TSL - Periodic Medical Examination (Center Visit) near me in Kolkata
Understanding TSL - Periodic Medical Examination (Center Visit) in Kolkata
What is TSL - Periodic Medical Examination (Center Visit) in Kolkata?
The TSL - Periodic Medical Examination (Center Visit) is a preventive health package tailored to monitor overall health and detect potential diseases and deficiencies early on. The package comprises pathology tests such as hemoglobin (Hb) test, platelet count test, total leukocyte count (TLC) test, blood group ABO & RH factor test, serum creatinine test, random blood sugar (RBS) test, and cholesterol total test. It also includes radiology tests like chest X-ray PA view, and pulmonary function test (PFT) along with an audiometry test and eye checkup. Additionally, it includes a medical examination report/consultation (for height, weight, blood pressure and body mass index). The results from the TSL - Periodic Medical Examination (Center Visit) help doctors make accurate diagnosis and formulate an overall treatment plan.
Note: The blood sample collection will be done at your home. For radiology tests, you need to visit your nearest Tata 1mg partnered lab facility. Please select the radiology test date other than the pathology test date, since completing both on the same day might be difficult.
What does TSL - Periodic Medical Examination (Center Visit) measure?
Contains 16 testsSerum Creatinine
The Serum Creatinine test measures the level of creatinine in the blood. Creatinine is a byproduct of muscles’ wear and tear during energy production. The kidneys remove it from the body by filtering it from the blood and releasing it into the urine. Therefore, blood creatinine levels indicate how well the kidneys are functioning in filtering and removing waste products from the blood. Generally, higher creatinine levels in the blood may indicate reduced kidney function, while lower levels may suggest decreased muscle mass.
Know more about Serum Creatinine
RBS (Random Blood Sugar)
An RBS (Random Blood Sugar) test is done to measure the levels of glucose at any time of the day. This test provides a speedy diagnosis of diabetes. It is also helpful in identifying diabetic patients who require a supplementary dose of insulin in case of an emergency.
Know more about RBS (Random Blood Sugar)
Hb (Hemoglobin)
An Hb (Hemoglobin) test measures the concentration of hemoglobin protein in your blood. Hemoglobin is made up of iron and globulin proteins. It is an essential part of RBCs and is critical for oxygen transfer from the lungs to all body tissues. Most blood cells, including RBCs, are produced regularly in your bone marrow. The Hb test is a fundamental part of a complete blood count (CBC) and is used to monitor blood health, diagnose various blood disorders, and assess your response to treatments if needed.
Know more about Hb (Hemoglobin)
Platelet Count
The Platelet Count test measures the average number of platelets in the blood. Platelets are disk-shaped tiny cells originating from large cells known as megakaryocytes, which are found in the bone marrow. After the platelets are formed, they are released into the blood circulation. Their average life span is 7-10 days.
Platelets help stop the bleeding, whenever there is an injury or trauma to a tissue or blood vessel, by adhering and accumulating at the injury site and releasing chemical compounds that stimulate the gathering of more platelets. A loose platelet plug is formed at the site of injury and this process is known as primary hemostasis. These activated platelets support the coagulation pathway that involves a series of steps, including the sequential activation of clotting factors; this process is known as secondary hemostasis. After this step, there is a formation of fibrin strands that form a mesh incorporated into and around the platelet plug. This mesh strengthens and stabilizes the blood clot so that it remains in place until the injury heals. After healing, other factors come into play and break the clot down so that it gets removed. In case the platelets are not sufficient in number or not functioning properly, a stable clot might not form. These unstable clots can result in an increased risk of excessive bleeding.
Know more about Platelet Count
Total Leukocyte Count
The Total Leukocyte Count test measures the numbers of all types of leukocytes, namely neutrophil, lymphocyte, monocyte, eosinophil, and basophil, in your blood. Leukocytes or WBCs are an essential part of our immune system. These cells are produced in the bone marrow and defend the body against infections and diseases. Each type of WBC plays a unique role to protect against infections and is present in different numbers.
Know more about Total Leukocyte Count
Blood Group ABO & Rh Factor
The Blood Group ABO & Rh Factor determines your blood type and Rh factor. Healthcare providers can ensure compatibility and prevent adverse reactions during medical interventions by identifying an individual's blood type and Rh factor. This test is essential for various medical procedures, including blood transfusions, organ transplants, and prenatal care.
Know more about Blood Group ABO & Rh Factor
Cholesterol - Total
The Cholesterol - Total test measures the total amount of cholesterol (fats) in your blood. Cholesterol is mainly synthesized in the liver and partially in the intestines. It acts as a building block for cell membranes, is a precursor to vital hormones, and helps produce bile acids that help digest fats. Cholesterol is transported through the blood as lipoproteins: low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL). An optimal amount of these proteins is necessary for proper body functioning.
Know more about Cholesterol - Total
X - Ray Chest PA View
The X - Ray Chest PA View measures various aspects of the chest’s internal structures, including the size, shape, and position of the heart, lungs, and surrounding structures. It can reveal abnormalities such as fluid in the lungs, infections, tumors, or changes in the diaphragm. This imaging test assesses the overall health of the respiratory and cardiovascular system. It allows doctors to detect conditions such as pneumonia, tuberculosis, chronic lung diseases, heart enlargement, or chest injuries.
Know more about X - Ray Chest PA View
Blood Pressure (Diastolic)
Eye check-up
Blood Pressure (Systolic)
Medical Examination Report/Consultation (HT, WT, BP, BMI )
Pulmonary Function Tests at Center
The Pulmonary Function Tests at Center measures various aspects of lung performance to assess how well your lungs are working. These diagnostic tests evaluate lung volumes, capacities, and flow rates by having you breathe into a spirometer or other specialized equipment. They measure how much air you can inhale and exhale, how quickly you can blow air out, and how efficiently your lungs transfer oxygen into the blood and remove carbon dioxide. The results help doctors diagnose and monitor respiratory conditions like asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and other lung disorders, providing critical information for developing effective treatment plans.
Know more about Pulmonary Function Tests at Center