ANA/ENA 18 Antigens, Qualitative Profile, Blot/LIA near me in Visakhapatnam
Understanding ANA/ENA 18 Antigens, Qualitative Profile, Blot/LIA in Visakhapatnam
What is ANA/ENA 18 Antigens, Qualitative Profile, Blot/LIA in Visakhapatnam?
Available at an affordable price in Visakhapatnam with Tata 1mg labs, an ANA/ENA 18 Antigens, Qualitative Profile, Blot/LIA detects specific antibodies or proteins called Antinuclear antibodies (ANAs) or autoantibodies. These antibodies, produced by the immune system, mistakenly attack healthy cells and tissues, leading to autoimmune disorders. This profile helps in diagnosing various autoimmune conditions, including systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), Sjogren's syndrome, Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), Scleroderma, and other connective tissue disorders.
This profile analyzes a panel of 18 antigens, including those associated with Extractable Nuclear Antigens (ENA), offering insights into the autoimmune response. Once ANA positivity is established, further testing with an ENA panel may be warranted using a method called line immunoassay (LIA) to qualitatively analyze antibodies against 18 specific antigens associated with autoimmune disorders. By identifying specific antigens associated with various autoimmune disorders, an ANA/ENA 18 Antigens, Qualitative Profile, Blot/LIA helps in categorizing and understanding the nature of the autoimmune response in an individual’s body. Overnight fasting of 8 to 12 hours is required for this test. However, drinking water is acceptable.
What does ANA/ENA 18 Antigens, Qualitative Profile, Blot/LIA measure?
Contains 18 testsAn ANA/ENA 18 Antigens, Qualitative Profile, Blot/LIA helps screen autoantibodies in the blood of an individual. These antibodies react with proteins present inside the nucleus of the cell and cause autoimmune disorders.
An ANA/ENA 18 Antigens, Qualitative Profile, Blot/LIA examines 18 different antigens, helping identify patterns related to autoimmune diseases. This comprehensive test helps in the diagnosis of conditions like Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Sjogren’s Syndrome, mixed connective tissue disorders, or other autoimmune disorders by assessing the immune system’s activity and detecting the specific antibodies that may indicate an autoimmune response.
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Answers to Patient Concerns & Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about ANA/ENA 18 Antigens, Qualitative Profile, Blot/LIA in Visakhapatnam
Frequently Asked Questions about ANA/ENA 18 Antigens, Qualitative Profile, Blot/LIA in Visakhapatnam
Q. Why is the purpose of an ANA/ENA 18 Antigens, Qualitative Profile, Blot/LIA?
Q. Why is an ANA/ENA 18 Antigens, Qualitative Profile, Blot/LIA done?
Q. Is there any risk associated with an ANA/ENA 18 Antigens, Qualitative Profile, Blot/LIA?
Q. Can I schedule an ANA/ENA 18 Antigens, Qualitative Profile, Blot/LIA online in Visakhapatnam near me?
Q. Is home sample collection facility available for an ANA/ENA 18 Antigens, Qualitative Profile, Blot/LIA in Visakhapatnam with Tata 1mg Labs?
Q. How can I schedule an ANA/ENA 18 Antigens, Qualitative Profile, Blot/LIA with Tata 1mg Labs in Visakhapatnam?
Q. What is the cost of an ANA/ENA 18 Antigens, Qualitative Profile, Blot/LIA at Tata 1mg Labs in Visakhapatnam?
Q. How long does Tata 1mg Labs take to give the reports of an ANA/ENA 18 Antigens, Qualitative Profile, Blot/LIA in Visakhapatnam?
Book a ANA/ENA 18 Antigens, Qualitative Profile, Blot/LIA test at home near me