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X - Ray Orthopantomagram (OPG) near me in Agra
Also known as Orthopantomogram
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Understanding X - Ray Orthopantomagram (OPG) in Agra
What is X - Ray Orthopantomagram (OPG) in Agra?
An Orthopantomogram (OPG) X-ray is a two-dimensional, panoramic dental X-ray which is commonly used in dental practice. An OPG X-ray uses a single film to capture the teeth, jawbones, and surrounding structures. The X-ray helps diagnose dental problems and assist in planning procedures such as pre-implant evaluation and trauma.
It reveals the number, position, and growth of all the teeth, including those that have broken or not yet surfaced. This test helps dentists to diagnose various conditions like sinusitis, tooth decay, jaw tumors, and oral cancer.
The X-ray OPG is a noninvasive and safe test that uses a small amount of radiation.
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