and activates the sodium-potassium pump that helps the body reabsorb sodium and excrete potassium. This aids in maintaining a regular and steady potassium level in the blood.
Know more about Potassium